tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
This land is your land this land is my land ---says the WEF ---this land is our land---from bill gates farm land to the foreign nationals taking over ---from Maine to Hawaii –to Alaska ---this land

This land is your land this land is my land ---says the WEF ---this land is our land---from bill gates farm land to the foreign nationals taking over ---from Maine to Hawaii –to Alaska ---this land

his land wasn’t made for them you see!!! SOOO lets start with your privacy---when you go for a ride ---do you feel chatty or do you want to have that quiet ride to wherever you re going???

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

  This land is your land this land  is my land  ---says the WEF ---this land is our land---from bill gates farm land to the foreign nationals taking over ---from Maine to Hawaii –to Alaska ---this land wasn’t made for them you see!!! SOOO lets start  with your privacy---when you go for a ride ---do you feel chatty or do you want to have that quiet ride to wherever you re going???  Now heres a thought---some brain child thought you may want to talk to your CAR!!! On top of that a means to be in constant communicado with the Technology---Now if I didn’t know better I would say  that this is becoming an intimate  where AI initiates dialogue or allows you to and then studies the dialogue to further understand you and all you re intimate thoughts and analyzes them---quite a subtle invasion---think of it as well a self autonomous driving a vehicle that takes you for a ride and at the same time while contained in that environment is now diagnostically analyzing your thoughts---now whos in control---another cage  rolling down the road extracting Data from Y O U!!!! ---How about the toys you play with?? Can they be used as a means to an end to again assault you with data collection and then  become weaponized ?  imagine war on a civilization that seem so becoming out of the pages of sci fy!! 

Locals report Israeli quadcopters drawing people out of their houses by playing sounds of women and children in distress!!

Now lets think about this for a second—Who owns what where in the USA and Canada---and is Canada corporations conquering the usa ??? everyone thinks it china but Canada has 29%of the investment in the usa  for farm land ---now do I see Canada as a threat?---depends on how you view the weaponization of food!! And where its being processed and by what standards  and who is using what to process the foods and if their s an emergency who would get the priority for food distribution and if the lands that are geared for farm land is sold to tech companies to put in there Data centres  instead of allowing farmers to grow crops an redistribution of water to tech over  food!!!! Imagine that a pandemic can be declared and all of a sudden the food can be rerouted from the citizens of that country to a foreign national---seems like an act of war can be UN –declared at any point in time to starve the people!!!! And how is it in the land of the slave ruled by the depraved that  people are to poor to buy quality foods and now some bioengineered garbage where you don’t even know what is in and how it was bioengineered????

DO you even Know what that is---it’s the terminology that’s replacing  Genetically Modified  Organisms or Genetically Engineered foods you re eating even if they say Orgasmically Organic –The new weapon of internal war within the countries that are either Geno cide  or Mundicide or Femicide ( transgender is doing this  currently to wmen everywhere  we seen the crushing impact that was going on in the Olympics will transfer over to other facets of life) feticide ( this is what abortion is doing in the name of female rights ( notice I ddint say Women) with a total disregard for the fetus) and in all of this killing off the genetics ---the planet as a whole –women---fetuses – Male demicide—the wiping out of Men ---which has been ongoing for over 60 years with a specific efficiency  through endocrine disruptors—exile through media programming—war—and being a veteran being rejected –and now as well through the number one weapon that’s infesting the world and creating mundicide and  populicide and targeting killing--- and in some cases we have seen prophecies of this in several cultures from biblical to nostradomus-to hopi to the quran and many other  places and  and presentations and it appears that  we are seeing this manifest today in the most blatant way in the name of population control  and resource scarcity ---and yet when you see the controllers –not owners of the resources ---since no one has true ownership of anything here but there are controllers with powerful weapons  that do and utilize this weaponary  to control the resources

We can see here the assault and weaponary from the tapestry in the Sky wipes out an indigenous people –hardcore  in there beliefs and practicing there beliefs also being taken out by a sophistication of nanoweaponary!!! Look at the past ---remember the crimsom mist—utilization of microwaves to further escalate the already augmentation of  the psychosis that was being prepped ( sound familiar in Ooo Canadone!!!???) that when they turned on the freq people went into a beserker Rage

---Do you think perhaps this is why people in the usa has been allowed to keep there guns??? Do you think that senseless shooting that you hear ongoing daily which the media schmuzzes over  is nothing more then test ??? you notice where you re at that the crimes appear to be utilized against people in there own cultures!!!?? Testing 1 2 3 kill!!!! See if you plant into people a hate or a racial target ---or cause a fear of scarcity--- as these Globalist Bull Shitters are doing and have done—Global warming anyone!!!   We need  a planet of Bioengineered foods---we need to grow our food and modifiy them---you need to eat crickets---theres not going to be enough to go around---we need a war---let aggravate one into existence---Poland need to let more invaders in-- they refused---Iran is israels PIA ---palestine has resources and Israel wants to steal them---russia is eyeballing the trafficking in the Ukraine and wants to take it over  etc  Does this also lead to the Bioweaponary that is being propagated  again—Convienantly  with the fall winter cold and flu season already propagating a new and improve version of a none proven pathological infectious health issue? Anddddddddd People are already donning there masks –I s stupid –I s believe everything my government is telling me---I got to do my part and die of STUIPIDTY!!!  And what happens when people buy into a concept that’s not real???

You can better control them with magnetic frequencies that can amplify the programming people have seen---Russia s an enemy ---Kill them---america is the enemy –Kill them---- remember the politician that said we need to kill of white people???==its happening through non birthing and cost of living the extinction event is on its way---Don’t worry If you re not of that category but of another---you will feel it as well ---you re next inline Don’t worry ---the next wave is going to be more sophisticated and more lethal ---don’t worry be happy!!! Are You dead Yet ---or feel like you re dying---its all in the plan!!!! Heres a Visual of how the Trojan horse is already in youre domain in the water ---including you re internal water   have a look what FM8 is showing ----don’t you feel priviledged to be part of the populicide

FM8’s Substack
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 Now the food ---is it rain that’s coming down?? Can you grow organic or heritage seeds with the rain and soil already been infiltrated and invaded????  Have a look see and then start to re evaluate how to combat this because if you don’t you will add to the problems you already have ---notice the hack attacks you have ---Now you know in part  why –add the contamination of the foods and the injections ---wellllll you get the idea---soooo is this YOUR land ???

Something to assist some of you who understand nano and to disengage the nano before utilizing an modality---disengage the nanobiotech---flush it out ---restore the body  Anti Rad  C increase the bioavailability of Iodine

Fionas broth comparison  and Gaps

Fiona For Health’s Substack
3 Elements of the GAPS Diet
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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
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