tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
What happened to germany-!!!??? I mean when hitler was alive---and they called him a tyrant---if anyone raped the women in that time they were shot on site---he protected the women in germany

What happened to germany-!!!??? I mean when hitler was alive---and they called him a tyrant---if anyone raped the women in that time they were shot on site---he protected the women in germany

Today though ---in Germany you can get gang banged by imports that are coming into the country and be totally shared without consent and when going to trial if you yell out some out burst toward the p

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

What happened to germany-!!!??? I mean  when hitler was alive---and they called him a tyrant---if anyone raped the women in that time they were shot on site---he protected the women  in germany---they were key to the economic stability  ---Today though ---in Germany you can get gang banged by imports that are coming into the country and be totally shared without consent and when going to trial if you yell out some out burst toward the people who raped you ---YOU get more jail time then the ones who did the raping!!! Imagine that!!who thinks this shit up????

---now the question I am going to ask here and it’s a touchy one---do women have rights??? And do they have equal rights??---the answer to the second question is no---and they never will!!! Some of you will be shocked at what I just wrote so will deal with the second part first---Women will never  --ever –have equal rights?? And before you jump the gun and call me every kind of male bashed term out there---I have heard them all ---the reason is the question you have to ask---why am I saying you will never have equal rights!!! The answer is ----Men don’t have them ---and if men don’t have them ---it will be impossible for any women to have equal rights since men aren’t equal ---So what you re really asking for is inequality and you don’t even realize it because its all  in the definition of how you define equal!!!! There is a perception of what everyone thinks that means butt in reality it could never be achieved ---slaves Have no rights---monsters have no rights---machines have no rights!!! We have no rights---the whole theatrics in this shit hole we call life is about deception and making us believe---that all there is  here ---an what ever story that’s being  spun is life---and I was talking to FM 8 and I was discussing how so many today still don’t get anything  and don’t listen to whats real ---and all they do is placate to some researcher who doesn’t know how to research---and people don’t listen to the voice of sanity but rather listen to those who would kill them with BS---or deceptions---and the researchers that advocate these contrivances and pills and food that actually perpetrate the destruction of dna  are nothing more in my humble opinion---I equate to murderers---because they will sell there ass on a street corner to make a buck and they don’t care who they fuck over!!!--- This carries on in politics ---the 2 biggest prostitutes in the usa will now debate ---to get YOUR vote---got news for you---You have no vote---monsters don’t have rights---women still don’t have rights---men never had rights---that’s the big truth no one will tell you---you never had what they told you because they who espoused these ideas and gave you the concept of rights ---weren’t the real power to give them to you---what we all have had at best is a perception of an ideal!!!—Everything you see from the TV is perception they want you to think---a concept –but theres absolutely no substance to any of it---Still think you have rights---Did you get to decide to not take the jab---and if you didn’t take them didn’t they punish you for being insubordinate---so what happened to your rights??? ---the Suspended them---did the ever release the suspension????—and now the People of Idaho are having there water turned off and the water usage is subject to a 300 dollar fine per acre---but the water excuse isn’t flying about a need to ration when the water is being rerouted to a cobalt mine---Where are there rights??? How about Calgary Alberta Canada ---whos had to shut the water due to a defective pipe ---when they have 25 reservoirs and can reroute the water ---so wheres that water going---still think you have rights---So we can see more and more if you understand( you stand under) these people who determine your fate with double speech—Now how about Privacy Rights----do you think you have them??? We hear all the time we have to have the need to privacy!!! Yet how many have cpus with software that’s supposed to protect you to sustain your privacy --doesn’t work!!! Orrrrr you Using your Phones and you think this is so cute and cuddly and you put your kids on face book or some other social media platform-

 --Has it ever dawned on you that by using those platforms that they gave you--- abducters and enslavers can come where you are and abduct and rape your children of there life giving blood or peptides so some one can feed off of them like a leech that has 2 heads and cries give give!!!! - Some may say  I am being over the top ---xenophobic even negative---I would say am being perceptive------so when you hear about Kids missing or abducted what comes to mind ??? Did you think that perhaps through the social media platforms they were able to locate and isolate those kids and remove them??? --why its improtant to realize the toys you have is designed to look at you and you re surroundings ---in the name of safety so if you wind up dead or worse they can now find you---this is the selling feature now the reality if anyone knows your location you could find your self in a predicament---then again how about youre children ---still think its wise  for them to have a cell phone???  Then theres the general population and the corpses that are going to appear very soon with the war young people are going to be told is a war that we have to win and in the interim it another test of toys that make noise and your family and friends will wind up dying and God only knows what those men are going to be inserted with!!!!!

FM8’s Substack
Synthetic Reload And Surface Saturation
Mentioned Content Below: FM8 WITH TONY - NANO IS ACCUMULATING RAPIDLY ON OUR SKIN Related: FM8 Synthetic Biology Playlist:…
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  here s another perspective about the war going on with mankind with the infiltration of nanobiotech infections---you can see that once you get it under control it still has to be maintained in order to stop it from replicating ---so do you think still have rights if so did you asked to be obliterated by unseen tech ?? This was all installed into everyone without permission---violating  you re supposed rights by beingmade an undeclared war upon everyone-----Heres a tidbit about biblical prophecy on not eating meats –denying marriage and the gambit of Gods permission and blessing  yet they would have you believe and again violate your common sense and derail you from food ---something to think about How Your right to food is also being taken!!! Do you still think you have rights!!!?? Oh klausy there is now saying to the nations attending the meetings they must force collaboration in order to not limit growth and development---imagine that a forced collaboration   Sooo do you think war is coming!!?? Forced collaboration can only come by one means War!!! Do still think you have an rights!!!

tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-