tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Now where we---Oh yes the end of the world as we know it andddddd No one feels fine---the end of days doesn’t ever seem to be in any kind of happiness and just about everyone is feeling some kind of

Now where we---Oh yes the end of the world as we know it andddddd No one feels fine---the end of days doesn’t ever seem to be in any kind of happiness and just about everyone is feeling some kind of

kind of pain or problem!!! Then we have the convoluting and the muddying waters But now let put some things into perspective as well

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

  Now where we---Oh yes the end of the world as we know it andddddd No one feels fine---the end of days doesn’t ever seem to be in any kind of happiness and just about everyone is feeling some kind of pain or problem!!! Then we have the convoluting and the muddying waters  But now let put some things into perspective as well---its like the selection and all the drama we are seeing to get more dollars and more currency to be used and utilized to further the wealth of those entertainers called politicians!!! Did it ever occur to you that everything in slavemerika is all about entertainment and delusion to further the enchantment that is over the country---No one in the land of the slave ruled by the depraved is looking at how far canadone is in the self destruction and a well with this same procedure we are seeing in politics this is also going into  religion---which I think iis all coming to an end with the blue beam  and satellite tech what are going to see the holograms or mirages or light shows in my humble opinion won t be Jesus coming back or Muhammad or Moses—Or Vishnu or Buddha or the native creator---what  we are going to see is the aliens---fake ones---who are demonics  ---will be presented to the planet and will be announced as Man s benefactor---

just my opinion on this---I don’t see the religion thing going to fly buttttttttttt pretty much they are the ones who drove away everyone from God and into some other delusionary concept ---the religion of Mkultra--- if there  is going to be unity then theres going to be some advanced race of beings who are going to land here an say we come in piece you---I mean peace---and will engage in a harvest—one that will be totally unexpected and one where the masses ---who have had no classes---about  to be surged into a purge in the name of the new god same as the old god!!!! ----Now we are seeing this ongoing with the same babylonian BS in the health environment and people who will not do there due dilligence and will go and listen to some one who has no idea of anything and  the reason this is going on is the same reason the agendist of the planet got away with it by the testing the waters to see who would comply and who would defy!!! And then they would perpetrate more lies ---so the question is really why do people follow this misdirect when you can obviouslys see then end results –just from the presentation people have---and when they really don’t have the agenda under stood—See this can only stiop when people from all walks quit giving people like this any attention----   Now we can see as early as 2011 we were seeing the initiating age of the hijacking----this was going on before that but this shows how far back govt agencies  and the food industry was collaborating to undermine us by allowing the consumption of these  edible tracking chips or anything                                                                                                                             

Edible  RFID Tracking Chips in Foods.  Scientists push to implement edible RFID tracking chips in food-----
It will monitor your calorie intake, show from where your food was sourced, and even let you know when the food in your fridge is about to go bad -- these are some of the enticing claims made by the developers of a new system that embeds edible radio frequency identification (RFID) chips directly into food. Its creators insist the technology will revolutionize the way humans eat for the better, but critical-thinking onlookers will recognize the ploy as just another way to track and control human behavior.---Developed by Hannes Harms from the Royal College of Art in London, the "NutriSmart" system is based on the idea that RFID wafers injected directly into food can help better track the food supply chain, further automate the supermarket shopping experience, and simplify the eating experience by programming data into food so that humans essentially do not have to think about what they are doing.---[U6]The technology makes both eating and dealing with food in general mindless, as a person simply needs to plop an RFID-embedded food item onto a special RFID-laced plate, which then tells the person all about the item and how much of it to eat.[U7] RFID ovens and microwaves also eliminate having to think about how long to cook an RFID food item -- simply put it in the RFID microwave, oven, or toaster, and the machine will know exactly how long to cook the item.---As interesting and novel as this might sound, such technology is actually quite frightening when taken to its logical ends. There has been warnings that mad scientists have already developed edible RFID tags for use in pharmaceuticals. These tags, of course, can and will likely be used to monitor patients' compliance with doctors orders, and alert authorities if a patient refuses to take certain pills as prescribed.---[U8] And if such technology also ends up in food, it is safe to assume that powerful institutions such as Drug companies and agro businesses will seek to control the food supply with it, as well as monitor the types of food people eat. In other words, if authorities one day decide that vitamin and mineral supplements are off limits, which is what is currently happening in Europe, it is plausible that RFID technology can assess illegal intake of such nutrients, and immediately send this data to the appropriate enforcement agencies.---[U9]

The Drama  -- it is unfolding before our eyes just a little bit more every single day. And the NutriSmart system is just another piece to further integrate tech with biology---Y O U --- As well the discovery--- actually reinforcing the importance of nutrition—that if nutirients are blocked by an epigenetic then the results can cause severe permanent damage to the fetus that can be carried on throughout life—and Now with the trade off of nutrients for genetics we are seeing more and more the effect of generational damage with this science   ---if you go back to the 60s and before you can find a direct correlation to the impact of the  health of people then and today---there wasn’t this gender problems that was brought on by epigentics of the endocrine disruptors of the food supply or water table---they didn’t exist---and when we constantly connect the decades of introducing the wonderful ideas of nano delivery –nano assembly –self assemblying---self replication and then releasing this into the environment with a nano delivery ---you have another time bomb waiting to happen and the sad part of this----its done on purpose!!! SO with this alone you initiate an extinction event of cultures that can be defined as “undesirable”  Now lets further the destruction of nations—Canadone is done—USA is on its way as well ---why I wouldn’t encourage anyone to come here ---all you are is anode to be turned and burned---and then on top of all of that you have these 2 countries in the west leading the charge to exterminate the very people who built these nations and now the final stages of taking the countries off life support   this is the reality  of policies that the parties in place are now incorporating into the corporation—and no one politician or a representative of these systems is going to change any of this—this is the fake hope of the hysteria of the media---polarize people with fear to a point they allow them selves to be mislead further into a state of disarmament to a point that the people will not even defend themselves ---they are assuming that is going to be done for them when what you see is lawlessness with law enforcement –enforcing this !!!!  Heres a activity in Georgia---A lot of Citizens in the usa are more on this then Canadians ---they know and fully realize that the Govt is the enemy ---where in Canada for some reason this still hasn’t caught on like it should 

FM8’s Substack
Have you noticed more low-altitude fly-bys lately…
Listen now

 these are the weapons that are unnoticed but every time they do a fly by you re being attacked ----and as a  result of a lot of the activity already on going is becoming agitated to function in some way ---Now FM8 is showing what I have also been saying in the last 10 years all the propagated supplements or devices  have been advertised on some bases of health and magic that you would have Super POOooWwEeRrRSsss!!! With shilajit and as you can see to your face they ae perpetrating the disgrace of a lie  again the hijacking goes on and on and on---  

FM8’s Substack
Listen now

 the last 10 years almost every new  sensationalized supplement has been a means to further hi jack you and to allow the insertions of these things to integrate and further damage you in some way from organ clells tissue genes dna or chromosomes---and a lot things that have been saying you need to take because of some key element that some culture in the distant past had and we are lacking today-----You want to know something—everyone is lacking everything because you re not getting anything substantial and the fact that epigenetically  you are being made moe deficient as part of an experiment On Purpose--- Now the question is do supplements work? Do botanicals Work? Do special powders work? The answer is ---Yes and NO---most people take stuff because of a trend and really shit most of the supplements out the back door because of either the casing or the content or the excipient or the neutralizing agents they mix with them--- And most of gof ball Dr.s involved in the industry don’t have a clue to there functionality either ---they look like they do but most don t ---

if they did why are they selling supplemenets that are loaded with sexcipients that block there use??? Why ae they selling left over green products they just slap together and sell as some kind of miracle food?? Why are they further causing damage to the digestive system with silicates –titanium=-- or silver---alll hijacking you---and how do these excipients react with the smart particles inside of you---could this be the reason for all the gastro disorders people are dealing with today????  Then there the Kids and the BS of scare mongering parents who drank the psychotic kool AID  about protecting youre children---if you really gave a shit about your children instead of a convienance then you would have looked  up the history og vaccines and how they never worked   --a Blast from the past

Just a Little something to help you sustain the pain and the brain drain  

How to make egg leithin  --- and --for those who want the best brain ---use this form –it is superior to any other form for this and avoid the soy based ones---you want something for brain—egg yolf and real milk from a cow are the best you can utilize---just thing all the nobel peace prize winners that were real drank unpasteurized milk---ad the yolk and you now have the super food that is the real super food

Biology of Pain and some Remedial Elements

1.-Nociceptors (a group of Sensory Receptors located throughout the body) convert mechanical, thermal or chemical stimulations that injure or threaten the body's tissues into Nerve Impulses that generate the sensation of Pain and transmit these Nerve Impulses via the Peripheral Nervous System to Presynaptic Terminals on the Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord.

2.-In the Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord, Substance P (a Neuropeptide) is released and activates Neurons that transmit further Nerve Impulses relating to Pain to the Brain (specifically the Brain Stem and the Thalamus) via the Spinothalamic Tract and the Spinoreticular Tract.  research

3.-Norepinephrine is released from the Locus Coerulus of the Medulla and travels via descending inhibitory pathways to the Dorsal Horn where it reduces the release of Substance P (thereby inhibiting the sensation of Pain).

4.-Serotonin is released from the Raphe Nucleus of the Medulla and travels via descending inhibitory pathways to the Dorsal Horn where it reduces the release of Substance P (thereby inhibiting the sensation of Pain).

5.-Serotonin also reduces the sensation of Pain by stimulating the release of Opioids from the Medulla and the Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord (Opioids reduce the release of Substance P).

These Substances Alleviate Pain

Substances that alleviate Pain are known as Analgesics.

Alkaloids—Capsaicin (administered orally or applied topically via a cream) alleviates Pain. 

Amino Acids--Glutamine reduces the sensation of Pain -Glycine alleviates Pain (by stimulating the production of Endorphins)-However, Glycine cannot pass through the Blood-Brain barrier, so this effect may be difficult to achieve with supplemental Glycine.—Leucine alleviates Pain (by stimulating the production of Endorphins).-Methionine alleviates Pain (by stimulating the production of Endorphins).  —The "D" or "DL" forms of Phenylalanine alleviate chronic Pain (by blocking the Enkephalinase enzyme that breaks down the Opioids involved in the suppression of Pain)-This effect only occurs in some people - inexplicably Phenylalanine has no effect on some people's perception of Pain.—Tryptophan (2,000 - 4,000 mg per day) increases the body's Pain threshold (the underlying mechanism for this aspect of Tryptophan may be that Tryptophan is required for the release of Beta-Endorphin, one of the body’s natural Pain relieving compounds). —Tyrosine alleviates Pain (by stimulating the production of Endorphins).

Enzymes—Bromelain reduces the Pain associated with Wounds or Surgery (by minimizing the Inflammation and Edema associated with Wounds). —Papain alleviates the Pain associated with the Inflammation caused by sports injuries or Surgery (in approximately 87% of patients).—Serrapeptase alleviates the Pain associated with Edema, Inflammation and Surgery. 

Volatile Oils—Dimethylvinylcarbinol (a constituent of Hops) alleviates Pain.—Eugenol alleviates Pain. ( clove-all spice-cinnamon-have these compnenets in them

These Foods/Herbs Help to Alleviate Pain

Fruit —Lime (juice applied topically to Teeth/Gums) alleviates the Pain associated with Toothache.

Herbs——American Ginseng alleviates Pain.-Black Cohosh reputedly alleviates Pain (due to the Salicylates content of Black Cohosh).-Blue Vervain alleviates Pain. —Burdock (root) reputedly alleviates Pain (according to folklore). Combine this with Vitamin E as well ( non soy based ) to further the potency and increase the anti cancer properties of each other—Chamomile reduces the sensation of Pain.—Chaparral alleviates Pain (due to the Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid (NDGA) content of Chaparral). —Chillis alleviate Pain (due to their Capsaicin component).  -Cloves alleviate Pain (due to Eugenol).—Ginger alleviates Pain.—Hops alleviate Pain (due to the Dimethylvinylcarbinol content of Hops).—Kava Kava helps to reduce Pain.  research—Korean Ginseng alleviates Pain. —Noni alleviates Pain (it functions as an analgesic).—Willowbark alleviates Pain (due to Salicin which is chemically similar to Acetylsalicylic Acid [i.e. Aspirin]). Zizyphus alleviates Pain. 

Mushrooms—Reishi Mushrooms help to diminish the sensation of Pain (due to Ganoderic Acids).—Birch Polypore Mushrooms as well are very effective in pain killing properties

Hormones—Melatonin may increase tolerance to Pain.

Minerals—Excessive sensitivity to Pain can occur as a result of Copper deficiency (Copper is essential for the production of Enkephalins which help to reduce the body’s perception of Pain).  research—-Germanium very effectively alleviates Pain. 

Peptides—Endorphins alleviate Pain by binding to (mu) Opioid Receptors located on Neurons within the Brain and Spinal Cord:  -Beta-Endorphin inhibits the sensation of Pain.  -Enkephalins alleviate Pain by binding to (delta) Opioid Receptors located on Neurons within the Brain and Spinal Cord). —-Proteins—Whey Protein helps to alleviate Pain (the Tetrapeptides content of Whey Protein has Opioid-like activity). 

Quinones—Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid (NDGA) alleviates Pain.  Chapparal—-Recreational Drugs—Alcohol (Ethanol) temporarily dulls the sense of Pain-Caution:  Alcohol has many toxic side effects. Special Note ---they can be neutralized with NAC/Vitamin C /B1—Marijuana alleviates Pain (by binding to Pain Receptors in the Brain)-Caution:  Marijuana usage is generally illegal and Marijuana usage has toxic side effects. (  Only if the toxics a re planted with the crop )

Sulfuric Compounds—Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) alleviates Pain by inhibiting the conduction of Nerve Impulses associated with Pain in the smaller Nerve Fibers.  -Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) alleviates Pain (it is speculated that MSM may inhibit the transmission of Nerve Impulses associated with Pain).  research

Vitamins—-Folic Acid alleviates Pain.-Inositol alleviates Pain -.Vitamin B1 (1,000 - 4,000 mg per day) alleviates Pain. Dosages of supplemental Vitamin B6 in excess of 2,000 mg per day impairs the sense of Pain-Caution:  this extremely high dosage level of Vitamin B6 should not be practiced due to various toxic side effects associated with such a large dosage.Vitamin C alleviates Pain (by facilitating the production of painkilling Neurotransmitters and by inhibiting the production of Prostaglandin E2).

Vegetables -Lettuce slightly alleviates Pain.-Radish (juice) alleviates the Pain associated with Burns and Insect Bites/Stings.-Other Treatments for Pain -Acupuncture reduces Pain (by stimulating the release of Endorphins). 

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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-