Great post, thanks Tony 😊

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Straight talk for those ready to hear

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It's a jungle out there!

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Hi Tony,

Thank you for your posts! Just seeking more clarification for myself and other readers.

In regards to the following paragraph from your article, “ ... regularly detox with things like epsom salts and TSP with C or use STS + C or even an MSM or NAC + C—- or utilze other enzymes or ferments or even a peractic acid mix ...”, here are my questions:

1) STS = Sodium tetradecyl sulfate (sodium l-isobutyl-4-ethyloctyl sulfate)?

It’s a “synthetic long chain fatty acid that has seen extensive industrial use as a synthetic surfactant (soap). It is sold for medical use as a solution of up to 3% concentration with 2% benzoyl alcohol used as a stabilant.”

(Found reference - https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/sodium-tetradecyl-sulfate)

2) MSM = Methyl sulfonyl methane), a form of sulfur?

3) “Other enzymes” = Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, & Bromelain? Any others we should know?

4) “Ferments” = sauerkraut, Greek yogurt, kefir, pickled fruits/veggies, sourdough breads? Am I correct? And are there any of the ferments you found to be particularly effective?

5) “Peracetic” = peracetic acid = PAA (peroxyacetic acid)?

(Found reference - https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media_file/2020-08/Peroxyacetic-Acid.pdf. “PAA is formed from the reaction of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide.”)

5a) Peracetic acid comes in 5% & 15% solutions. Which percentage do you suggest? How do we use it? Externally or even internally in low doses?

5b) “Peracetic acid mix” = ??? Can you explain what we should mix it with?

Appreciate 🙏 your response & input.

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nattokinase = shit---STS sodium thiolsulphate PAA can be made in any strenght so its a mixture of peroxide and clear vinegar not ACV---never use ACV its nanosaturated---only use the clear acetic acid in vinegar---unless the acv is distilled then never use---its to be taken orally--any strenght will work and even a stronger since again its used in a dilution---take in dropps or tsp increments in 3 oz of distilled or RO water--ferments should be fermented dairy--veggies and fruits are super loaded with nano never consume---juice and filter with oil ---there is a YT on how to do this--- there is also sodium edta and dtpa which can be utilized

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FM8 showed his process of making the peracetic acid mix. Hope this helps.

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Tony, a few more questions pertaining to clarification. You wrote that we can:

“... increase either foods and supplements to increase oxygenating your self and at the same time use antioxidants to reduce or minimize oxidative damage—-peroxide oxidant—-Ascorbic acid and Copper antioxidant to stopp the side effects of peroxide ...”.

“Peroxide oxidant” = hydrogen peroxide?

“To stop the side effects of peroxide” = are you referring to the external use of it in baths or the internal ingestion of peroxide via drops as spoken of in the “The One-Minute Cure” book?

Does oxygenating the blood produce oxidative damage/stress? I thought oxidative damage was caused by toxins and not oxygenation - that oxygenation increases blood flow because it brings more oxygen to the cells thereby breaking down/denaturing & eliminating the toxins which leads to the improved health of the cells through proper restoration of mitochondria processes. Yes or no?

Any further light/knowledge you can shed on all the above would be very helpful. If I have misunderstood your statements, please clarify. Thank you. ☺️

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The facts and truth so many don't want to accept. Thank you Tony

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wellll all you can do is say and let them who have eyes to see and ears to hear the rest----sucks to be them


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Exactly, that's what I've learnt I have to accept. We can do our best, the rest is up to them.

Not everyone is meant to be saved, there's still the majority of useless eaters :|

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Thank you for sharing all your research with us. Can anyone tell me what RO water means?


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That would be reverse osmosis water.

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Thanks, Tony!

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Sukee says thank you too!!

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Thanks Tony

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Tony, what's your take on boron? Does it disrupt the self assembly?

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no those who propagate this not sure if its a scheme to make money or what ---the only thing to date that I know works is phosphorus and oxiidizing agents but again if there s no disengaging then all you re doing is pissing in the wind

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Thanks for your input, Tony!

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I got the idea from yesterdays show you fiona and FM8 and Yannis did —-hearing that dingbat talking about nano and nanotech and elana not challenging her made me think what other people would feel and realized confusion

good show by the way I got 3 done many more to go

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Hi Zac. Is there a show today? Is Tony on or you. I’m just so confused

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What is RO stand for? RO with distilled water...

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RO= reverse osmosis

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Thanks Tony. 😊

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