tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Now ladies and Gentlemen -boys and girls ---man and women—HU man—trans--step right this way for the greatest disinformation yet to be revealed -are you ready to be drowning in the flow of the eddy!!

Now ladies and Gentlemen -boys and girls ---man and women—HU man—trans--step right this way for the greatest disinformation yet to be revealed -are you ready to be drowning in the flow of the eddy!!

Well well well the nicotine that’s been a fiend is now some ones nightmarish dream---and they want you to share in the nightmare because youre about to be manipulated again!!!

Support – is always appreciated—and want to continue to remind everyone deal direct and keep the prying eyes away from what we do in our lives—--if supporting this Audio- Post  please send emails to instruct what to do and here s how you go direct

"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

 Now ladies and Gentlemen ---boys and girls ---man and women—HU man—trans---step right this way for the greatest disinformation yet to be revealed ---are you ready to be drowning in the flow of the eddy!!! Well well well the nicotine that’s been a fiend is now some ones nightmarish dream---and they want you to share in the nightmare because youre about to be manipulated again!!!—ever wonder what did they just alter with genetics in the tobacco??  I mean after all these years  and warnings and TV ads about the dangers of tobacco and the demon NICOTINE!!! How many people died fro the fake vax and took the gene editing hoax??? And then how many   of them smoked???  According to the stats there are over 1.1 billion people who smoke on the planet---up to 25% in the usa alone ---and the death tolls just from this alone  1.1 billion The number of smokers worldwide has  increased to 1.1 billion in 2019, with tobacco smoking causing 7.7 million deaths – including 1 in 5 deaths in males worldwide. So with the high risk of tobacco death we are seeing how is it that the fake news on the Gene editing bio weapon is going to save the day???hmmm want to see whats realy going on—the fraudsters are at it again---HANnnGGggG oNnn toooooO your walleTTtttTT!!!!!  Ooooo OHHhhhHHhhh!!! Another one bites the dust and another one and another one---

OOoooo NOOooo!!!! More subterfuge---more sabotage---more screwing you out of your dollars to waste on medicants that wont stop this ---more sales on zeolites and methylene and nanosilver—and adya clarity and silica---and magic wands shooting activating freq ---more c 60 to the rescue and nOWwwwwWWW Nictotine ---wooo wooo ---Now will nicotine stop nano assembly NO!!!! the tech will adapt and make  new connections with the new added material it will morph the nicotine— this will exemplify what happens

 will herbolgy stop nano assembly  --No—will Borax and Vinegar stop nano assembly  ( one of the worst BS spoken ) NO---will vitamins stop nano assembly—NO--- Anything and everything can be utilized by this nano operating system and can make nano naterials and create new ones what does stop nano assembly ---erasing of the program---emp—high static discharge—spike charge-----why does it stop the  self assemblying and replication ---because you have erased the program that initiates once its activated---the particles will carry out the procedures to self ---self replicate---self repair---this strongly shows a function—which once its disengaged stops this and allows to be disengaged and removed through the protocols---Nowww if you have the injections of the moderna and or the Pfizer these have a higher gain of function and are a dual operating systems one genetic the other nanotech---in order to disengage this you would need to disengage both operating systems at the same time so one cant reboot the other---and no one other then a few people in the world ---I included are seeing this---the brazilan disinformation group that  has conveniently popped up again are again in error ---they were in error on the graphene---and now propagating another misinformation of tobacco!!!

As you can see if you have either a graphene ( graphite as well) or bismuth the magnet in the middle repels not attracts---so if there is something attracting then its either a supra magnetic –paramagnetic or a ferromagnetic ---makes you wonder with the blunder!!! So if this is a continuation of inaccuracy how then can they offer an real straight on solutions---I smell $$$$$ for more fake solutions to be sold by the pharma health food industry with nanomaterials to further upload you into the world of tech ---as nanobiotech---wooo wooo don’t you just love it ---you are one with the machine OOOooooOMmmmMMMmm---One with the Universe---the universal deception---that if it comes from the medical field its all a lie!!!!---- OooooOOo SAyyyyYYYyy it isn’t  SOoooOOOoooO---then the next phase is to get the GP to get the next wave of BS so they can further integrate the great oneness---the great inclusiveness---if this doent kill you but put you in perpetual pain CANADONE has a solution for Y O U ---called organ harvesting---under the name of M urder A ssisted I n D eath!!!! And coming to America and a state ( of madness) near Y O U !!!  in Amerika!!!! Land of the sweat that All leads to assisted death!!!

Welcome to Canada eh!!! OHHH wait  Welcome to Amerika the land  that will set you free---free of your life---free of your organs---free to be harvested---free to be sent to war and fight other countries battles ---free to be over taxed---free to be a slave!!! OOoooO  wait this is also true for Canadone and the rest of the commonwealth!!! Its happenin!!! The interesting thing as well ---we have been so thoroughly distracted that theres been a constant exploiting  on how to use freq to subdue and subvert people into control---its been going on since the 50s in both canadone and slaverika has been on going in Quebec and Michigan with Mkultra experiments!!!!! 

 when you hear RFK speaking on the topics---irrespective of your stand  or your opinion of him what hes saying here can all be validated and discovered ---the new age movement came from this MKULTRA experiment--- A lot of things we believe today in the media also came from the New Age movement and has spun reality in ways you weren’t supposed to have been involved in ---but the only way this could get us to where we are today is to strip away what was real or what is real and give us a comic book reality—and the same thing as well is that no one in leadership ever expressed the reality of life---instead of learning about the genetics of life and why we shouldn’t have been wandering about like wild animals and utilized our bodies correctly we were given a narrative that wasn’t at all in line with life but rather convenience---

and now today we are debating if a women has a right to choose life---it would appear to me you already made that choice when you engaged some one genetically---but this was the intent ---another form of harvesting---a throw away society with a throw away life policy!!! As I was listening to this for them 13 min mark up ---he makes 3 things revealed---17:49 mark it begins ---Any power the govt takes from the people---it will never return Voluntarily---are you reading this OoooOOO canadone---theres more the more power the govt takes from Us the more it will abuse to the ultimate extent in cruelty as possible---andddd  Nobody complied there way out of a totalitarian system----YOU getting this oOoo canadone!!!!

 They got you swallowing pills to replace memories --Biometrics technologies breed skynet enemies Zombies with chip implants palm scanned on demand--Tech revolution utopian prison the plan But yall want it so bad manipulation mutation--Fall for anything called change with new faces Police state of robots, spaceships dudes faceless---They got you coastin like zombies -It's mind control They got you voting for warlords-It's mind control-They got you stuck in a cycle-It's mind control-They got you plotting a murder-It's mind control-They all work for enslavement-It's mind control-They all die for the system-It's mind control-They all promised the same shit-It's mind control-They all die for the system-It's mind control---

 And to further the conditioning of people with Mind control ---the lobalist who want total distraction of everyones life  now is raising issues in regard to cell phone accessibility in school!!!  this is another tactic of the system to keep everyone stupid and in regard to the education system everyone  who has a functioning brain cell even one know that the education system is useless and there is no educating but rather a mind control indoctrination on how to be a submissive droid we can see today even the AI integrating into the lives of people who use the tech more and more and more are becoming less and less mentally---gravitating more and more to the MKULTRA program that are everywhere –and that concept is escaping reality for so many people who still think and trust the system---see what happens when you lose the ability to think!!!??

You allow oneself to be totally dominated by technology---genetics –and freq ---who coordinates these operations flawlessly QAI  ---all being done right under there noses---all being done in plain site---and yet the acknowledgement of this is unreported –not realized ---an the fractal spiraling of life continues on the road to extinction---Well Done!!!—The most infuriating of all of this---is those who do see and acknowledge ---and have realized that this is ongoing—have to tolerate this shit—the lies of Science—the lies of Medicines---the lies of bureaucracy—the Lies of Religions—the lies of programming---and a lot of this is showing up in the frustrations of people who look at those who don’t even want to see---Dinngggg dinggggggggg Cell phone is ringing You got me on the run!!!! So then ask the question who s in control---who is real in control—Back in the 60 s -70 s pharmaceutical drugs took over ---Open Your Mind!!!  Was the mantra Now  it s more like Get Connected ---so we can tell you what to do to follow this gestalt---be a drone for the hive---at the end of it all ---the finale will be recycling youre dna so the QAI and thee will be forever You see!!!  AN here is how you re monitoring is done an eventually most people will accept this in the name of Safety

Solutions that may be beneficial---if theirs modifications its because we are in 2024  not in 1824 --- so am bringing it up to speed –


A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with pesticides wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much pesticide remained in it. He raised the cover and lit his lighter; the vapors inflamed and engulfed him. He jumped from his truck, screaming. His neighbor came out of her house with a dozen eggs, yelling: "bring me some eggs!" She broke them, separating the whites from the yolks. The neighbor woman helped her to apply the whites on the young man's face. When the ambulance arrived and when the EMTs saw the young man, they asked who had done this. Everyone pointed to the lady in charge. They congratulated her and said: "You have saved his face." By the end of the summer, the young man brought the lady a bouquet of roses to thank her. His face was like a baby's skin.

Healing Miracle for burns:

Keep in mind this treatment of burns which is included in teaching beginner fireman this method. First aid consists to spraying cold water on the affected area until the heat is reduced and stops burning the layers of skinThen, spread egg whites on the affected are. One woman burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. In spite of the pain, she ran cold faucet water on her hand, separated 2 egg white from the yolks, beat them slightly and dipped her hand in the solution. The whites then dried and formed a protective layer.--She later learned that the egg white is a natural collagen and continued during at least one hour to apply layer upon layer of beaten egg white. By afternoon she no longer felt any pain and the next day there was hardly a trace of the burn. 10 days later, no trace was left at all and her skin had regained its normal colorThe burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the collagen in the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins.

Recipe for burns---take lavender essential oil and mix in lard---if there is a serious accident then you can swab this on an area to cool of the fire and heal the burn—utilize 1 oz per  1lb of lard and mix it in well---you can melt it down in a container and allow to sit iin hot water til it softens then either with a wisk or a mixer mix the lard and lavender together                                        

Recipe 2 Brain Support Nootropic Recipe

Nootropics are substances that enhance the efficiency of brain activity from memory –analytical thinking-creative thinking—communication between brain cells—neurol networking throughout the body-Brain Health and Support---what we are going to do is to take Rosemary and Sage in equal weight and put into a blender we are going to add Coffee Bean ( or instant) as well 1-2 tablespoon –and we are going to initially grind these together in a powder and then when powdered down  -when done add to glass jar and consume –straight up in the morning with an egg breakfast with potato ( remember eggs are brain foods)—will see the brain receptors ( over time) improve in memory—dreaming---and coordination---level of alertness will improve as well—as a option you can as well add the essential oil of rosemary and the essential oil of sage and bay leaf to this at about 3 drops ---even thyme ( which increases DHA production) blend til the Essential oils are saturated into the mix –do this at the beginning of the stage can add to youre morning coffee

Nootropic Comboing—here are some things to try—

Piracetam 300 mgs + Choline 150mg+ DMAE 150mgs—

Another combo would be to take Sulbatiamine  200 mgs+ Piracetam 500 mgs + Centrophoxine 250---this will cause increase brain energy and alertness and preserve the Acetylcholine  as well

B12 2000 fermented in 2 oz of yogurt  + choline 1 gram and  inositol  1 gram  or liposomed in 2 0z sunflower lecithin or eggyolk lecithin

Coffee ( 1 cup or  1 tsp of the solution you just made ) + peppermint and bayleaf  essential oil 1 drop in the coffee---extreme alertness and clarity for the brain

Pyritrinol 200 mgs + Sulbatiamine 200 mgs + Piracetam 500mgs ---this increase the antioxidant levels in the brain a well as the bette utilization of glucose for brain energy

Egg Yolk or Sunflower Lecithin 1/5tsp 2-3 times a day+ Wheat Germ Oil 1 tsp 2  + CQ10 30-100mg or Idebenone 100mgs 2 times a day  regeneration the Myelin sheath around the brain and other cells—increased oxygen and acetylcholine as well antioxidant support for the fats being used

Teas with Rosemary + Sage + Thyme + Bay Leaf—in equal weight in 2 pints ( litres) of distilled or reverse osmosis water will as well preserve the brain cells and as well increase the antioxidant elements throughout the body

Other herbs that are a good choice would be Rhodiola 500mgs ( with the right ratio of saldrosoides and rosavins ) + rosemary 500mgs + niacinamide 500

Another thing to consider as well is Iodine ( lugols 5mg strenght)+ tyrosine 500mgs + selenium 1000mcgs may have an anti depressing element as well

Nootropic minerals are B12 ( blue cobalt 2000mcg usually fermented in yogurt) Zinc 30 mg ( adult strength child half) copper ( chlorophyll form ) 1 tsp—Boron 10-20 mgs for adult  kids 5 mg—Phosphorus ( either IP6 or \SFL 0r a Phosphorus supplement

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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
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