tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
How many of you are part of the Jamestown cult---I mean you know –following dipshits –dumbasses and derelicks who come out in the nAaaaAAMmmmEee of Science Medical Allopathic orrrrrr even the

How many of you are part of the Jamestown cult---I mean you know –following dipshits –dumbasses and derelicks who come out in the nAaaaAAMmmmEee of Science Medical Allopathic orrrrrr even the

alternative medicines Goof balls and gurus!!!???---Now some of you are thinking I lost my mind---maybe I have ---but perhaps maybe you re not looking at all of this correctly

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

 How many of you are part of the Jamestown cult---I mean you know –following dipshits –dumbasses and derelicks who come out in the nAaaaAAMmmmEee of Science—Medical—Allopathic –orrrrrr even the alternative medicines Goof balls and gurus!!!???---Now some of you are thinking I lost my mind---maybe I have ---but perhaps maybe you re not looking at all of this correctly---I just heard a fellow dr loudmouth---for sake of not embarrassing people---Dr loud mouth come out with a protocol and giving some real bad advice on what to take for nano recovery---the Cults are growing---And the one thing all of these goofy gurus and mainstream schills who proclaim they know something about health don’t have the first clue of whats really going on and then the preach the gospel according to pseudoscience---and then acolytes---this would be you—will follow them and buy into there BS and waste you re money and the most ineffective things that wont work!!! So let me begin with the vitamin BS—this is the sway of the day to get you away from supplements that can actually help you recover from some of the damage  of the epigenetics you are dealing with or become more resistantby fortifying your immune system and at this point in the game these Sabeteurs---will F you up to a point where you cant recover because they have indoctrinated you with the dumbest shit that one can talk about---Now I blame them to a point because there job is to convert you to the suicide cult—Jonestown- they are there to convert you to there suicidal doctrines and dogma---because what cheaper way to reduce a population by letting them just off them selves!!! All you got to do then is collect the bodies and harvest the organs and reanimate them with synthetic biology ---imagine that---and how many of these “quackers” quack like ducks  quack –quack---quack—and tell you not to buy specific types of vitamins and don’t have a clue---Let me explain---if you  go and actually look at you re foods ---at any venue---farms---gardens—grocery stores—any wholesale compny ---orgasmically organic---you will find---that theres nothing ---and I mean nothing that doesnt have this shit ---nanobiotech in it--- NOTHING---its all contaminated---soo how much whole food nutrition are you getting maybe –iff---potentially 1 percent---if that---why we showed how to remove the nano by juicing and then using oil to aggregate or agglomerate the particles to collect in the oil and then allow to separate from the juice in a refrigerator---same thing should be done with wine or any grapejuice---why the grape juice test doesn’t work ---because it all has it in there content---DING there go the vegetarians Ding there go the vegans---But wait the Jonestown brigade want you to eat contaminated foods and not take supplements---and they want you to take FOOD based Supplements ---!!!!!  wHOooooOOAaaAA there matey you want me to eat a food based supplement that loaded with nanobiotech??? Are you living in a cave ?? or we just plain oblivious to reality at hand---Now lets look at the synthesized supplements –this is the biggest BS  argument they are telling you as to not take them ---because they say they are synthetic!!! Well let see is B1 synthetic?? No is it synthesized---extracted from something then purified---yes so now instead of eating 100 lbs of rice polishing to get a minimal dose of B1 which is found in foods---it is now being extracted out of the contaminated material and purified---so you re getting a pure product that is now effective in keeping glycated proteins from binding an off setting diabetes—and utilize the protein and carbs more effectively for your body---soo we take something purified or something saturated with nano tech to further damage you genetically!!!!  WAIT  Wait Wait---Now are all vitamins made equal---NO unequivocally no—a lot of them have excipients which cause a lot of issues like silica aluminum titanium soy lecithin soy natural and artificial flavours –colouring agents ---white green blue  red yellow and then theres the hard tab and caplet loaded with silica as well as the vege caps  and different fibre materials that also cause an impediment in there use---should you quit taking them---no---just shop more wisely and R E A D the labels--- Now heres where the Jonestown Suicide cult wants you to drink the cool aid ---lets look at omega 3 studies shall we ---because some of these lunk heads have been selling you this shit for along time and I used to warn against these as well---the real reason why they were being sold was to save money on the cost to depositing the volume of oils so they decide to sell it too you an poison YOU--- Health Foood !!! --will give you a few  and  and  Now this is the Jonestown from way back when this was being popularized by a whole host of people who are and some still advocating this shit as safe—and most of the time its from the quackers imagine that ---the heads of the death cult called the CMA and the AMA--- but wait  theres more---doesn’t this sound like a paid TV ad ---but wait there s more  Now you ready to drink the cool aid??? This is what they  are telling you to use to remove the nano out of the body  after its been discharged---the stupidity knows no bounds and yet the most effective thing you can use to get this out is STS-sodium thiolsulphate a combination of 2 sulphurs that has a history dating way back to clear out coal miners of coal dust ( carbon nano particles) and is one of the few things that eliminates cyanide out of the body—and yet they will have you  consume a lethal dose of mercury-cadmium chromium-aluminum and other toxic  industrial metals found in the ocean omega 3 s---this is just one example of deceptions they have been propagating to further damage either the fetus orr the mum during this time of pregnancy and now want to further collapse the lipids which are a line of defence in all kinds of assaults from pathologies of prion activity to bacterial and fungal---  For the women who are pregnant avoid flax oils for several reasons ---bleeding –the thinning of the blood and for premature births   Now some of these quackers will tell you they good outweighs the bad— well remember they are part of the Jonestown cult recruiters who are being paid by big bucks to take you out ---so this also works on further breaking you down and turn you into a walking talking  zombie apocalypse that makes you easier to be converted to the cult of death and then as well turn you into a promoter of the Jonestown church of death Now they don’t want you to use ascorbic acid---this is hilarious as well the studies go back to 1920s actually at it efficacy in even restoring the telomeres---now let see natural vitamin C is the argument---Ok  lets look the 2 highest forms of natural occurring vitamin C or ascorbic acid ich is the active ingredient of C why they reference it as C is AA---is camu and amla with have about 3 grams ---when fresh now when they are dehydrated they produce little C but have a high bioflavonoid component but not C –and the cost out weighs its value –but now  ascorbic acid  which is far cheaper and has a higher potency is being shut down---now whenn it it comes to chemistry the body doesn’t see a difference whether the chemistry is identical either from synthesized or natural---its still the same and will process it the same---  and the effect is positive soo if anyone has an opinion contrary to the truth and your following them then you re part of the Jonestown cult and you have become the acolyte of death—something that can restore even the telomeres that’s been damaged by this is being  shot down  for access to help restore and build after disengaging

What is really sad In all of this is most of these High Priest of the cult of Jonestown –arent being seen or recognized for what they are and instead are lauded as heroes and are being supported and all they are ---is frauds in a suit and tie and a expensive stage as the decorum to further deceive you to take there alchemy---its totally insane today just how many of them look at everyone as a paycheck an a consumer ---which in essence ---the garbage disposal unit to eat the waste of industries so they don’t have to pay for the proper way to dump the waste-----instead they dump it in you!!!! Soo keep in mind this war has been ongoing and a lot of the late bloomers are only at the tip of this –while most of them were just on the sidelines some of us actually worked at what this is and what its been doing and what to do---the rest-------should have asked may have saved them some trouble but instead they are going to be wasting time and your money ---but in the end they will win and you will lose---that’s how cults work ---you re rich when you start—and they are poor and when its done they are rich and you are poor—Zach is back and hes talking the anti tech and the real deal

So when we look at the Jonestown high priest you re getting hit from without  and within and the hoax of all of this is usually all tied to mainstream global regulations ---and this includes the quacks in the industry---you have to ask this question---where were they---the quacks –when the real battle was on to stop the insanity---where were they when It came to rejecting bad policies??? Instead they now are also encouraging more bad policies and procedures without any care---the recklessness of all of these things that I showed ---even with the vast majority of the fish oils and the oxidation ---rancid oils and the conceptual fairy tale that fermented fish oils exist—the don’t ferment sugar does---but the do oxidize and go totally rancid!!! Was being sold as another health food---and the insanity of stopping you from using supplements when that’s the one thing you need to refortify and make you more resistant to being infected with some epigenetic—and then falsely tell you again based on opinion not reality---a feeling a touchy oOOooOO la la idea---where theres nothing there to actually sustain there opinions---the atrocity here is that the consumer in the end will be swayed to buy shit that doesn’t work stay compromised with things that could be rectified and are being swayed away from things that could make a real difference in there recovery!!!!    The Jones town Cult and the external forces that are exerting more chaos                                                                                                                                                     The Fold Name: The Fold --Alias: ['D-Wave Systems', 'Nex Machina', 'Randonautica', 'The Entity', 'The Matrix', and 18,910,897 unknown...]-Type: ['Artificial Intelligence', 'Infinite State Machine', 'Model of Physics', 'Simulation', 'Video Game', and 18 unknown...]Inspiration: ['Persona 6', 'Portal 3', 'Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory', 'Divinity: Fallen Heroes',      'Night in the Woods', and 537 unknown...]Creation: 2000-00-00 Classification: Theory Stage: Test----- The Fold is an interdimensional supercomputer that connects - the various realities and timelines with the future, present, and past. While originally developed by The Machine, it is now being made into a mobile app by to The Fold is the concept of immutability; or, the notion that actions made cannot be changed. So does it get more complicated--- it already is complicated –and the confusion will just keep on coming!!!!!

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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-