exposed to nanomaterials then what are Y O U being told ===how can you not spit out nano when the components youre spitting is saturated—this is Grape beverage from germany
Speaking of Yanni. FM8 is trying to discredit him. In his latest video titled, Agents of Confusion. He’s claiming that other experts like yanni are just keeping you hooked into their system by charging consultation fees and selling their products. I believe FM8 does this same thing, yes?
I wrote Tony back in October on his substack with my suspicions about FM8 because of who he was giving credit to. This saddens me because I really believed In FM8 and even did a consultation with him a year ago, and he even charges for his devices. So, why can he charge, but no one else can?
At the end of the day I lean upon Our good Lord Jesus for guidance.
Sorry to say I was deceived me as well --I thought he was geneuinely concerned about the welfare of people and when I gave him the triangle he was desperate and his son got results---I find out later from people who are in his group who contacted me stating he was belittling me and got totally condescending---people went his way because of my recommending him I deeply regret it-- he s damaged people in his arrogance--his ego because he was a health care worker- which doesnt amount to much when it comes to a realm he is new in and knows so little and his limited experience has this idea he now knows more then anyone---this is the second report that has come out that his tech hurt some one-- the triangle he s building is based of my initial one which we did --and what it looks like due to his tampering the power hes using is melting the wires causing issues---he has no real experience with nano --nor has he done any real research and if anyone challenges him or ask questions he doesnt like he bands them from his group---he s reckless and sloppy and is selling these time bomb triangles--it will all be a matte of time when the wires will get compromised and melt due to the design--we didnt have this issue because the power we used initially was 76 watts not 171 watts that hes using-if he really had something and based on what you re telling me then I am not sure why hes still selling the triangles ---this is the hypocracy of what he does and says--- that seems suspect to me as well--on his handiwork since he made the statement that his was superior yet I am wondering how many more have had issues -all I have seen here is deceptions --manipulation and a greedy bastard selling the tech to those who have been violated with a genetically engineered tech which I have heard second hand stating he doesnt believe in when there is clear evidence that it does---so much for his observation skills-- if he so outstanding which he isnt he would admit to his errors -he doesnt want to---he would look like he doesnt know what he s doing which everyone is beginning to see ---what I am hoping for is that the people hes damaged ---and one came out stating the triangle did activate them--and I did warn him 5 times not to sell to those who are jabbed -he denied the person got activated by the triangle --showing extreme stupidity -he defibrillated his ex wife as well we will see how long she will last --- If he really believes what he is saying then --quit selling the triangles ---quit marketing himself -if his accusations is that we are getting people hooked to our system -hhis cult isnt growing like he wants it appears--the stupidity s beyond measure---he want s it all he wants everyone to come to the cult of baba looey screwey because hes going to save them while they make him a pope --create something that does work and wont activate the injections---the Messiah complex he thinks he has in his cult he head is going to back fire and I hope those who have been damaged and hurt will step forward and email me ---so that others wont get hurt with any more sloppy workmanship which he critized others whos work he had to repair --seems its come full circle---if you re seeing this then everyone else is as well ---the onlly thing you will see him do is copy and take from others---he doesnt have anything creative --cant come up with an idea of his own--he copied my original again doesnt know much --if all anyone can do is steal copy or manipulate then you know they dont know what they are doing---wont have to do anything --it will self destruct ---no one is helping --
Hi Tony
What is you take on infrared saunas? I do hope they are safe as I just purchased one.
Also I got snookered 10 years ago in taking zeolite,shilajit and carb 60...took for 6 months
and stopped....wish I knew about you then...LOVE the show ...much graditute Angelina
depends on the range on the infrared---if its Thz ranges would send it back
AC 120V/60 HZ
I guess that is hertz only....THe brand is Relax Far Infrared ray sauna
I found him! 😂 I hope he responds here.
Hi Toni.
Im trying desperately to reach out for Yanni. I don’t know if he knows but that is not possible via solutions 4 the mankind
Emails are not being delivered or sent.
I’m interested in products for Victims of Vaccine. Or do you offer them as well?
Thank you and God Bless
I have no way to get ahold of him ---go on his substack and try notes
just got this
Ok the can reach me via email at
Speaking of Yanni. FM8 is trying to discredit him. In his latest video titled, Agents of Confusion. He’s claiming that other experts like yanni are just keeping you hooked into their system by charging consultation fees and selling their products. I believe FM8 does this same thing, yes?
I wrote Tony back in October on his substack with my suspicions about FM8 because of who he was giving credit to. This saddens me because I really believed In FM8 and even did a consultation with him a year ago, and he even charges for his devices. So, why can he charge, but no one else can?
At the end of the day I lean upon Our good Lord Jesus for guidance.
Have a blessed day to all who read this
Sorry to say I was deceived me as well --I thought he was geneuinely concerned about the welfare of people and when I gave him the triangle he was desperate and his son got results---I find out later from people who are in his group who contacted me stating he was belittling me and got totally condescending---people went his way because of my recommending him I deeply regret it-- he s damaged people in his arrogance--his ego because he was a health care worker- which doesnt amount to much when it comes to a realm he is new in and knows so little and his limited experience has this idea he now knows more then anyone---this is the second report that has come out that his tech hurt some one-- the triangle he s building is based of my initial one which we did --and what it looks like due to his tampering the power hes using is melting the wires causing issues---he has no real experience with nano --nor has he done any real research and if anyone challenges him or ask questions he doesnt like he bands them from his group---he s reckless and sloppy and is selling these time bomb triangles--it will all be a matte of time when the wires will get compromised and melt due to the design--we didnt have this issue because the power we used initially was 76 watts not 171 watts that hes using-if he really had something and based on what you re telling me then I am not sure why hes still selling the triangles ---this is the hypocracy of what he does and says--- that seems suspect to me as well--on his handiwork since he made the statement that his was superior yet I am wondering how many more have had issues -all I have seen here is deceptions --manipulation and a greedy bastard selling the tech to those who have been violated with a genetically engineered tech which I have heard second hand stating he doesnt believe in when there is clear evidence that it does---so much for his observation skills-- if he so outstanding which he isnt he would admit to his errors -he doesnt want to---he would look like he doesnt know what he s doing which everyone is beginning to see ---what I am hoping for is that the people hes damaged ---and one came out stating the triangle did activate them--and I did warn him 5 times not to sell to those who are jabbed -he denied the person got activated by the triangle --showing extreme stupidity -he defibrillated his ex wife as well we will see how long she will last --- If he really believes what he is saying then --quit selling the triangles ---quit marketing himself -if his accusations is that we are getting people hooked to our system -hhis cult isnt growing like he wants it appears--the stupidity s beyond measure---he want s it all he wants everyone to come to the cult of baba looey screwey because hes going to save them while they make him a pope --create something that does work and wont activate the injections---the Messiah complex he thinks he has in his cult he head is going to back fire and I hope those who have been damaged and hurt will step forward and email me ---so that others wont get hurt with any more sloppy workmanship which he critized others whos work he had to repair --seems its come full circle---if you re seeing this then everyone else is as well ---the onlly thing you will see him do is copy and take from others---he doesnt have anything creative --cant come up with an idea of his own--he copied my original again doesnt know much --if all anyone can do is steal copy or manipulate then you know they dont know what they are doing---wont have to do anything --it will self destruct ---no one is helping --