tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Denial of the truth---its always amazing how people will retaliate –reject---repulse others when they feel --- orr think ---or go into total denial of reality

Denial of the truth---its always amazing how people will retaliate –reject---repulse others when they feel --- orr think ---or go into total denial of reality

its stunning to me today how with all the evidence that’s flagrantly been exposed how people will reject reality--

Support – is always appreciated—and want to continue to remind everyone deal direct and keep the prying eyes away from what we do in our lives—--if supporting this Audio- Post  please send emails to instruct what to do and here s how you go direct

"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

 Denial of the truth---its always amazing how people will retaliate –reject---repulse others when they feel --- orr  think ---or go into total denial of reality---its stunning to me today how with all the evidence that’s flagrantly been exposed how people will reject reality---its to overloading---to overwhelming---to scary to see the truth in all things from food having gain of functionality ---making people dysfunctional------I have heard it all when it comes to telling people about nano poisoning and the synthetic biology and the  uselessness of natural remedies against a programmable technology ---assimilating there every  part of the essence of who they are and there energy sources so it can replicate and assimilate into the system—   Then what you hear when you tell them that there theories are moot and will still be assimilated – because they tell you they have changed there diet ( I tell them to look at their food with a microscope--- so they can see they are eating the technology

(still think silica is good for you!!!??)

 ---a lot of them wont do this ---because they want to so badly believe in there orgasmically organics which has been bioengineered due to the nanocontamination!!!) and avoid tech –localized tech like a cpu or TV  ---but still have a cell phone or go shopping with wi fi or lifi  shops or the fact that everything they are eating is loaded with the fullerenes or bots or dendrimers---they freak ---they are still being broken because they don’t want to do the real work and that’s to disengage –flush –and restore---they are doing things half ass because it comforts them but doesn’t resolve the issue and all they have done is wiped themselves out ---it just took longer

--I mentioned years ago when the singaling dingalings were talking about vinegar an borax would stop nano assembly was a myth and total BS ---the fact you would combine borax with any acid could actually accelerate the assembly –and now another set of research is also saying what I had said that about the ACV s are all loaded with nanobiotech with its self assemblying operating systems

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Nanos in 5 more Vinegars
In an earlier Post I looked at 3 Brands of Distilled White Vinegar: Old Style Vinegar, Pantry Mate Vinegar and Four Monks, as a broader investigation of ‘Anti-bacterial’ Sanitizing Supplies…
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  ---imagine that and that was said a few years ago by me and this is now surfacing!!!!! Now what gets me ---and I do get this assault on all of us is alarming---and can freak anyone out so its hard to hear that something so insidious was released on mankind---that the self assemblying self replicating and self repair nanoparticles were tiny operating systems and were not just normal metallic materials and that hitting them energy would increase the rate of acceleration in the persons body  and not realizing the key is to shut down the operating systems!!!---an now with covid making the  scene this is what got people to actually look at what was being said years prior ---it took a fake pandemic that was initiated by the insertions of these bioweapons to make people see there was something wrong because  the selected injected died from the vaccines ---but the denial of the jabs as cause was always being defended---the jab didn’t do this!!!!

The propaganda  and the psychosis that was induced in the name of fear and immaturity and ignorance  made almost anyone who took this weapon of mass execution go into total denial—and to this day--- they still are ---even the media giants on the internet like YT—FB---and other social media have gone ballastically into denial and  are continuing to do so while the NWO and its subsidiaries like the WEF—UN –WHO and all the other global institutions are now progressing to further entrap all mankind and the next test coming is to capture those who are Pro God and Anti Govt --  ---

Don’t you just love it—chickaboom boom boom!!!---and most who took the first round are ready to take round 2 ---they will be again vast majority of people who have the brain of a Pea---who never use there brain ---to busy being impulsive with out rationality---will re align themselves like kindergarteners to get there pat on the head and maybe a star --- So when I see this Recurring nightmare and seeing already the peabrains already engaging in the masking of themselves with out being told to do so ---you can see they are going to be lead to the slaughter and there brains are permanently damaged by the operating functions of the propaganda ---utilizing magnetic fields that would emanate from the towers phones and light!!!! To make people pliable as putty all you would need to do is access them in an enclosed environment ( now remember the gulag coming called a 15 min city will be such a thing) and using the right ranges of magnetically directed fields you can get most people to comply to anything---

 ---What we were seeing was a targeting of people with such a field---why we seen so many people appear to be fighting something—waving frantically at what they had been implanted in there brains---and unfortunately may have caused a  heart attack---or a shut down of the brain  ---Then we have the conversion of politics and the real establishment is now surfacing ---placating to the GP for the longest time that we have a democracy in the west---We never did---anyone still thinking this today is truly been sadly damagedby that myth or that you have an actual vote!!! In canadone we have a situation here whereby the govt ----the dictatorship of Canada---is now arresting 2 men because they had a different opinion of what the govt did by trumping up false charges against them because the protested and this was being done to cause a fear mongering to the rest of Canadians who may have decided to re dress the situation

 SO another day in paradise in Canada when we see the reality of govt---its fascist not socialist and has always been here and the fact that corporations –special interest groups –lobbyist and corporations run the world its no wonder that what we are seeing is another knife in the back to Canadians!!! Again more denial of the direness of Canada---and whats really ongoing in the country and with all the pomp and theatre ---nothing is being done by the law enforcers to remove the problem ---and  no one seems to realize the problem with canada as well as the usa is the gov t control and how political parties will never ever save the country (s) that are the cause to all of this due to the alignment with the WEF/WHO---the one world system which is doomed to fail will entrap people and will eliminate  who they wish---if they can break the law to throw 2 men in jail for the reason of making them an example to all of this that has occurred what will they think  about the rest???—then theirs Europe with there digitized ID to travel to Europe within the next 90 days and next year the USA will adopt a similar policy

  ---so in order to go anywhere you would have to have digital ID which maybe a result of a chip insertion –this is another step to further remove any autonomy in the world toward people and another means of tracking and ID ing people ---and can be easily utilize to create a fake charge on peoples rights as well as a ID locater but instead of cell phone it will be you--- SO are we still denying the eventuality of the end and beginning of digital slavery---where rights will be determined by how you perform—and whos ass you will kiss!!!  ---then theirs the final denial---the technocracy take over---when people stop believing the media for what they need to stay caught up with race to termination and that tech is going to save the day---this will be the eventual extinction even when we see how they have utilized all technology to weaponize against everything on the planet and the use of the tech and its methods to keep everyone trapped in what ever the cage maybe with what is ongoing with the QAI and how to  further establish the proper gulag and to keep people under constant thought control---Still in denial ---- Another day in paradise ---are you still in denial!!??

A blast from the past---remember to make these more effective so they will work  Remember to disengage the nanobiotech ---if not then what you may see ---may not be effective an you will only get nominal results---if you don’t shut down the synthetic biology---then nothing natural is going to be effective since everything you re consuming has this in it --- 

  These have been modified from the website—based on what we know now there are somethings you shouldn’t use—due to the contaminations of pesticides and nanosilver being sprayed in the fields and the fall out from the sky and the cross pollination of Bioengineering in the growing of farm foods---don’t assume anything today based on things that were written 50-100 years ago---we aren’t living in those times—or in those environments  ---so disengage either the food before you eat or after by spiking you re self or utilizing the triangle---

Recipe For Garlic with Wine—Take a whole bulb of Garlic-Peeled and placed in blender or Manual Extractor ( wheat grass extractor) And add a 1 ¼- 1 ½ cup of white or red wine –Blend for 5-7 minutes then strain—add to GLASS container---utilize 1-3 tsp at a time—START OUT WITH 1 TSP—THIS IS POTENT—THIS will boost immune system—regulate cholesterol—fight cancer on several different levels---increase nitric oxide production—will have cycstein and resveratrol which respond to liver spleen-heart-lung-blood—and fats—may see improvement in hearing—will see more circulation ( add Vitamin B1 with this for those of you with Fibro or Restless leg syndrome or if diabetic) Increase immune response ( add 1-2 drops of lugols with this as well to boost the immune functions)

Recipe for Garlic and Vinegar-- Take a whole bulb of Garlic-Peeled and placed in blender or Manual Extractor  And add a 1 ¼- 1 ½ cup of white—blend and strain –again add to glass container ---good for digestion—regulating HCL production

Anti cancer remedy-anti fungal-anti parasitical-anti viral-anti bacterial

Recipe for Maple Syrup/Glycerol and Garlic—Take a whole garlic peeled place in blender---take 3-4 oz of  maple syrup or glycerol—add 2 oz of aloe vera to this---blend til completely fused---then pour everything into a jar and utilize 1 tablespoon increments as needed—potent digestive and intestinal healant---nutritive—strengthening the lower organs and the organs  for filtering and lymph system

Garlic Fermented Recipe- Take garlic and place in Jar of Plain Vinegar and date this—shake occasionally—in 6-8 months blend and strain and filter well—you have fermented garlic—this will increase the Cysteine Levels and will have a more potent enzyme and Sulfur effect for fighting pathogens and fungi-bacteria or viral and microbial infections

Garlic Oil Recipe— Take a whole bulb of Garlic-Peeled and placed in blender or Manual Extractor --And add a 1 ¼- oil—use any oil of choice—olive—sunflower—coconut etc and add alcohol ( vodla- gin- everclear 2-3 oz) and then blend this at high speed for 10 minute total---this will heat the oil so be aware you may have to shut down the blender every 3-5 minutes---gauge by touching the outer blender—if hot then stop blender-allow for cooling or stop process and pour into glass container---ORRR you can take the Garlic extract you made with the alcohol 1-2 oz and add to 3-4 oz of oil and blend for 5 minutes high speed—what you have is a fat regulating antibacterial-anti cancer-antifungal-anti viral anti parasitical regimen—you can as well use this for ear infections by swabbing the ear with this oil mix and then apply a cotton swab

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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-