tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
OOoooO can you say ---I told YOU so----or can you say I was right---orrr that the weapon of choice was genetics and biology and you did the right thing by saying no to the warp speed!!!

OOoooO can you say ---I told YOU so----or can you say I was right---orrr that the weapon of choice was genetics and biology and you did the right thing by saying no to the warp speed!!!

protect you re neighbor and a lot of us were saying that the jab could “jump” from host to host or to infect another nonvaccinated person

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

  OOoooO can you say ---I told YOU so----or can you say I was right---orrr that the weapon of choice was genetics and biology and you did the right thing by saying no to the warp speed!!!  When all of this was at its climax to take the jab and protect you re neighbor and a lot of us were saying  that the jab could “jump” from host to host or to infect another nonvaccinated person---well the studies are there dating back to the 60’s ---imagine that ---using the science from the 60s---you d think lucifer invaded the planet that decade –and has spun everyone with the fantasy and made everyone undone---lets have a walk down memory lane---you seee I cant figure out how some one in any high ranking office could possible have any understanding of genetics ---when there business was in hotel and casinos---or how anyone  in any office who taught drama can have any knowledge in genetics---Then in all there splendor forcibly through seduction ( want a big mag?? We will pay for a semester of youre education!!! How about a whopper? How about tickets to a ball game—hockey? You can get a rifle and ammo etc)  So when you look at who invested what and the dividends  they received  makes a lot of snse why the propaganda was so intense after all youre all HU man ---beast who have no rights and have no inheritance –just cattle or prattle to be used as they see fit and terminate when done---you could wind up as dinner—but I digress---so lets get down to it --- The issue of safety has received substantial attention, given that a predictable number of adverse events will occur among vaccine recipients. Furthermore, an extensive literature has established credible estimates of the complication rates.1–4 The risk of secondary transmission, however, is discussed much less, perhaps because relatively little is known. A report on vaccine-related deaths in the United States during the 1960s found that 12 of the 68 deaths occurred in unvaccinated persons exposed to recently vaccinated family  that s 1 /5+ that’s a pretty high number---then the lying authorities are saying these are safe---the condition is due to a release of the cocktails through pores or breatheing so in fact  the transmission of the vaccinated –they are carrying the plague!!!-  unvaccinated persons exposed to recently vaccinated family members or friends, a finding that demonstrates the potential gravity of the problem  so this could wipe out total blood lines and the fact that they didn’t tell us this because of hidden data—and the fact they  didn’t tell everyone indicates an agenda---one where total family trees would be eradicated permanently!!!!  This reports shows transmission can come from many different ways and the medical field or should I say the pharmaceutical companies suppressed this data from the GP and if you d some digging youd be surprise how many of these jabs are transmissible through 3rd party  transmissions   or or look at 5.1  and 5.12                                              chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/    the last 2 they are essentially saying the same thing---so when you think back---those of you from that era of time---you may recall getting dethly ill from the spread of what they told us was a virus or bacterium ---but in reality it would have been the infection being spread by the jabbers---  and we would have been told it was some –outbreak---we have been snowed  and when you think about it look how many died for FA!!!! Just to make a politician rich ---because they see you as beast of burden nothing more—and beast are dispensible!~!!!

Now as we see here---when people are getting antibiotics---they eventually develop a reisitance to them making them more susceptible to an out break---now what are we seeing with the Mpox---nothing more then a transmission from the previous jabs that were given to people and as a result they are now more ecpetive to another infection of lesions and other aberrations---who can you thank for this ---warp speed---shots are going to protect you from covid---its safe--  we developed a vaccine in 9 months---its untested---it’s a gene editing ---the things around you don’t change –it changes you--- Remember these ad campaigns---its all in the game of strife---you have strife added to your daily duress---we ont have th liberties and when the PM of canadone takes the bll c293 to the WHO and when the selected not elected—president of corporate amerika goes to the UN they will surrender all autonomy as well to the wef/who---thennnnn when they decide to trigger another event---did I say trigger---seems to have a lot of that lately with pagers and  that was the test---wait till the blue tooth is accessed in the people---going to be a party--- and you re the  main event—Now when you see this you have to wonder where is this going---a lot say this will pass if so why s Canada further it s agenda with bill c 293 - the end of Canada with this bill –this is about surrendering the autonomy of Canada to a foreign national---WEF/WHO--- and the possibility if you re Canadian and you re not in compliance that the jurisdiction   can each where ever you are and you can be incarcerated------imagine that!!! Canada is going from rule of law to lawlessness and  the content of whats going to be civil rights  may not be civil

Wayne’s Substack
WCH Press Conference: Canadian Crisis, Situation Critical
In 2022 the most draconian measures ever experienced in Canada were the Liberal Lockdown policies. In turn they inspired the largest demonstration in Canadian History. Now we know those Lockdowns were practise, but for what you might ask…
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Wayne’s Substack
WCH Press Conference: Canadian Crisis, Situation Critical
In 2022 the most draconian measures ever experienced in Canada were the Liberal Lockdown policies. In turn they inspired the largest demonstration in Canadian History. Now we know those Lockdowns were practise, but for what you might ask…
Listen now

  start at about the 45 min mark----so if you re part of Canada and if youre in the usa  pay attention this will show where this is going ---its all going under organized crime not a society of rights  --time to quit waasiting time watching football in the usa and hockey in Canada---if they get away with this there won t be either ---when you see this ---its not going to communism---its totalitarianism and if you don’t know what that means ---it means gov t is central and you serve it and its all centralized  so youre country is now a part of a system where youre autonomy in your country  is totally non existent---so if you think you will be able to make changes with other countries---you will no longer have a voice if it gets this far ---The USA and Canada need to withdraw  from all treaties with the UN and the WHO---if that’s possible--- Because what we are seeing  here is a total conquest without war---without firing a show and to interfere with our lives and its been the gov t that have caused all the issues we are facing today---now the totaltarianistic authorities in the who/wef can now set and make laws to over ride constitutions and charters---imagine that ---Americans need to see this as well ---the selection for the presidency is a distraction ---while youre attention is on this theatre where real questions can t be asked---will we pull out of the UN/WHO/WEF ---will we remove any anti autonomous rules??? So when we look at the big picture do we see the little one? More then likely no what we see is the distractions so let point out with the surveillance ongoing without you knowing about it  is happening to further to be used against you because the laws aren t going to be fair---when the new kings take over it will be a totalitarian system and when you see that china wants to arrest you anywhere on the planet if you violate there system tells you that youre on yure way to be eliminated -----no more football for the USA no moer Hockey  because it may offend some one in bei jieng !!!

  So as you can see with even the predictable programming  you could be hacked monitor and if the prediction shows you re a threat then  you will be  considered a potential threat orrr the idea that you can behave a certain way again you re a criminal---and what you say as an expression of freedom of speech will it be considered a terrorist threat?? Then theres the accoustics to condition Y O U to believe that God is talking to you----dingggg this is GAaaWwwDddDD---have I got your attention—I want YOoooOUuuuUU to walk off a cliff ---I want you to vote for ……. I want you to give up all your money to this charity or church orrrrrr      


So with this available tech what we have here is not only a mind control but a major broadcast that can hack the brain and control your thoughts and predict what you re going to do and with legislation that’s coming out to further trap you and to escalate the prison cities ---15 min containment sectors--- you could be readily and easily convinced ---and I am saying this about the masses that need glasses and to grow and hear or lose whats dear---which a lot wont and when you see from the very beginning people have been convinced of the lies from medicine it the very thing that has corrupted mankind –a fucking drug and a demonic alchemy ---the bible has predicted a one world system and if we read it as it it looks like everyone has gone along but it doesn’t mean there was no resistance while it was existing---the majority will walk off a cliff---they did it with covid they will do it again expect it---be on your game because its about to get delirious

Now for the awareness and solutions --Remember for these remedies to have the maximum effect---you first have to deal the synthetic biology –disengage remove and restore's%20EFFECTS the effects of dmso if you go to the discord channel in resource you will find a plethora of data  there on the subject  Vaccine the lean mean biological death machine  these are the added toxins and both the vaccines and the excipients back in the day  took your  life away!!!

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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-