tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
What do you know metals in the organs including the heart Just don’t mix!!---so when you look at the nano—you look at the smoke stack

What do you know metals in the organs including the heart Just don’t mix!!---so when you look at the nano—you look at the smoke stack

—you look at the exhaust---the pesticides the Injections ---could this be a part of the issues with Y O U?-

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

  What do you know metals in the organs including the heart Just don’t mix!!---so when you look at the nano—you look at the smoke stacks—you look at the exhaust---the pesticides the Injections ---could this be a part of the issues with Y O U?-

You get the health food industry  and the sales of the continuance of poisoning and increasing the volume of nano to further damage you and to keep you in mushroom state ---you know feed you a lot of shit and keep Y O U in the dark---and the continuance of the false narratives that make you conducive to whatever the narratives that are  being propagated  people will be gullible enough to fall for the BS

 And with the narrative now to surrender all autonomy to the WEF/UN/WHO- with this and the compliances of the gov t s to surrendering all  rights and privileges ----what a deal!!!!??? Then their s the narrative  of AI bots---totally inept when seeking information that has any pertinence or truth ---will not be lead to real information but instead  redirected to a different narrative and will misdirect the information and the reason this is happening is because what the AI is not AI but a bot that’s designed to mislead you from reality to some redirect but if you re not aware or full on to whats going on that these bots will dumb you down and again give you a mushroom treatment!!! I used one on vaccine transference and I had found 2 studies dating back to the 60s ---and they were covered up so the GP were not allowed to know this situation does occur as  a result I decided to see what a AI search engine would locate---what I got was hilariously  incorrect and it proceeded to defend the covid/sars BS—when I continued in my query on the topic and said I had found 2 studies and that I wasn’t looking at the covid but just a generalized data and that I found the studies back in 1960 s the response was apologetic and then I responded that it should have been able to access the internet more efficiently and that its programming was faulty and not really accurate and then further explained that the coercion of the day and the corrupt practices of the pharmaceutical industry would hide this information, it agreed!!! The point here is this is NOT AI these are bots that have a restricted programming to only allow you to see what the system wants you to see and to distort reality of the real QAI---and you have to be aware  this is far far far an inept research vessel despite what you re hearing and seeing on TV ---total censorship of access to real information??? Pretty soon for some even the elect maybe deceived is a real reality and you re going to have to verify what you research ---especially with goofy gurus and quackers And there “science” remember the mushroom treatment fed a lot of shit an kept in the dark!!!?? Well this is a new and deceitful way to keep one in the dark and if there s any credibility coming out of the quackers and or the goofy ones then you may want to investigate because the idea of keeping people dumb and dumber is in the de evolution-- to convince everyone these so called globalize billionaire leaders that they have your best interest---they don’t---you re just fertilizer for the fields after a harvest!!!

SO let get back on how to make a species S T U P I D!!! this is a study going back to 2000-2002  so when  you look at this  you will see this again investigated –40 years later give or take  because they said the same thing in the 60s  about harmful pollutants was causing health issues and this one particular STUDY IS showing cardiovascular connection with specific  metals toward heart issues---now in 2024 what happens when those metals inside get microwaved??? And when you look at these wonderful metals what happens when they get into the brain an get activated with EMR ( electromagnetic radiation) DING DING DING you think you have tinnitus ---some quack came up with this in the 60s but in reality what you have is an assault from poisonous radiation pinging you in the head !!! So now what would be the result of nanometals in the head with an em transmission accessing those metals?? BRAIN DAMAGE!!!! Why so many of you cant think or so many of you cant remember---or so many are having issues with Parkinson s or alzheimers or dementia!!! Could be the metals are amplifying the targeting so you re not seeing things as they are?? Orr you re being pounded with mind training exercises and you don’t see it!!!  “ Follow the Science ( follow the show because none of is true!! )”

FM8’s Substack
Source: Skizit Gesture…
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So now I get critized because I use terms like canadumb and slaverica---but am I wrong??? Why didn’t people say no to 1)  an untested biotech 2) a gene editing program never been done before 3) no evidence was ever brought to light on the subject of corona 4)since there was no evidence where did they get the peptides or dna to actually make the vaccine 5) why did they use a PCR test that could nt validate the evidence since this was denied by the inventor and was never designed to  do this 6) why did they have to bribe people with big macs and tickets to sporting events or paid for peoples education and even cars—7) did you see any evidence to the new out break ? if you haven’t why are you getting into the get screwed position??? If there is no evidence to anything then why are you so apathetically complying to a lie? Why are you so decadent??? –Some of you may not know what decadent is (characterized by or reflecting a state of moral or cultural decline )—Ooooo Canadone  this sounds just like you!!! OOooO Slaverica ---this sounds just like YOU!!!--- Then theres this as well ---there is only one LIVING GOD!!!! So why are you worship idols from hollywicked--- or the Po ly Tics—or the Pre si dent who have not benefitted anyone except the corporate sorcerers who created  the destruction!!!?? -How many of you in the last few weeks have had a spike attack??? Let me explain  ---A spike attack is when you are doing whatever you re doing and you get hit with what feels like a solid hit that spikes in you and can make you wince with pain---this is targeting EMR or targeting particles to form what maybe Hard Light---or hard photons----arent you glad you re in the western hemisphere where you re having target practice and youre the target---SO aren’t you glad that they are having target practice and you re the target????  But wait there s more Japan s govt is about to fuck Japan 7 ways to Sunday---and they have come out with a replicon vaccine ---OOooO this is a beauty !!!! now we  ve been telling you that the injections were not  injections but are gene editing by integrating with Y O U R DNA to replicate NOWWWWW the Japanese are now going to get slaughtered !!!  The current COVID-19 mRNA injections don`t officially have the ability to self replicate (unless they get integrated into a person`s DNA). If the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA is reverse transcribed and alters a cell`s DNA, only then does it attain the ability to replicate through cell division. (Every time a gene altered cell divides, it makes a copy of the Pfizer or Moderna gene(s).) Now the Replicon they are hitting the Japanese since its an isolated  island then  the contamination can be contained  while people are plagued  with the pharma weapon!!!! The new “self amplifying” replicon vaccines are different in that they have the innate ability to make copies of themselves without altering a cell`s DNA, even though reverse transcription and DNA alteration can happen as well. The full magnitude of the dangers of Replicon “self amplifying” technology, I only realized over the past couple days. The choice of Alphaviruses as the foundation template of Replicon vaccines, made it not only possible, but likely that the new manmade genes in Replicon vaccines, if ever introduced into people, would also spread to not just other humans, but also other species.  SOooo as you can see wisdom is going o be required  to really understand that in both the Pfizer and moderna they weren’t made to stop an infecting pathogen---they gene editing programs that were  inserted caused a self replicating program to infect  others not stop it but to spread it and through MW activation it can b activated any time!!! Read how those jabs worked ---one through integrating the dna direct the other just amplifying and when the rna is down it replaces that strand or function with a new one---it’s a spread!!!!

Now hows the easiest way to spread a pandemic?? The clues are all right in front of you---make everyone locate to a 15 minute city ---now how do you do that ---by creating a catastrophe that would require a relocating to the gulag where you re restricted  to leave !!!! still think they are a great idea??? Remember the fires in canadone---how about the derailing of trains ---power outages will be forth coming---etc ANd now quebec ---Residents have either been evacuated or placed under lockdown for health and safety reasons. ---see the BS  lock down for health and safety its inverse speech relocation and lockdown??? Sounds like jail to me!!!!! And a easier method to eliminate a segment of the population since you will never hear the full ending its always mystified as to what is really happening---this is the shockwave they hit you with called the news---its not news it’s a over load of a discharge of a depiction or a visual effect to lead one to conceive or think-- designed to distract and redirect---a good psychological assault---Y O U have been Mind fucked and don’t even realize it---did they just use a Mkultra technique on  Y O U!!!!??? Then the furthering of military simulations to keep the GP S T U P I D

Back to the drawing board ---some things that will make you a better Crusader and Defender ---remember disregard the fake claims by these Ftard guru s who come off as medical ---all they are ---are conmen and conwomen---all they know is what they were taught to do and that is to sell what they prescribe---only way they make money and looking under a scope doesn’t always tell the tale---always remember to get any results you first must disengage the tech ---then you have to remove it then you reload what was taken or rebuild   and in here you rebuild the mitochondria ---taking a dye ---utilizing tobacco ---incorporating the nano metals ---will do absolutely nothing but make you worse and as you can see from the article this is how they keep Y O U stupid!!!

How you become one with the machine

 Mitochondira Suport or restoration

Anti Radiation

Eggcellent to a new level ---another way to turn a egg---which is a super food ---the real super foods not some veganistic stupidity---put salt into a small container---make it about 1 inch -2 inches in height---crack open either one jumbo or duck egg and separate the yolk from the white---then place yolk in middle of salt  ( if you re using small or medium then do the same in separation an add 2 egg yolks in the container) then add tinctures or essential  oils or dissolved supplements or aminos and place on eggs---for instance take you re iodine and add about 20 drops all over ---or take ginseng or ginger or rhodiola and again add about 20 drops or an essential oil like thyme savoury or rosemary 3-10 drops ---or add nootropic supporting supplements after you liquefy in water or alcohol ( ethanol) add  20 drops  or you can use a mister to spray these solutions to cover the yolk  -- or use any of these   and allow the salt to draw this through the membrane ---you now have a super food that’s been augmented---when the egg is semi dry and solid rinse the salt and you can now use this  in foods orrr consume straight in small bites--- remember the  numbers suggested are a starting point ----you can tweak the ratios up or down

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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-