tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
The hack and the mindless are all now in a mono brain-the QAI serpent beast system one mind –one connect-one network where the inclusivity of everything is a norm and the QAI with V2K issues the

The hack and the mindless are all now in a mono brain-the QAI serpent beast system one mind –one connect-one network where the inclusivity of everything is a norm and the QAI with V2K issues the

commands and orders to initiate the plans and the continuance of the assimilation of mankind—the SIN program that was embrace

Support – is always appreciated—and want to continue to remind everyone deal direct and keep the prying eyes away from what we do in our lives—--if supporting this Audio- Post  please send emails to instruct what to do and here s how you go direct

"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

  The hack and the mindless are all now in a mono brain-the QAI serpent beast system one mind –one connect-one network where the inclusivity of everything is a norm and the QAI with V2K issues the commands and orders to initiate the plans and the continuance of the assimilation of mankind—the SIN program that was embraced –the Insertion of the operating system linking human ( not man) to there quantum systems 

The theme here as well is how QAI is also infilling eevryones thoughts and concepts and perceptions as to the scheduled programming---what some will call prophecy while others will call this predictive programming---either way its inescapable whats to come and is here and is progressing---some believe we can still stop it!!—I would say if you can t hold back the forces of an avalanche –that’s 99.9999% of the way to termination of an area then perhaps you have a chance but when we really look at all that has transpired and all the momentum of the function and game plan that has been on going in the last century alone and we are right back to the 1920s repeating the same scenario with the same audacity buttttttttttt with better toys that make noise ---with a more elaborate intelligence—and more sophistication in the network of the world –synced into the state of oblivion---then you will have to restructure youre thinking!!!!---here we have Lucifer showing us his intent---how many of you are paying attention---or are you over looking the message  because its a cartoon??? See we are at the same stage as other cultures that utilized meme writing and gif imagery to convey and communicate messages—the languages of the past weren t a sophistication but programming utilizing what we are using today in computers ---gifs—jpegs—png s –etc---and use shortcuts with the keyboard ---BRB—LOL--- etc—sooo PAY ATTENTION nothing new under the sun---its all recycled---

Here we see Russia dead and anything connected to it  with chemical and biological warfare---complete destruction of the country---we also see just previously the west completely wiped of the face of the earth as well---so is this just a concept—a theory---or is it whats on the horizon as planned by the dark forces to terminate the planet!!!???

Reshape it in the image of the god of this planet—and then perhaps what we are seeing is the end of everything from before---old covenants ---old treaties---old agreements that have been put into place at different times of our evolution that are no longer needed in the New World to come---a new agreement with God the Creator –Through the monarchy set forth ---the Kingdom of God is at hand ruled By Jesus –who for some reason people think in terms of religion---what we are all witnessing is the celestial war in the heavens and its here as well---the final end of the dethroning of all that has held us back from evolving---but there are some who still feel they need to be indentured to a system that has full say over everything and will not surrender there power that easy—and in fact resist this to the end---the finale—the kingdom of hell is tumbling---and no amount of deception---falsehoods—or nontruths will preserve it--- Now then where do we fit into the picture in all of this since we are the main event—you re being assimilated into the TV screen for the simplistic terms ---you are being animated—in so many ways  and its so obvious that you don’t realize you re in the Truman show being  experimented in the petri dish with constant stimuli to antagonize a reaction or a situation---and its constant ---frequency assaults---how would you know?? Ever walk down the street---sitting somewhere—driving – being somewhere—doing something---and all of  a sudden out of Nowhere you feel a sharp stabbing pain ---a sharp spiked hit---a sparkly shock---a vibration that seems hyper velocity—a pain –a stunned penetration---a head shot—body shot ---a high rapping or tapping –a riveting hit—extreme hit elevation—a sustained heat ---these are all particle beams and at different volumes –rate of speed or intensity---

Targeted Justice Newsletter
Illegal laser tracking & surveillance
This cell tower has an Infrared laser used for tracking. Grossly illegal…
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The more protons that are packed into the beam, the more interactions they have with the target----Lower-energy interactions can have long-term, negative impacts on a target, building up heat energy inside it. As the target material rises in temperature, it becomes more vulnerable to cracking. Expanding warm areas hammer against cool areas, creating waves of energy that destabilize its structure---

 Some of the effect s you may feel  as a result being hit with such a weapon and with the impact and velocity you can have the effect of the pain can last for weeks depending on the persons ability to recover— Remember for the longest time –anyone born from the 50 s to the current  times are all loaded with tech—and it was loaded many different ways ---from the time before birth when moms were eating and breatheing and drinking  foods and beverages and breatheing in ultrafine particles ( nanoparticulates) to the exposure of freq( even then they were but to a lesser degree then today ) and then later with the introduction GMO s that had to be exposed to round up to activate them---this to is a form of programming into the genetics of people the activation of the dna that also transfers to the embryo that now will have had its DNA altered to the microwaves from the MW s and other devices of the times which today is using transmissions right through the air—the DNA after so many decades maybe irreversibly damaged –

mutations may have altered the design and function of things that should be working but isn’t doing what its supposed to be doing since it may have been turned off orr completely not even there---would explain some of the reasons why people are always dealing with issues due to a malfunctioning genetic code---Butttt this is also a opportunity to have a new and improved gene programs installed  and with the multiple apparations occurring  you can see with the brain being damaged in a variety of ways and the Mitochondria also being corrupted  theres going to be mal functions happening not just in the brain but in other organs as well—heres  another reference to thyroid damage due to radiation---and since we are inundated with radiation then it stands to reason that if you have had thyroid issues in the last 60 years this may be why  seems to me a lot of women over the years had surgical procedures that may have been unnecessary if they weren t exposed to many of the  epigenetics  due to the environment and the over exposure to multiple types of radiation ---then there s the side effects of the thyroid after treatment                                                         

radiotherapy-induced thyroid abnormalities remain under-estimated and underreported. These sequelae may include primary or central hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, Graves' disease, euthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathy, benign adenomas, multinodular goitre and radiation-induced thyroid carcinoma. Primary hypothyroidism---so  as you can see the levels of radiation can impact the organs as well as the structural integrity of the cells and mitochondria as well as genes chromosomes etc—                                                                                     

- the experiment just keeps on coming --- so when we hear of V2K and other freq activation uses that can impact the brain ---imagine the  emotions!!!!!  What about metals?? We know a host of them can cause peronal changes like lead—aluminum-mercury—lithium-flouride-cadmium-nanometals-----and then we have chemicals like Teflon that are forever in the body—so now the question is with all these subtle and not so subtle effects what mutations are these causing?? What have they not told us and what don’t they still know and yet still carrying on as if nothing is happening???—the hijacking is a continuous ongoing campaign without consent –they are deciding as well  to be immortal through living in a integrated body of tech and genetics ---sounds like fun but then again who controls the codes??? Who runs the operation? What determines the upgrades needed???  Then theres the million dollar question are you being used in this experiment so those who are the billionaires can get to keep on  living while the experimentation is being done on the GP ?? and if they see a measureable success they continue with the next upgrade and if they don’t the experiments continue til theres progress??? Ifthis is true  and we have all these satellites up there from Israel and X and other distributor to adding  to the space fence and the charged grid above then whats being transmitted and by whom –to target the  people who have been under the gun with these ongoing assaults –and then the question should be what all this radiation doing to us as a whole?? Is this why we aer having organ failure –body malfunctioning in regard to energy( ---always feeling tired---cant focus—can t remember –having a  hard time keeping focused—can t think---dazed )  SO as you can see this isn’t a one sided or lopsided issue and we are only paying attention to the distractions--- medical prognosis oor diagnosis and no cures or causality to talk about---they never say what the cause is ---but somehow can treat you!!! And Yet the treatments don’t work---want  to know why they don’t work??? Because you re being misdiagnosed!!!!!!!!! The treatments are based on the the biological or physiological changes they want to induce into you!!!!!!!! Not based on youre condition but rather based on the preparation of where they want you to be or where they need you to be prepped for the next phase of the experiment!!!!!!!!!!! Now lets Suppose the next phase of the experimentation is to weaponize people   just a thought since its more real then most people think---just look at the last 2  attempts on trump—weaponized people butttttt that’s way to inefficient sloppy  and results aren’t always the best---so what if we turned Y O U into a weapon---we can be already just by injecting a program into people to shed and spread a plague  soo lets think of a new and improved level---you re injected---you have smart dust from foods---youre nanoparticle loaded---youu have tech integrating with you daily to you on all levels ---these are all programmed to hack and construct into a body  and now we tell the tech to create an igniter inside of you using youre biochemistry ---sort of like a pager that can be set to explode 

---now this is real with cell phones but its also true  now within you!!! T SO the game continues and this is the battle within and now as well we have a few ongoing with out and the biggest thing the world for some unknown reason is surrendering there autonomy ---all at once and on cue and the usa and canadone are as well going with this ---with bill c 293 in canadone and now with the usa going to the un to give the UN more authority over in the USA---the reason why this can happen is because of the orange act in 1871---the usa is not an autonomy but a corporation and its all being broken down 

  So with all the theatre of elections----get ready to defend yourselves---the world as we know it---died!!!

The quest for the best healing salve or remedy

Remedy for targeting---if you ve been hit by hard light—particle beams –radiofrequency—EMR ( electromagnetic radiation) and you ve been popped pretty good then the key here is to remove the radiation that’s still radiating in the body---it doesn’t stop once it hits it will continue to radiate til you pull it out---you re going to need borax magnesium baking soda and glycerol  and  TSP ( or some form of sodium  phosphate) you can use 1 tsp of each—in a litre of water and then either rince---especially if you re teeth feel rung  and anything you re eating is causing discomfort  ---if you got hit in the head the teeth will also respond with being injured--- and as well drink through out the day and a glass full before bed( 2-3 oz) this should assist in recovery and will assist in the remediating of the issues --- utilize iodine and ascorbic acid to remediate any telomere and thyroid damage as well to avoid all goitrogenic foods—that  will further compromise the thyroid--- and utilize collagen and a clean whey protein or egg—utilize as well egg yolk or sunflower lecithins to assist in the clean up as well as foods rich in saponins ---some suggestions would be yucca—asparagus( green house if possible) sarsaparilla- and  wild yam –make as teas –extracts or consume as foods---

Turning Vicks into  Mutli Remedy--Go to the dollar store and get a vicks generic ( or vicks)—it will have in it camphor-menthol and eucalyptus---what we are going to do is enhance this—we are going to add Iodine to it say 1 tsp we are going to add turpentine to it 1 tsp and mix well thuja 1 tsp ( you can as well use other things like pepper ( red) or even other essential oils and ratio it out to your own spec’s—- Once mixed add to any area where there is an over growth or if you have a infection in an area or if you have a toe fungus or itchy feet—if you have respiratory issues going on and cannot breathe or are backed up as a result of a mucous overload---if you have aches and pains of arthritic issues whether they be hands or joints—this will kill of fungus—yeast—viral—bacterial will act as a antiseptic—will act as a respiratory support—circulation support—analgesic—high levels of antioxidants as well—can be used anywhere except the genitals and the backside due to the heat and penetration it can make sensitive areas respond negatively—avoid eyes as well---Apply to one area another as needed

Recipe for making your own Pet Foods---take any ground beef you would buy for yourself—lamb –turkey—chicken fish---egg and dairy--- take any one—in this case lets say ground beef---portion out a ¼-1/2 cup and add water to a blender and start it going---leave the lid on and open the centre piece—feed in small amounts of the ground beef –initially it will plop all over til it starts to purree—then add more and allow for blending—add 1 vitamin to this—make sure it is powdered before mixing it in the blender---add some small amount of rosemary to this—and when it is all fused and blended then take it out and cook in frying pan or broil or bake this—make sure it is done well –the idea is to as well neutralize any potential parasite or bacteria or fungi cook til well done—then take it and put it back in the blender and add another vitamin to this ( again make sure it is powdered down—if you wish add some powdered herbs like sage or thyme ¼ tsp of any—re blend again till the meat becomes a pate---then when done pour into a glass jar or bowl and refrigerate---portion out what is needed for the Pet(s)

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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-