tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
You re always hearing on the ad campaign to take your money---for gold---you hear all the time to get ready -money is going to shit!!! I would agree with the digital currency what we will see is the

You re always hearing on the ad campaign to take your money---for gold---you hear all the time to get ready -money is going to shit!!! I would agree with the digital currency what we will see is the

complete phasing out of cash and the incorporating a digital system where they willl take it all back because youre on that beast system---

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You re always hearing on the ad campaign to take your money---for gold---you hear all the time to get ready -money is going to shit!!! I would agree with the digital currency what we will see is the complete phasing out of cash and the incorporating a digital system where they willl take it  all back because youre on that beast system---buttttt what if I showed you some things to make you think ---how safe is your money really with the gold hucksters??  I mean really think about this---if everything is digitize then physical currency is not going to be used so wheres the gold going to go then???? Ever think that ---where are you going to spend it where is it going to be accessible to be used for commerce??? Then what about the govt----will they confisicate  your Gold or Silver????   ---  Now don’t think that  this just happened in the usa and that the usa made all these rules and regulations on the confiscation of gold as the only country ---there are several who will they take the gold and silver from you---  so here are times and countries where this did take place and when you see that we are on a brink of war then you have to wonder wheres the money going to come from to pay for arming a military??? Then there is the fact that we have digital Currency in the works ---where are you going to spend your Gold!!!??? Who will be able to take it?? Will it even have Value??? The traditions they speak on is based on a currency that existed and the Gold was transitioning to cash –and in the usa it was taken away for war---hmmm is history going t repeat itself---The One interesting I have observed  is that history repeats itself continuously with some slight alterations but cycles seem to repeat—we are reliving the 1920 s and a lot of people are so caught up with the theatre  from the TV and other Media that no one is taking a real hard look at whats being repeated!!!---Now this passage in Ezekiel makes me wonder---since everyone has opinions about what things mean in the bible but I wonder if this is already been done with the covid and the push to remove cash due to the germophobia --- Ezekiel 7:19 They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will seem unclean.Their silver and gold cannot save them in the day of the wrath of the LORD. They cannot satisfy their appetites or fill their stomachs with wealth, for it became the stumbling block that brought their iniquity.

 Now I will be the first to admit –I am no scholar in the ways of the bible –and to be quite honest have never met one that really knew anything in regard to what these passages mean –and there have been a lot of assumptions---but the point here is that gold and silver will be made useless and for that to happen---something dramatic is going to take place where the metals will have no value or use—and for whatever reason silver and gold will be rejected—sooo I wonder with all this placating to buy gold and silver and precious metals and the push is on ---is this a set up coming to further the money drain!!!??? As well to make everyone even more vulnerable to the dictates of the billionaires who are running the show since they arent the real Power but represent –the real powers that are leading everything and everyone into an abyss!!---Now lets take a look at fantasy---Since we seem to be loaded with it—and the TV is perpetrating the fantasies with so many things—the very things they sell is to plant an imagery about a product that doesn’t live up to anything being displayed and when you are in grocery stores you see all kinds of magazines to comfort oneself with foods ( especially deserts) that will comfort you---more like seduce you—into a belief and then you wind up with this imagined comfort---the discomfort of reality –cancer—diabetes—glycation of tissues- mineral defiencies- heart issues—brain damage –addiction—Food –the idea of it was to restore-rebuild –replenish the body not to use it like a drug and then the content of the chemicals in those delusions of comfort in the foods are toxic---this is how you kill bugs and pest---by enticement with sweet so they eat enough and die of the poisons being delivered by the insulin throughout the body targeting key organs –to expedite the termination of the pest---Sound like you!!! Now lets take this delusion to another step---how about virtual food!!—now this is a the evolution of death by food---having you wear a Device that allows you to see something and the replicate the flavor so when you bring this hologram to your mouth you actually think and believe youre eating something solid!!!  Imagine that---and I would wager that this will become another addictive program that will make one want to eat virtual food and literally starve to death in the process---you will feel full due to the stimuli to the brain receptors that acknowledge satiation--- --- Since everything else is an illusion—even the circus we just seen and the event that have been followed we all seem to be sold on un reality—fake pandemics—fake wars---fake terrorist-fake institutions that are humane—fake child care fascilities—fake relationships---fake education—fake gender identification ---it’s the new F word –Fake!!! What the Fake is going on—are you faking crazy—Fake right off---or fake you!! It would be all appropriate is the faking thing to do to make you fake of and fill your head with faking BS!!! You get the point the War keeps on coming and the insane thing in all of this ---is how many people believe in this system of fraud ---another F word which means close to what the other F word means--- and with all of this going on  the water mains breaking ---the damns bursting—floodings—circus acts on TV to gain a vote that doesn’t matter---the foods being poisoned ---butttttttt they have pretty packaging with cartoon characters that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside—the colours on the cereal boxes and candies—this is to appeal to child like thinking to get one to buy on a spur of the moment---then the  whopper of whoppers to believe you live in a country ---where one believes---acknowledges –the illusion of autonomy---when in fact the global leaders have surrender your autonomy—what identifies You as a culture to place---is all but gone---Canada is a Multicultural country under a rainbow meaning separate but equal ---this is what used to be said but nowwww we see the rainbow as  a means to harvest organ individuals who think the govt has there best interest at heart---another fiction---another F word meaning what the other 2 words mean---and in this fiction this is supposed to represent a protection that is already in place but now this group has more ---and its due not to the fact that they are better but they represent profit for there organs in the name of democracy ---what a Sick Joke!!! The biggest seduction and perceptions is promises and guarantees—we have all heard them---we have all seen the results of the promises and guarantees---they never happenor they happen and it cost us beyond what we are told---and who makes these promises and guarantees---Commericals—they are everywhere---and who produces the biggest deception—biggest fraud---biggest fiction—biggest fake!!!!! Next to politicians who take there orders from this foreign national and lobbying groups---Pharma Corporations—who said 2 week curve—who said fish from fish markets in china –who said bats—bat shit—who changed the name to covid 19 which meant corona virus 19 meaning it came out in 2019—and where did it come out---washing worked with it  Manitoba worked with it once it was sent there from Washington then it went to china---and Yet  with all of this people kept believing that this was a pandemic---and now Most are ready to believe in this Fraud –fiction –fake again—I s anyone paying attention to there countries calamities and not seeing how they are all being orchestrated---does anyone hear the talk of peace any more or is it WAR--- Let me direct you into something I seen ---with AI talking about God and the different aspects of religion and faith---now I will wrn I am Not a religious man ---never was much on religion---in my humble opinion all I have er seen religion do is cause Men to go mad and start  wars over nothing---and in essence the wars were a blood sacrifice to the gods people bought into---Never seen so much inversion in all of this Loving God---god of War---so it gets confusing as to what to believe why I always at the end of my shows tell everyone to read the gospels since it’s the only thing that ever made any sense—and the God in flesh spoke the truth and the killed the messenger but resurrected  back---which is a key stumbling block to all religions---because of they admit to this then it makes there religion moot---butttttt I digress see whats transpiring here ---take from it what you think---I think you will see a distinction  but then again you may not 

tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-