Aye Tony I greatly appreciate that you share common sense. Something that everyone needs to get back into. The bull$hit on tv should be illegal. I mean it wasn't half bad when we used to have 3 channels. But now it's not worth watching we've got hundreds of channels and there all spewing the same garbage. Anyway thanks at least we have you speaking truths. Something everyone should at least take in once a week. Bless you brother, I'm a Christian, not perfect. But I strive to better myself with the help of Jesus. I don't do church, just because. But I do talk with Jesus/Holy Spirit every day. And I also pray. Relationship is different than just churching once a week. So blessings and keep up the good fight.

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I like you dont bothere with structured religion --I think they are all as useless as 3 tits on a bull but I do believe in a living God and the horseshit of the day is trying to eliminate God out of the equation with their structure mind control BS--they got in NA to believe in an anti christ leader --imagine that--and with the anti christ demons running the govt s --and the PIA in the ME with there anti christ nonsense and the christian right supporting this--makes one wonder ---so I am with you with God and Jesus and the H spirit to do what I can and not compromised ---its cost me--but then again today is a good day to die and so is tommorrow ---today for them that destroying the planet they should have been the ones gone--

share the shows ---those who have eyes to see and ears to hear ---let them


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