Formulas--Solutions and Remedies
when you see the goofy guru s ---doctor-- or a Doctor/Guru whos talking Complimentary Alternative Medicine --Run forest RUN!!!!!
I get alot of calls and emails asking for solutions and remedies or —and I also get alot saying they heard this or they heard that—- I come along and say that those who are saying what they are saying are FOS!!! and then I get the deer in the headlight look—-and then the question is always —-what am I to believe—-that one is simple believe in God —-the rest is FOS— but to deal with the quagmire you have to first disregard most of what you re being lead to believe —-especially with these nano ding bats—NANO FUEL NANO JET FUEL NANO PEP —-NANO WILL MAKE YOUR WILLIE HARD__NANO WILL GIVE YOU BIG BOOBS ___NANO WILL MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT NANO WILL STOP THIS OR THAT AND NANO NANO NANO….. and when some one like me says carbon c 60 is junk —-methylene blue -nanosilver or any nanometal-zeolite-nanogold or silicates—-the response is always the same but so and so said this so and so showed this——then if you re entertained that easily —-you wont even listen —-the websites at augmentinforce—show clearly that no nano metal is beneficial—-yet does anyone read—-I am thinking that the answer maybe no or if reading not really grasping the nature of how these components—-function and how easy they will build structure-constructs and networks in the system —-all being controlled by freq-or programming already integrated with the particles— then we have genetic and organics—crispr— and synthetic dna —-which is all also causing mayhem—-and the biggest thing I see is that if people in general dont see it happening they think everything is ok—- yet 6 decades of disease X — happening we are seeing the end result—of endocrine disruptor—dna damage( I have a willie and Im a gal —Im a gal and I have a willie) welll this is right in front of everyones eyes and because govt s and media have been blasting this BS people who have been damaged feel connected by a lie —rather then dealing with the perpetrators of there condition—-they spread this ungospel of darkness further escalating the damage of the creation and its intent—-the mind is a terrible thing to waste—-remember that—-welll look at the waste—-with a generation that has spiralled down for 6 decades—-and now we are seeing opposition to this evangel of destruction of the genetic code that makes us man and woman—-WAR is going to come—-with this much non compliance its inevitable—-some will say Im being negative—-I would say I am being positive—-this de evolution—-will finally stop —-instead of us going backward we will be able to evolve an become more godlike in our behaviour— solutions are on there way—-now how do we get to them—-health —food is shot—- water is shot— air is shot —sounds like its hopeless—-well the first thing you do is do not buy into anyone s BS about organics and wholesome—-acknowledge that chemtrails and pesticides —herbicides and glyphosates—genetics and chemtrails are in your food supply—its there by all kinds of transport—-from the air from the wind from the water from animals and insects that eat here and shit there or pollinate everywhere—-so what do we do—-utilize anything that will chelate—disengage nano sky pollution- or extract and filter with oil the removal of the contaminants—-and then filter the material—-the whole thing at this point is to reduce this to the best of your ability —and this method will take anywhere from 85 up to 95% of alot of this and then you can spike if you like to further disengage any possible program that maybe active —and this would be fruits and veggies which will be saturated with these endocrine break down of genetics—Supplements—-always buy in bulk and then YOU control the formulations in the ratios you need rather then the BS they make which has a slew of contaminants and some have 4 major ones that cause the further damage of the endocrine system—silica —titanium-silver-and aluminum avoid—-some have natural and artificial flavours—-aborted baby proteins—-how are they impacting anyone who uses this???—- regularly detox with things like epsom salts and TSP with C or use STS + C or even an MSM or NAC + C—- or utilze other enzymes or ferments or even a peractic acid mix—to assist in the reduction of the build up—-theres no way nano is going to come out of you effectively or fully without disengaging the operating systems—-what people may remove is loose debris which is also good before it can attach and engage——-so there are devices that seem to have impacted people all over the planet that removes the concentrated networks already assembled and attached—-apply salts on the body will remove at best a few layers from the skin but then again that maybe nanoconstructs that havent yet assembled or assembled into you——-if you are in a health food store and you re looking at the packaged foods read the labels carefully and again don t follow the goofy gurus into anything they say—-they are just there to make money—and will tell you whatever BS you want to hear to get you to buy there poisons—-soo whats next—-well the air is tough —-you can use ionizers and ozanators as well as sparking an electrical charge in the environment to create the effect of disengaging what ever maybe in the air —-you can increase either foods and supplements to increase oxygenating your self and at the same time use antioxidants to reduce or minimize oxidative damage—-peroxide oxidant—-Ascorbic acid and Copper antioxidant to stopp the side effects of peroxide—-adaptogens like rhodiola or ginseng will increase stamina and othe effects —-the support or counter of the depletion of adrenals B5—-so what we are doing is taking the materials utilized for a specific and then taking another material to negate the negative impact —-so you see we have solutions—water is always a contention and the biggest argument I hear is that it will chelate minerals out—-chelation is impossible—-what is chelation—a clawing or grabbing —water doesnt do this—if it did anything it would dissolve —RO and distilled water do just that — they dissolve the toxins —I have never seen any negative impact from either of them and they are both 95% nano clean—and water is supposed to be on the acidic side to begine with to act as a catalyst for the minerals and other things to be utilized—so use the cleanes water that you can find and remember this as well —-this was known 60 years ago —that alot of those so caled trace mineral due to the dissolving process can accumalate as well so keep it clean remember this as well—-they are constantly modifying and upgrading there weapons of mass destruction and they arent stopping at 6g or 7 G when they have a 10 g carrier and the sophistication of the attack is always going to be your dna thats why I have said in these times—-if you can keep the dna healthy that will be the key to being healthy—-you re at war—-you were born into a interdimensional or heavenly war—-and it wont stop til Jesus returns or til we have run the course and complete our lives—-so til then evolve your knowledge—which will evolve your wisdom—-knowledge utilized gives ne experience and that experience gives wisdom———there is no discharge from war!!!—- I am going to post this as well with every sub I write so to direct people where to donate and to keep the support up—e-transfer—-people have been commenting where to send them— so this maybe the easiest way or PM me at that email if your still not sure
I got the idea from yesterdays show you fiona and FM8 and Yannis did —-hearing that dingbat talking about nano and nanotech and elana not challenging her made me think what other people would feel and realized confusion
good show by the way I got 3 done many more to go
The facts and truth so many don't want to accept. Thank you Tony