Tony, increasing power. With relay?

Hi Tony -

1. How do you make a "relay" with increased Volts and/or amps for "nano device"? Thank you

2. I watched your videos.

Thank you

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While I appreciate what you are doing - literally have watched you since this hell happened to me.... Best things that have worked for me are saturated PO at the onslaught of my symptoms. and certain supplements that I have since stopped. The game changer for my wife and I has been a steam sauna, no processed foods, homemade probiotics like raw milk kefir and beet kvass and fasting. Also staying off the internet as much as you can - which is the hardest since you can actually get good info from it. Still alive after 2 years when I thought I would die....and not living in fear.

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well you re not the first person I have heard say things like this but its inevitable that the nanobiotech will adapt and over take what you are doing ---you re still weak and you re still not all there and you re always dreading the impact is going to re assault---it will ---glad your fortifyng you re self --- but it will eventually if not already not as effective---you re in the time space where it will regain the foot hold---you re not telling me things I havent heard but in almost every situation ---it comes back worse because theres no disengaging -- and that s the first thing you have to do for the other things you re doing to work ---disengage---flush -repair---been saying this for 15 years ---and still alot of you dont listen nor do you understand---whether internet or no---if you re near a tower---use a cell phone near a cell phone--or ipad or cpu ---listen to a radio ---watch TV go to a movie step into a store walk down the street---the nanobiotech is accessed and reloaded in programming ---there s no convention that is going to work with out first following the first 2 procedures ---I am glad you re doing something but its not going to be sustainable


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Yeah - cause you're a nanotechnology "expert." (and lets just get away from "that" word). Seriously - you've not seen what I have seen. And I am by no means weak. But thanks for your response. I will survive.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

Survive---hiim sounds like barely existing---you will see and yes I am a nano expert people come to me for real solutions not some ideas that dont work on syntethic biology

when you re ready freddy and you will be ---the tech is available from many sources and You can even build your own ---I show how so even densified people who think they are free because the change there diets arent---when you fry and collapse you will be there ---News flash check with a microscope---you re eating it---FYI


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