tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Those were the days my friend –when men were men and women knew what to do --they sang and pranced and made romance and even made families too

Those were the days my friend –when men were men and women knew what to do --they sang and pranced and made romance and even made families too

daaa daaa da daa daa da ---what a perspective!! To have the ability of long life and family

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

Those were the days my friend –when men were men and women knew what to do --they sang and pranced and made romance and even made families too---daaa daaa da daa daa da  ---what a perspective!! To have the ability of long life and family 

  We knew then what we were and now we have been made to be broken down to a level of HU man---or a beast to be experimented on to be harvested to have a gender identity crisis—its  become so insane  that the facts of life have become—intangible to a point that the very fabric of controlling genetics is become an obsession—the  changing of people through experimentation and then harvesting organs  has been a contradiction in the design of creation and it would appear in so many ways  --wonder what happened to the idea that  having families was a good thing til the eugenist came along and  decided that life was to be controlled and regulated--- then we have the new and improved sentience  we now are dealing with another life form---something that can identify itself –I think therefore I am—that statement has some interesting characteristics!!!!  Soo what happened?? We got distracted and fell asleep at the wheel ---and here we are today—Now we are nanoreproducing---not replication---reproducing synthetic life and this was started about 6-7 years ago with carbon and silica  and now today   imagine that we have a replacement standing in the wings and with everyone signing on to vote ---the dna access is made easier---so now we are in a time that people are replaceable and can be modified  andddd if the need arise to reproduce a whole new species---seems like everytime the science ---the religion of the day- develops something to make our lives easier it appears it takes over---ever notice the correlation---  Here s part of the reason why  we are where we are--  some where some place in the UN ---notice when I say that every time something is supposed to make out lives easier usually takes over ---well the UN and its policies took over and it also appears they enacted a lot of there ideas in the USA and Canada---where people who were directed to go to the west became a experiment of dispensible people ---and it also appears that in the USA and Canada they are looking for more new test subjects ---ergo the invasion through texas and the open door invasion in Canada done by this governance we have has allowed all the imports in to be now the new export-

--Lets face it  the bioweapon warp sped through out the world is still killing people and with the targeting of people with EMR assaults and causing further break down---the SCIENCE is running out of test subjects in the west and now the government is importing more in to continue the barrage of experiments---Does it make sense from any stand point that  we will give members of a group being brought in the country (s) that would be funded with huge amounts of money and not help the common citizen that needs the assistance ???

Welcome to the west---where you will get nothing but the best—the best delusions---the best illusions—the quickest way to the grave---after they burn you out as a slave—the best exploitations  after there multiple experimentations—wonder why people get high? So you don’t really  seem them Cry---so come one come all –this place will be  a ball—and if  you have kids today –say a boy or a girl that play—they wont be exempt  of the test ---you have to remember they will get the best—transforming them to an opposite sex---and you wont be able to  say no or text---if you don’t comply with the lie they will take you somewhere you can die—it maybe done in the shade ---something they invented called MAID!!! This  has been the eugenist wet dream to make everyone destitute---and all that we are seeing today is madness and chaos that the WEF/UN ---it would appear the UN was sold to the WEF ---and some how we paid for it –in more ways then one---so think about this for a sec ---what happens when a institution no longe has viability---out dated and new and improved fascilities are more efficient and more effective in destroying countries and communities---converting them to something that’s not by design---what happens to those places? Usually a demolition – a removal of a established fascility and replaced with …. Anything!! To further this agenda we are seeing  people getting targetted from each other in various ways by being in contact with people emitting frequencies from there bodies causing a genetic or freq assault on people all about them  as well as there tech

This to is another form of eugenics by the corrupting of the dna with EMR and other damages to the body---we have just witnessed a horrific freq assault in lebanon whereby the people who wore pagers had been activated  with severe burns—this would be the result of causing a lithium battery to explode---if you have ever smashed or dropped a cell phone you can see the damage and feel the heat that exceeds the melting point of steel---so then what happens when the EMR hits you from multiple directions to youre Genes—DNA –Chromosomes—usually destructive and then passed on to the next generation ---IF there is one due to the damage

Then there s the govt---passing bills ( notice the term bill---is this something you owe money to and needs to be paid??) in the tune of millions of dollars and even billions without any discernment and for useless projects which the money will now flow into there pockets  ---when money is being spent on things we don’t need or have absolutely no real use then wheres the money going??? It appears we have foreign nationals that ok d the bill ---so is the money going back to there ban accounts in the country of origin where no one can see the volume of currency stolen from tax payers??? This to is a form of eugenics an the law makers pass laws so you re forced to continue in self robbery by these unethical law makers ---a vicious circle

This is what happens in CANADONE when you exercise youre rights to speak out against an atrocity that the governmet is perpetrating taking there ordes froma  foreign national overseas ---which doesn’t give a shit about Canadian interest!!! SO we can see the difference today as to what was yesteryear in regard to whats being valued today—in regard to life and People---what we have today is desperately out of touch with reality and what it meant to be alive----the progression or the evolution –or developments we are seeing is all leading to Anti Life---nothing is going to be alive---it s will exist—it will be sentient ---but it will be at best a operating system running a program---I think ---in my perspective that God sent down here many prophets and even his own son –Jesus---to free us from this programming---it seems to me when you read and observe the content of the New Testament its all about being free of the program---if you look at all of this today with the onslaught of regulations---dictates—policies-treaties---laws---regulations ( especially this ---since everyone thinks regulations are laws when in reality they aren t) mandates ( again not laws –a regulation that is totally voluntary) it all leads to one trap after another---and which ever way you go in this matrix this is the form of subjugating you to comply with any lie they want you to obey ---in the end it leads to eugenics ---

More solutions and resolutions

Another means to clear the blood and cells and tissues  after disengagement


Rosemary protects and restores testes exposed to radiation  making teas with this can have a multitude of sustained support and recovery---  for a plethora of things  --heres another one---- Rosmarinus officinalis extracts efficiently protected against bacterial mutagensNQNO and IQ.  The extracts protected human cells against ROS-inducing agent, t-BOOH.  The extracts protected human cells against indirect mutagens, BaP and PhIP.  The mechanisms of protection involve the modulation of cellular antioxidant responses and the effects on bioactivation and detoxification of xenobiotics.

Access to different types of water and what they really are??? If anyone tells you some waters chelate minerals then either they are ignorant or trying to sell you a device or a concept that has no bearing in fact--- a chelate is a protein or some other element that binds with metals and can either deliver a metal ( or mineral) through the body or remove it-Chelate, any of a class of coordination or complex compounds consisting of a central metal atom attached to a large molecule, called a ligand, --what water does is dissolve minerals and makes them more soluble—its what rain water does ( or used to since it to is loaded with nano pollutants and bio matter)and rain water is a distiled water same as the dew sooo understanding the current epigenetics and environment  will give you the best informed choice you have to make in regard to water---

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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-