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Polio has been said to be a collection of symptoms, not a single so-called disease. It appeared often during the summer months when fruit and vegetables were being managed or harvested. It seems plausible and even likely that polio has been caused by poisoning with ddt, lead, and arsenic found on the produce being handled and eaten. Our roadsides were sprayed with DDT for mosquitoes. DDT was also sprayed on troop torsos when entering the pacific theater in WW2. My close family friend was crippled by polio as a young GI in the pacific theater. DDT was also added to wall paper and was considered a miracle substance. Bill Gates polio vaccines got him thrown out of India for crippling 100,000+

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Author

it depends then who has what data ---they had cures for it with copper in many forms---if it was pesticide issues then would say it was a dna disruptor --or a gene damaging issue----epigenetic exposure ---then it wouldnt have been polio---it maybe the derailing and misdirect and I suspect that is what it was to cover up the epigenetic of the pesticide ---we all know if pesticides are used in the wild the endocrine damage as a result of exposure effected the sibblings of the wild life I suspect as well this is what happened to people exposed and the reason why they released a bioweapon called the polio vaccine sooo would say it was a total misdirect and a reason to infect people with cancerous causing weapon--they created the toxicity to disrupt the dna and called it this but it wasnt polio

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YYxOfwrsrU The Horrifying Truth Behind MAID They Aren't Telling You

dr jordan b peterson

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https://divisionsbc.ca/sites/default/files/51936/Medical%20Assistance%20in%20Dying%20(MAID)%20Protocols%20and%20Procedures%20Handbook%20Comox%20Valley%202017%20-%202nd%20edition_0.pdf Protocols

There are 2 available routes for MAID drug administration in British Columbia. The

intravenous route requires 4 drugs which are given in sequence as IV push doses.

Death usually results in less than 10 minutes. The oral route takes longer to take effect.

Most patients die in less than 30 minutes, but the process can last up to 24 hours. In the

Netherlands, patients electing to have an oral protocol have an IV cannula inserted prior

to taking the oral protocol. If death has not resulted within 2 hours, then the IV protocol

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