tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
The land of opportunity---the land where people can live harmoniously---the land where people have freedoms and prosperity---oOOooOO what a dream ---now for those of you who are still in la la land--

The land of opportunity---the land where people can live harmoniously---the land where people have freedoms and prosperity---oOOooOO what a dream ---now for those of you who are still in la la land--

and think coming to the west is an opportunity---give your head a shake !!!! Canadone ---if youre coming from Europe or asia or Middle east or africa or south and central America -- don”t unless you

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  The land of opportunity---the land where people can live harmoniously---the land where people have freedoms and prosperity---oOOooOO what a dream ---now for those of you who are still in la la land---and think coming to the west is an opportunity---give your head a shake !!!!  Canadone ---if youre coming from Europe or asia or Middle east or africa or south and central America -- don”t unless you want to get gene editied---have a q tip shoved up your ass and nose---want to work 19 hours a day---cant afford to rent ---or have any kind of life---or pursue any kind of happiness---and want to be taxed 64% +  and live like shit ---then come to Canada the land of the “TRAP” ---this trap is seductive---OOooO the seduction and continual abuse is a steady diet in canadone---banks can debank you with any just cause---you can be arrested for testament of the truth in the country---you are discriminated against no matter who you are and ---God forbid you use the wrong pronouns!!!  As well your children can be taken from you with out any real cause –and if youre daughters have any outstanding qualities---they may either take them away and give them puberty pills orrrr harvest there organs and turn them into boys anddd the true flag of canadone is the rainbow ---where if you re not a rainbow person---you re ultimately discriminated against----Welcome to Can A Done eh!!! Where the land will finish you in about 10 years and if you have your own business they will try every way to make you fail ---this is the land of idiots the land where the idiots rule  over smart and intelligence!!!! This is a place where pensions can be stopped –benefits removed---and taxes hyperinflate everything to a point where life is unbearable---most Canadians have left canadone but are still those who  are there because they cant leave---they cant escape because they have become so incapacitated by the system that they are in the death trap---those who are there and can leave are leaving the “TRAP” Heres another perception a false one at that ---about OoooOOOoooO canadone---- the military Veterans in canadone are being slaughtered by the govt---with there FKG maid BS---and its just a fun thing to serve the country and put your life on the line and if the enemy doesn’t kill you then you re own govt will---Imagine that eh!!! Our wonderful leadership is disarming itself in the most horrific way by killing off the citizens they sent to fight some one else s war and then as a thank you they off you---welcome to canadone eh!!!!

---Now for those in the land of the slave ruled by the depraved according to the interview  Kelsi Sheren---The USA has now 10 states looking at offering this service in the land of the slave---imagine that an now their s this war being projected and the Soldiers from other countries are being recruited to fight this war for Israel---and what will they get when they come back wounded or worse!!!!?? A medal woo woo---and no compensation from the countries that recruited the soldiers—or should I say paid off the usa and other countries to send citizens to defend the interest of countries that hate us as well and has caused issues with people who are bible believers and as a result will have no issue killing off our soldiers to save there own ass!!!it makes one a tad hostile toward the system that will betray us---and people in Amerika are still stuck on stupid to believe that the 2 devils that are ruining ---I mean running for a seat are going to save them when one warped sped a gene editing untested bioweapon and took out 1/3 of the population and the other one opened the border so more Americans can die by these invaders ---and they are both raping the elderly and both allow this sacrificing and manipulation by the antichrist system----

OOoooOO canadone are you paying attention to the land of the slave ruled by the depraved ---do you see the theatre there---next year it will be canadones turn to have this fucking theatre--- are you going to get sucked in  AGAINnnnNN!!!!??? -------heres a twitter read for those in canadone and for everyone globally that’s of the commonrip off or elsewhere   Open letter to those who got vaccinated against covid 19: Listen, some things need to be said and it’s disgusting how no one wants to talk about this issue, they don’t want to “go there” and it’s just as wrong as claiming you were “forced” to vaccinate and yet mounted zero resistance whatsoever to these mandates. When millions of people were negatively affected by YOUR CHOICE to vaccinate? You are directly complicit in all those atrocities committed by the government during the pandemic. You cannot, CANNOT claim “I was forced” when you didn’t fight back at all. That’s not force, that’s straight up compliance. Just “going along” with evil and illegal mandates and restrictions that you knew in your heart was wrong is cowardly as fuck. If you didn’t want the vaccine? You wouldn’t have it, period. No job, no travel plans, no bar nights or gym or anything at is is a justification to comply with evil. During the pandemic, Canada showed its true colours as it suddenly became trendy and fashionable to applaud segregation and to encourage and incite hatred towards the unvaxxed and to gaslight them as “prolonging the pandemic” when in reality it was the vaccinated who were spreading the virus rapidly around the world and it was the vaccinated who were screaming in the faces of unmasked and unvaxxed, as the media reported the exact opposite in a coordinated effort to discredit the unvaxxed. It broke my heart to see so many supposedly “good people” too afraid to speak out against the segregation, discrimination and hatred and instead complied with the restrictions that furthered the segregation and hatred. Imagine believing you’re doing the right thing when in reality? You’re helping to harm millions of innocent people. Today, no one wants to talk about the pandemic and in my opinion? The reason why is because there is no way to talk about the pandemic without those who complied with no resistance facing liability for the damage their selfishness, gullibility and outright stupidity caused. Being brainwashed isn’t an excuse. No one was brainwashed into suddenly hating their unvaxxed F&F and no one was brainwashed into believing that saying and doing nothing in the face of total evil and hatred and discrimination was the correct action to take. Anything short of questioning the mandates and restrictions and outright refusing to comply with them under any circumstances is why this got as bad as it did. When 3 million Canadians are harmed and segregated and discriminated against BECAUSE so many complied, blindly, with illegal mandates and tried to make blind government obedience a virtue? The reason WHY one complied is irrelevant. There is no justification for complying with evil, full stop. However, one has to ask: what’s next? What’s coming? I believe that in the near future, being unvaccinated against ANY disease will become a crime akin to terrorism. This was why it was so important for the legacy media to paint the freedom convoy as an “occupation” and those participating as “domestic terrorists”. When the word “terrorist” comes into play? It’s a whole different ball game. No rules, no warrants, no oversight, no trial, no rights. Nothing It’s Orwell’s ministry of love. Hood over your head in the middle of the night and it becomes illegal to say your name. Your assets and those of your friends and family can and will be seized, anyone who helps you is now labelled a terrorist as well and your life is over. Just like that. And all while anyone who disagrees with you stands idly by watching, saying and doing nothing to help or stop it and then acting like they had no choice. It broke my heart to see my beloved country devolve into a country of hateful, selfish, entitled, pro segregation cowards who blindly believed that the government had their health and welfare as a priority. When has the government EVER had its citizens health and safety as a priority in the history of Canada?? Why did they suddenly believe that they did? Why did they cry “misinformation spreading anti vaxxer” at anyone who questioned the narrative? Why did they immediately discredit and cancel many many accredited experts as “dangerous conspiracy theorists whose misinformation is dangerous”? Why did so many people say and do nothing to resist the mandates, silently comply with them and then claim they had no choice. How did this happen? Why did so many Canadians not speak out? Why was the majority so shut off to reason and logic and critical thinking? At no time, is it someone’s “responsibility” to inject an experimental drug with no safety data and the makers have blanket immunity from liability because someone else is afraid. The “social contract” point was nothing but pure gaslighting and guilting. The government did make your elderly relatives die Alone, you ALLOWED it to happen by not resisting restrictions and mandates that violated human rights. You not standing up and speaking out is why this got so bad. You not fighting back by refusing to take the experimental vaccines because it felt wrong in your heart is why this got so bad. You try to justify why you didn’t fight back. You try to justify it to your friends and family but you can’t. You CAN NOT. You vaxxed for your job? What about the millions who lost their jobs BECAUSE you vaxxed? You vaxxed to travel? By doing that you helped the government strip that right from millions of people. You thought you were doing “the right thing”? You weren’t. At all. You thought you were helping the “greater good”? So did the Nazis in ww2. Does that or should that absolve them of responsibility? Not one fucking iota. This all happened because you are a coward. There’s no other way to say it. You ignored your gut and you willingly complied with illegal and evil mandates, with zero resistance whatsoever, became complicit with the government in the human rights atrocities against millions of fellow Canadians and you somehow have the gall to say you “had to”? You did NOT “have to”, you instead chose to be a coward and to not fight back against something you knew was wrong. It is no one else’s fault but yours. Full stop From the bottom of my soul, shame on you. Shame on you, seriously. You were needed to stand up and instead you cowed to government pressure and helped them ruin the lives of millions of innocent people. You can “wake up” all you want but you cannot come back from the chaos that one cowardly act of getting vaccinated caused. you can’t unsegregate ppl, you can’t put families back together, you can’t unhate people. You caused all of this to happen by being the coward you are. How can you expect me to stand beside you when the one and only time it mattered? You cowed to the pressure, ignored your conscience, shut your brain off and complied. You and I are not the same. I stood up, spoke out and paid the price while you watched and said and did nothing to help me even though you supposedly agreed with me but you were too much of a coward to speak out. Shame on you Until financial compensation for every single unvaccinated Canadian comes to pass? You all dying from the vaccine you took is the Justice we get. You have killed yourselves and have no one to blame but yourselves. You are on the wrong side of history forever, as you should be Sincerely, Those of us on the right side--- SOO again let me remind you---if you re coming in from another country and think Canada has a life for you---you are correct a life of death---a life of ingratitude servitude—a life that will steal everything from you –a life where being armed means injecting a gene editing bio weapon that s not been adequately tested for 10 years and has been killing people daily ---and if you get broke or laid off the govt s idea of assistance is death by MAID--- If we compare anyone in history that was more bloody then canadone  you d have to look hard to find a country that has the finesse and the corrupt contemptible attitude toward Canadians ---we don’t need enemies—we have the govt !!! History accused hitler for his actions ---but from what I read he tried 3 times to broker a peace and was refused—he removed the parasites out of his country and did what he could to defend it---now he wasn’t angelic because he sold the germans a bill of good because he to was selected not elected ---none of them were buttttt Canada is worse the slaughter of Canada isn’t being done from the outside but from within-Then their s the insult to the land south of Canada where the homeless are now being again mis treated in California 

FM8’s Substack
Source: Truth_In_Symbols…
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  The beat goes on---a pounding rhtym to the brain lad dad a da dee la deed a deed a  --Heres some more revealing assaults we are dealing with from rain and environments from FM8

FM8’s Substack
Fungus, Cross Linking Polymers & Synthetic Threads
2nd Night in the Mountains of AR 👆…
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this is the silient assault plaguing the world the real pandemic falling from the sky ---not monkey pox ---not corona ---but a synthetic technobioengineered infection made in a lab assaulting the planet!!!

Lets take this even further the UK---the muuuther land of the magna carta is now going to come after you if you crizie how rascist they are against Christians---let me explain –see if you say anything they construe as a problem with MUSLIMS who by the way they brought on the English people—and now are triggering there technology to act in a hostility---if a person of the british citizenry you are now going to be come after by the british authorities--- hahahah they must be shitting money ---british authority has lost it power along time ago when they allowed the british citizenry to be raped and have ghetto violence which they did nothing about but if someone should speak the gospel from the bible they get arrested---why don’t they grow a set of balls and incarcerate the real criminals who first allowed these issues and then go after the military that’s utilizing this tech ---unless of course they are the ones doing it---Just a thought---a dangerous thought---you see this provokes one to think and muslims shouldn’t be used to further the agenda of destroying ones country---its always easy to create the fall guy here—we know how the soros campaign works and if some one who happens to be british reads these thing are you also going to arrest them to because they still have a functioning brain cell??? I mean not everyone in the UK is stupid there s probably a 1% who will not kiss your ass either ---and this kind of rhetoric is going to further stimulate rebellion from everyone—what the commissioner should do is resign ---go flip burgers---hal al burgers at macdonalds and get some one in office that can think and protect there district like they are supposed to do from all criminals---including the politicians that incite this behavior by trying to mix oil and water ---no matter how you shake it ---doesn’t mix---you know the biblical term ---you can t mix old wine with new wine skins??? Just thought I would throw that thought in as well---now if someone actually understands this –then perhaps they should be the ones who run immigration---since the last person just allowed an invasion into the country just like the USA and Canada did  

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