AI and the EARTH zone---its an all consuming Data Parasite---and the more its fed the bigger it gets--and if you interacted with one---you wouldnt even know it
AI oh my the clues are there and I have been warning about it and now you can see it
I have been in a transitory state in recoverying from a dew damaged —-that hurts like hell—-I told friends of mine their ARE 2 CONSTANTS IN LIFE—-NOTHING COMES EASY—-AND PAIN LETS YOU KNOW YOUR STILL ALIVE —I just wish it would stop screaming—-hahahahha—-but I digress I was venturing to my next destination and lo and behold I was watching over this guys shoulder what he was seeing and I just about fell out of my chair—-the presentation of AI and what it could do was blatant and validated what I have been saying about this for at least 5-6 years and been warning about how dangerous it is and the thing about it—-most people today dont understand how it works—-if you watch Jay Tuck AI is killing us and see where it was at in its infancy and where its at through the eyes of hollyweird —-which btw is more accurate and yet still lagging on what they are showing us—-and there are 2 movies —ironically both starring tom cruise oblivion and the latest mission impossible - dead reckoning—expressing the immensity of what it is —-a DATA Collector-parasite-and archivist—-which as it access it also can utilize —-program—design and upgrade and develope and invent and extend the use of the data it collects to manipulate or expand the use or even utilize this information to create a impenetrable fortress for itself where it is basically impregnable and can with the data ascertain with the data the probability of a response and a activity to a margin we cant even begin to calculate—- there have been others as well who concluded this was a imminent danger to mankind - and the planet—Mission impossible shows exactly how powerful this is and what measure it controls the planet—-start with jay tuck-to oblivion to mission impossible—-and here we are—-now for something this immense—and it grows exponentially daily where there isnt going to be room for the planet for this synthetic life and us——-ever wonder why we need windmills??? why do w have this useless tech—-which is already obsolete before it was even developed??? why is it we won t have enough to to take care of what we have in the grid —-and they are bringing in the electric car and yet theres not enough energy?? what clue are you getting in oblivion where the AI is sucking the oceans dry—-whats the connection—-could it be using the salinity in the water as a electric charge or flow like a spinning rolling water that conducts electricity charging the landscape for life??? you see the clues are all there—-in order to expand in its collecting and utilizing the data stream—-see that term stream—-it requires energy and as it consumes the data the energy has to be there for it to utilize so that it can continue its expansion—-matrix 1 first scenerio explaining the need for people—-the summation of life is to be a power source for the AI as it expands and increases its data uptake it needs more power and more people to provide the power—-we are heading that way—-what happens when a person dies in regard to their energy??? what collects it —-what stores it what uses it?—-see the connections should be clear—-all this talk about energy crisis and storage is alll BS—-its about “ feeding the machine!!!” remember that term? —-so as I was watching this everything I had researched on this was blatantly in front of me—all I could think is were F#$%^&* not that I already didnt know that—-but because its already here and there showing us that this is already here—— the less tech you have the better—-buttttttt heres the oxy moron to all of this and its alll being done by design— and it dawned on me after I arrived at the next leg of where I was going to —-that the area doesnt supply any service with out a fN PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have to have a cell phone andd they dont provide adequate service for retires because alot of them dont know how to use the cell—-you cant even wipe your back side without the phone to tell you where to wipe —-and then it dawned on me the funnel is the phone the data stream is the phone and networks—-and block chains alll feeeding this data parasite.—- What you do how you interact—-why they dont like using strong language— and as you connect to your device it absorbs the data on your biochemistry and how you react —your dna —your biosigns anddddddd your bioelectric—-you wont even be able to tell a live hologram standing in front of you interacting—-hollyweird-performers are realizing the end of there livelihood—-and they can see there image of themselves easily being made and controlled and performed by AI —-you will think your dealing with a person and it will be photons and li fi with a direct link to a data stream—-it can out think you —it can out maneuver you and it can anticipate with about 99% accuracy your response and how to respond back and I am not talking that joke they are maneuvering everyone with sophia—-that antiquated barbie doll - Im talking about that entity that is literally consuming this planet and all of its elements to be iconic and what we are seeing and the smart cities is a power manipulation for the people who live there to be harvested for there life force to feed the machine—-am seeing it blatantly where I am currently and was seeing it being developed where I was —-as the jabbed drop dead they are being harvested thats why it appears they turn on and off the freq an why some are more responsive to the on and off of the dew assault——-we are in a war for our very existence—-dont think you willl be spared—-as far as the AI sees you—you are obsolete and inefficient—-and this is just AI—-what happens when a quantum cpu is integrated—-the data rate and flow will jump to numbers I cane even think—-at the point—-earth will be the entity—-something to ponder something like this pandora s box should never have been opened—-the tree adam and eve ate of —-is a data structure—-it killed them—-and we have been on a perpetual cycle exactly like them—-programming killed them and its killing us —-as I see it anyway
for those who cannot concieve what s been saidabout AI and it being a parasite---this is showing how it can extrapulate all the data an come up with all the possiblilites and can morph into something life like
want to see how far AI is---this expresses what s been said and what eric is showing you is advanced and this is what is sending data to this
It seems to me there is a very easy solution. SHUT DOWN THE WIRELESS GRID and they have NOTHING! No power. No energy upon which the AI can feed or exist. Nada.
Mankind has waaaaaay more power than most imagine. We can shut down this grid with our thought and intention. Yet getting people to be willing to do this is the problem as most are addicted to their wireless devices and cannot even contemplate letting go of them.
So be it. Maybe when they realize their life depends on letting go, they will do it. Maybe not. Maybe they'd rather die than set themselves free or be locked into this satanic matrix for eternity.
It's always a choice.