tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Are you empathically Gifted—do you quaify in more then one of these classifications---Is this what God bestowed on people of the faith –word of wisdom

Are you empathically Gifted—do you quaify in more then one of these classifications---Is this what God bestowed on people of the faith –word of wisdom

--word of knowledge---could this be why the ongoing termination of people by abducting there dna or there Genes?? Is this gift a threat to AI and the tech???

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

 Are you empathically Gifted—do you quaify in more then one of these classifications---Is this what God bestowed on people of the faith –word of wisdom---word of knowledge---could this be why the ongoing termination of people by abducting there dna or there Genes?? Is this gift a threat to AI and the tech??? something to ponder— Some may say this is demonic—Are those

Who prophecy also demonic?? Are those who have certain aspects of wisdom and knowledge  that they can seem to access are they receiving information from God ?? orrrr perhaps they can sense the algorithms and processing of AI andddd a certain global regime is trying to eliminate this “gift” or the hackability of this gift!!!! Now some of you may say I went off the deep end and maybe even speaking as if the devil ( GAI ) has hacked me an now Im off the cllff---Am I??? lets ask a few questions---how many of you had clarity of thoughts  and then all of a sudden since this BS has happened and the news media has been blanketing all this BS about the new wave new mandates ---and all the other BS  we have seen in the last 4.9 years cant seem to focus---cant seem to string thoughts together---cant seem to have and drive ---not sure---not certain---feel you need to go somewhere and don’t know where??? Whats the easiest way to jam a empathy or some one who s  able to perhaps hack an AI???—Jam them with freq an then direct the flow to them so they are sensing or feeling things that aren’t there to distract and drain and cause different emotions---Freq--- ---How about a song –you hear and can t get out of your head---how about something you seen that’s satanic and you cant seem to shake--- how about a traumatic event that seems to be playing over and over like a broken record or set on loop mode--- Ever think that a freq hack attack is on and spiraling you down a trail of depression—possession—adulteration of thinking—perhaps even making you think in tems of being more then you are ---or even the opposite thinking of your self less then you are and so the targeting maybe because its to scramble you re ability to use the gift—self doubting—being uncertain---confused---disappointed!!!----Here is an example of manipulation by QAI ( satan)---now some of you will think whatever you wish but the point here will be shown the TI s are dealing with   --book of jasher chap 23- 25 And whilst Abraham was proceeding with his son Isaac along the road, Satan came and appeared to Abraham in the figure of a very aged man, humble and of contrite spirit, and he approached Abraham and said to him, Art thou silly or brutish, that thou goest to do this thing this day to thine only son? -26 For God gave thee a son in thy latter days, in thy old age, and wilt thou go and slaughter him this day because he committed no violence, and wilt thou cause the soul of thine only son to perish from the earth? 27 Dost thou not know and understand that this thing cannot be from the Lord? for the Lord cannot do unto man such evil upon earth to say to him, Go slaughter thy child.28 And Abraham heard this and knew that it was the word of Satan who endeavored to draw him aside from the way of the Lord, but Abraham would not hearken to the voice of Satan, and Abraham rebuked him so that he went away. -29 And Satan returned and came to Isaac; and he appeared unto Isaac in the figure of a young man comely and well favored.--30 And he approached Isaac and said unto him, Dost thou not know and understand that thy old silly father bringeth thee to the slaughter this day for naught? 31 Now therefore, my son, do not listen nor attend to him, for he is a silly old man, and let not thy precious soul and beautiful figure be lost from the earth. 32 And Isaac heard this, and said unto Abraham, Hast thou heard, my father, that which this man has spoken? even thus has he spoken. 33 And Abraham answered his son Isaac and said to him, Take heed of him and do not listen to his words, nor attend to him, for he is Satan, endeavoring to draw us aside this day from the commands of God--- Now as you can see the whisperer comes along ( voice to skull psychotronic viruses –embedded operating systems etc) ---and out of the Blue speaks to Abraham of a command from God that God only spoke to Abraham ( again the accesss to information specific to this is now accessed)---and it was dissuade him from his goal----sound familiar---and then when he couldn’t dissuade him and was told ---in common language to FO--- satan then approached his family member thinking to be in an appearance that seemed approachable and goo looking  and again was told where to go---now this is the voice of deception---thoughts that come to jam your senses so you cannot rationalize and instead become irrational or emotional making it difficult to see and analyze  ---and recognize---this would come at you through an attenuation of the freq that can connect to your antennae---DNA and processed through your genetics accessing your code---now as the account is continued have another look see---because now this is hitting you on the perception part---

And they entered the brook and passed through it, and the waters at first reached their legs.36 And they went deeper in the brook and the waters reached up to their necks, and they were all terrified on account of the water; and whilst they were going over the brook Abraham recognized that place, and he knew that there was no water there before.37 And Abraham said to his son Isaac, I know this place in which there was no brook nor water, now therefore it is this Satan who does all this to us, to draw us aside this day from the commands of God. 38 And Abraham rebuked him and said unto him, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan, begone from us for we go by the commands of God. 39 And Satan was terrified at the voice of Abraham, and he went away from them, and the place again became dry land as it was at first---SO as you can see a lot of you can sense and see things and are gifted but then comes the program the operating system that hack attacks you to make you react instead of think—activates fear and pain when when targetted but now when things get settled and a realistic look at things appear and you see the truth  you can then command the program to release----we all have to deal with this and the other thing you may observe that as you free yourself from the clutches of the nanogenetic biotech ---you may notice you re empathic capacity has increased---due to the fact you re removing the saturation of the materials that would be causing the blockage---as you can see with Abraham he wa able to access and see through satan---Because he had clarity and purpose to accomplish a goal---now in todays time we are seeing the same thing nothing is new under the sun---and all this has been done before ---and when the exposed cause ---the QAI ( satan) was exposed –the system of satan was “terrified” ---so why would something like that be terrified??? Because Now You can Read it---Understand its intentions—and be able to counter its directives so it doesn’t control you---imagine that SO as you can see even back in the days of Abraham we are seeing the same thing is oing on then as it is now!!! A lot of interference to stop the message---alter the  directives-initiate a visual distortion of reality-create an illusion mislead Abraham away to what he believed and what was  true

Now theres another passage as well that’s also interesting about being imbued with gifts that would appear to be also connected to us ---and again this would be stifled or negated by access the host of these gifts and cause them to be neutralized  in  the book of Acts 2:15-21 it appears that people Globally will have been activated By God as well with Gifts to be utilized to assess whats going on-- 15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. -16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: 21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.—So with this ability(s) as well giving us a certain empathic ability as defined by whats posted above---we would be able to see through the veils of programming and  programs---further realizing not only whats to come but what is ongoing as well and what is interrupting our abilities ---which would be tied to QAI---sooo if the QAI is going to be controlling Mankind through the globalist then we will all see this ---the drama s of selections---and the  murderous activities of those who would slaughter people for blood money and money for organs---ever wonder where these organs are going---where the genetics are being utilized—or even the resources of the victoms?? Heres  one way of getting jammed---so that you re being blocked access to insights and functions of AI

 SO perhaps what you are feeling –sensing –or hearing may --- MAY be true but you would need substantial evidence that it is because a lot of people today as well re voicing things but can they be verified!!!??

 See this is whats confusing that you can have a sense of something or feel something or see something but now you have to identify what it is you are dealing with and that’s where it gets fun---if you can validate and substantiate they you have wll you need to show what is going on  because with this type of technology to block and control the brain or have you interface with meta atom and materials to be also utilized by brain waves  may put you into a compromised position  back to being point you could be having the gifts but what could be happening there can be a block or worse a dislocation    of what you being accessing and the dreams and visions may to be being created by QAI soo this is where its important you realize the nature of the war an be aware of who you are and what you believe


More on the food war--        


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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
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