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Lets hear the endgame ---but from an alien 4:29 it’s a prediction –a theatre of things to come ---earth ET---now this was done in 1964

we are seeing all kinds of awe and terror with the current tech—the increase usage of AI ( nano biotech—nanoconstructs—nanogenetics—nanoprogramming ) Quantum computers—D wave---

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

Lets hear the endgame ---but from an alien 4:29 it’s a prediction –a theatre of things to come  ---earth ET---now this was done in 1964 

then the concept  of religious and political assassination of a country and the Super AI ---or what I call QAI  ---and how  the world is initiated   into war over religious ( sharia laws- noahide laws-canon laws) and Politics –WEF/UN/WHO policies which are fascist and offer no options to anything other then there promotions and it all leads to war 11:00 mark you see the details this according to this forecast should  have been engaging in 2014

  but the time table may have been off as it stated there are many variables in the different dimensions but none the less we are at a point in time where a preemptive stike  can occur from Washington—and since no one who has taken office is mentally stable someone will engage it---and whats even more interesting here  this is 60 years ago to the year---we are exactly in this very position of being annihilated---now this vid says a lot in the first and 3rd parts –its definitely Anti God---and speaks that this part of the universe shouldn’t even be functioning the way it is ---so that may even validate that God created life in a place in the universe called a Void---something to think about!!! A lot of this is definitely some kind of operation but they did leak out some crucial aspects of there plan and it appears that what it said ---was accurate in 1-2 area s and in this revelation is further indicating that we aren’t going back to the good ol days---the contraryness of what the deluders and the visionaries in politics is are trying to convey---we aren’t going back is a mantra and its been repeated  in the campaigns---theres always the promotion of going back to times when things were better ===the question who was it better for??? Then the real issue that no one wants to face –the termination of Mankind---we have all heard the doomsday scenerios—from holy books---predictions from sooth sayers and prophets –nostradomus—edgar cayce—etc and even earth ET s—and we have all been seeing events that indicating this ---but then we continue to exist---and not even seeing the situations as they really are—we are in a luciferan age---and the force that was restraining the age to be already here is now being lifted and we are seeing all kinds of awe and terror with the current tech—the increase usage of AI ( nano biotech—nanoconstructs—nanogenetics—nanoprogramming ) Quantum computers—D wave---these thing being re engaged ---this tech has always been here and the relevance to the days of noah under nimrod –Mankind was enslaved with the tech—and it was God who had to step in and reset Man to be autonomous once again--  SO now we are back to have DNA – hacked- -   when any form of maleware can be inserted an effect a total biohack---does anyone see the connection with a gene editing operating system  injected ---how about these devices that can “read You” are you allowing your self to be hacked ? what about the cell phone---we know this also connects to your dna---and what about all the other interactive tech that while you aer engaging its enaging you and studying you and analyzing you!!! The AI is already here and already being on the offensive---when we see whos collecting the data—this is were it gets more involved ---everyone thinks is the Military industrial complex that is collecting the data---not accurate---they used to ---now with a data hungry device that constantly needs data to have energy to function and needs energy to run it capacity to contain—control—analyze—and utilize this data continues to invade and people through decadence---globally—are being consumed with this and don’t realize they are another form of energy and data and and transceivers --- this is the end of us as a species---we wont survive this—and the military industrial complex is now using this tech to wage war---and we are seeing the lab experiment in the Ukraine and Russia---there was another drone assault that hit Moscow ---again---are the Russian people as well being experimented on and exploited---and Russia threatens nuclear---it will be the west that will launch the preemptive strike---we can see russi has restrained and even restrained its targeting on civilian populations while the west has used the males of the Ukraine like fodder—

Generative AI, as the name suggests, refers to AI techniques that can be used to create or produce various types of new content, including text, images, audio, and videos. The rate of development of generative AI has been staggering, with many industries and researchers finding its use in fields such as finance [14], collaborative writing [15], email communication [16], and cyber threat intelligence—

This is alarming that the reliance of this is literally taking over all thinking—and at the speed that it can perform no one can match this---and whats even more alarming with this capability it can control you without you know it ---hack you without you being aware— ever go grocery shopping cme back or open an app on your phone or your laptop –ipad or cpu and the article of purchase is there and where its on sale!!! That’s a hack—and its also monitoring you and analyzed you—and has even provided a solution!!!  Now you have to wonder how hackable are you and whos doing the hacking?? Is it a hacker? Or is it a program?? And who is running the program—Military—Political-a foreign entity—or is it a QAI?

  ---soo AI is already in place maneuvering everything and the biggest threat to everything on the planet is already set afoot and its not stopping---the real evil on the planet is the core power hungry authorities furthering there experiments like the one going on in North America to stop the flow of goods and transportation like whats going on in canadone and with the people there being an expedience---to further their experiment---now how would you coordinate something this immense –by having the data  and where would they get this data---from something extremely intelligent that would be able to orchestra the means to do this—and the interesting thing here ---is that that DATA is also being analyzed and stored!!!! So when we look at all of this then what happens when you put operating systems into people---directly into there DNA???  the Active use of AI has now given it more insight to our matrix and has furthered the activation and recognition of synthetic DNA and RNA and now can interface direct with this  ---the Moderna and Pfizer Jab employed this into people just by coding the peptides and creating the program to be inserted into the genetic code---even Klaus schaub stated this it doesn’t change whats around you it changes you!!! The more powerful generative AI systems become, the more concern arises that humans do not control healthcare systems and care decisions---what are we seeing today is a integration of policy in the utilization of AI in the system they call health care but isn t ---since there has been nothing cured in the last century---what is AI going to be doing??? And how is it going to be in its autonomy since the debate with it is that there may not be any clinician or MD to over see the procedures---and that a patient may prefer the traditional means of health---which means to continue with the perpetuation of disease---if this is the case what happens if AI does cure some one?? –wil the pharmacorporations want this removed?? Will there profits take a beating because there are now cures?? Or will it find away to make more elaborate genetics to continue with the pathology ?? and with nanobots and nanodendrimers deliverying payloads of programming into the dna---this will definitely lead to integration on a whole new level!!!!

The hologram is an AI construct using LI fy Wi FY and Photons –

imagine  that here we see one method of integration of AI –with nano genetics to take whatever is to be administered into the host and to construct a matrices  within the body from cells tissues –organs dna –genes –chromosomes---the pay load is genetic the delivery is a containment being directed by programming or a frequency to a specific targeting point and then to release the payload in the area using fullerenes to attach and also to act as a conductor like a fibre optic relaying the data--- AI fusing with a Quantum Computer even makes it more effective with analysis and data load and transfer  which means in essence it can take up even more data faster  --with all the nano operating systems in us it makes one think are we really Us any more---something to consider---this is why no one whos been directly injected with any synthetic dna or programs should be using anything til they full understand what this is –before engaging in any electrical anything ---you don’t know what you don’t know ---and don’t be deceived with a controlled experiment---a controlled experiment can be manipulated ---its what goes on in real time environments---that’s how you determine the factors as to what is and what isn’t –the AI is ahead of everyone and everything—its only a matter of time where something really big gets orchestrated on a massive --- Heres another example of DNA being programmed to built a quasi crystal   "Although there are now several known examples, discovered in nature or through serendipitous routes, our research demystifies their formation and more importantly shows how we can harness the programmable nature of DNA to design and assemble quasicrystals deliberately."   This is another interesting aspect of programming dna  and making them do things that isn’t normally there function—and what is in the LNP of these jabs ---do they have some kind of maleware in them to be activated through programs or freq---something to look into !!!  Genetic drugs such as small interfering RNA (siRNA), mRNA, or plasmid DNA provide potential gene therapies to treat most diseases by silencing pathological genes, expressing therapeutic proteins, or through gene-editing applications. In order for genetic drugs to be used clinically, however, sophisticated delivery systems are required. Lipid nanoparticle (LNP) systems are currently the lead non-viral delivery systems for enabling the clinical potential of genetic drugs ----  This is also displaying AI s involvement in the design of LNP---and the medical is always shading it in its behavior in order to justify there usage so they can market---but as it can be designed to nanodeliver a medicine ---it can just as easily do the same with a poison---and with the multi layering of the LNP we have really no idea whats in that operating system(s)nor how they can be turned on and what is the criteria of the activation!!! If Li fi and Wi FI and other psionic and photonic  and electrical heat magnetic laser can activate a nano assembly or repair or replication ---then what does this do to a peptide coded dna??  What you re seeing below is LNP activation of blood or  DNA

Does anyone really know??? And that’s the big question everyone needs to know before listening to the amazing Claims of GOOFY GURU!!! Or DR GOOF!!! Or the snake oil salesman who will tell you any shit you want to believe---time to grow up and realize the target of this war is Y-O-U!!!! 

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