
hmmmm if you dont disengage the tech you will regret buttttt dont believe me what the heck but heres anothe study that also shows edta functionalizes the formation of nanoparticles ---I love this sloppy BS ---and controlled experiments to weave and decieve https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022369717310119

and if you would all do your due diligence instead of being entertained into oblivion you may actually one day find the solution but bot following sensationalism ---just a thought

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Tried liking this and guess what no matter what I did it would not submit the like. Below it said in the browser javascriptvoid(0). Interesting

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Thank you for the RFK video, that's gold.

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What is this methylene blue about. I have family members taking it.

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another false supplenent that has claims to cancer removal ---but its a strong toxicant and doesnt stop nano assembly


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Tony, thanks for all this information, especially the RFK video. Listening to this was--frankly speaking--very depressing to know what our government's idea of a good time is. Their goal is obviously to reduce the population. Why is anyone's guess. Maybe an occult sacrifice? Maybe it's a money thing, or E. all of the above. Anyhoo, another day of life is a victory against the bad guys.

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Power---you have to realize todays times we arent complying with the lies and more and more people are seeing this reality for what it is and it not real ---its a mirage--a mist--a hologram ---and even the selection in office people have absolutely no vote---slaves have no say---humans have no say---beast have no say---hackable animals have no say ---those who have say are not the power just the pawns ---once usefulness is complete will also be executed ---its a given --and with the power struggle ongoing among the globalist as well this is a refacing of reality as we know it---shows over---entertainment and deceit is finished---people are are voluntarily walking to be slaughtered ---and this isnt going to change til people wake up to what RFK said ---complianing never set one free from a totaltarian govt--- canada needs to have this permeate throroughly

usa is not that far behind when the selection is done expect to be warped sped into hell


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It's like the Milgram experiment, right? 33% of the people walked out and didn't comply, but 67% did; and we're at the point where we're trying to wake up the 67%. This is sounding like a Bolshevik 2.0 situation and I hope that there's some push back. I feel bad for Canada b/c I think that's country's totally gone mind controlled. I don't know what it's going to take to make the population snap and take back their God given power.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

canada is finished ---unless a major catastrophic event hit the country its a wash --collateral damage for the big prize USA---till we can break from the WEF -UN- WHO- and all the fn contracts thats been signed we are not going to get it back---canadians believe in compliance ---this is why it will never ever be won ---theres a hand full of us who will fight this but the reality we dont have the numbers or the fire power buttttttt canadone can be won---hack there Central nervous system and wipe out the hard drive and then there maybe a chance---but for now ---all thats there -- is 1-2 % and the rest of us had to leave do to the DEW or the lawlessness that was done ---

the 67% arent going to wake up ---thats delusional ---they will wake up when AI starts to Harvest them by first taking the economics away from them and there trophies - and then there DNA --by that time ---its a sunk ship


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Thank you for the health recipes . Do you have a book 📖 out ? I used to travel to Saskatchewan to see my mother-in-law twice a year until the health system killed her back in 2009. She taught me some great Ukrainian recipes for borscht and walnut torte. Those seem easier than the health recipes because I understand kitchen chemistry.

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I have 4 books ---a flash drive with a archive of info that will assist you in all facets send an email pton@myyahoo.com


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