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Mar 3
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Mar 3Edited

1984??? are we high--- people were bleeding out all over so whats harmless about that and the blood clots

who ever wrote this is F d in the head ---I think people writing this BS are looking to be placated ---and if this is 1984-----ummm what year are we in---I seen ambulances going by my place every day 3-5 a night and 90 a day dying here from those jabs---I guess they were harmless

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A really thought provoking show, thanks T. 🙏💕

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Not to self-promote, but I made a video using clips from that Silly Billy Gates interview: https://rumble.com/v3xnfhj-melinda-gates-that-technology.html

You may find it funny

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Great video, Zac! Crazy making what's going on, and absurd to the nth!

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self promote self promote

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hahah thanks

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Or it could be about using the y chromosome as target practice, leaving X alone with all the other x's to make mud babies.

Ivan The Terrific... I love it.

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The truth about Zionism cannot be spoken now in Israel, and perhaps other countries, without risk of jail time..."God's chosen people'?!!! Sadly, disgracefully, and disgustingly, the vast majority of Christian churches have bought into the lie brought to the forefront by Charles Darby and C.I. Scofield with the Scofield reference bible which totally changed historical understanding.

IMO, most Christians have been blinded by their pastors as many popular and influential ones have been bought out by the Zionists. They like most have ceased to thnk, to question and to stand outside the majority. Chuck Baldwin, pastor of Liberty Fellowship, is one vocal exception, but very much the exception.

Of course, it is not anti-semitism to bring light onto behavior. Just another ploy of name calling to halt the truth!

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I think the pastor are the zionist ---jesuits---new age wolves---and when n one challenges there teachings this is where you wind up---more and more is coming out---I think the day of zionism are also coming to an end---that cult is become obsoltete

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3 strokes the last 2 years (close friends and family). Just this week in my church 1 aneurysm and 1 cardiac arrhythmia. A girl I knew died from a stroke on January. She was 29. This is too much at this point.

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some one sent me something saying the 1984 jabs were harmless---I wonder what planet they were on---maybe it was just canadians that were dieing---but I know alot of canadians and english from the Uk have a perception issue ---unless they see some one dying in front of them they just think everything is ok---it amazes me this thinking

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Some people live in denial. It' a coping mechanism. Dealing with reality is hard but if you want to initiate any change you better face the harsh truth first.

Tony I have a question. My baby is one year old now. Can I put him on the bucket like his siblings or should I wait for him to turn 2 ?

Take care Sir and May the Most high bless you.

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you may want to do the bucket and hold the baby

I think its still to young for a bucket---there lipid barriers arent strong enough and dont want to disrupt the heart rhtym

ii if you hold the child then youre a buffer ---hold to your breast and heart area


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Got it. Thank you Sir.

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Thanks for all the info Tony.

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Too many people must have been going to archive dot org to watch Almost Human for free. Guess what they have taken it down, violating their terms etc.

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OHHH hahahaha imagine that


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Amazon had it on Prime and took it down also. I watched on “Tubi” for free. 😂 that series really gets reactions. Tony is onto it for sure!

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