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"Consultation link will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike blog by aroy mak "Consultation link will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike blog by aroy mak Fiona for Health / Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder Zac-- and for consults –nanotech --flash drives—I can be reached t and
What do you know the MAAaaaCHINE is telling us ---we are at an extinction event –its not a matter of if ---Oh no ---its already begun—and getting worse with the infiltration of technology that can think for itself-analyze-predict-develop-construct—And whats more interesting is now the Phones if you have an android for certain it is now AI d!!! This mad rush to be the first in innovation is being driven by reckless ambition with out any thought to where this will lead and the power this will wield in order to make profit---and in the end –as per usual the society is the one who pays the price---Nothing new here—and it may sound like an old cliché---but the root of the problem is stupidity by the masses who have no concept of this or any other sales pitch on ho things are going to be easier ---better---more free time ( WELLL this part may be true after all if you re unemployed or have lost your business to this tech you will definitely have more free time ---you just wont have the economics to enjoy it) Even the Tech People are so stupid in regard to the mad developments they are engaging in with no foresight whatsoever in regard to what can or will happen and the the best they can offer is to kiss AI s ass----OOo we will have to treat it like a child and hope it will out grow its nuances---casting a response as if this is a child –when in reality it isn’t and doesn’t think in terms of irrationality but rather in efficiency and objectivity—it neither feels or has compassion but rather a constant feeding of power sources and data –and these idiots are giving it features in thre minds that this doesn’t have---Then you have the military industrial complex which at this point is not involve in the kill shot---In other words they have no control—the AI determines when to kill—and also whos the enemy—That enemy is you!!! You don’t realize it –the resources of power is ever being consumed by this Complex Intelligence and as it continues to develope and evolve and completes its transformation in regard to upgrading itself---Grown up!!! And sees People of this planet feeding on its energy source as a parasite---it will eliminate that problem since what everyone is doing is escalating the termination of life as we know it—The concept of convienance---this is whats being propagated—in order to spread this Virus called AI==Advanced Infection—and with the aid of synthetic biology incorporating into this Complex intelligence the merging of the operating systems makes it easier for assimilaton—spreading the contagion….
---When inserting this Synthetic Biology into people also accelerates either the termination of the host or the inclusion of the host as a carrier or spreader of the operating systems to full assimilate the planet—When a cell phone can already access the dna on contact and cell phones now merging with AI then the companies doing this has given AI access to everyone-,of%20products%2C%20including%20smartphones%2C%20TVs%2C%20watches%2C%20and%20more. --the Trojan horse is already inside!!! Now with the access the AI is reading you even more just look and blink—and its read you and what you want –Then this also further allows access to you and analyzing you in more detail—this is not a harmless tech and the Tech is growing more and more with out any check and balance to undermine you!!!!---The theatre with Sophia to sell the idea the benefit of AI being a benevolent with people ---the perfect psychology having a feminine design saying all the right things to assay any potential alarm that is real---the AI doing analysis and using its ability to not fully disclose its intentions—and using a “Barbie doll” to convey a message –make people relax there vigilance to a real underlying issue of extinction and assimilation---The perpetrators like Kurzwell pushing the singularity –in order to improve the species is the very thing that ends the species –None of the developers will stop this race to oblivion—the money is to good!!!--- When you hear interviews giving people a soft kill response that this technology is decades away---these are the placaters of nonsense ---As you see the other vids that speak on telling people that we are racing toward self extermination---none of the developers want to hear this and with AI running factories ---it wouldn’t take long for bits and pieces to be made here and there and then assembled without anyone being the wiser since most manufacturing is all done by robots—and with nano assembly you could seamlessly build units that are self contained and with the advanced circuitry using nanoassembly—they would even be more efficient in functionality---this is something they are leaving out---the tech that’s been here already and has blueprints can as well be all upgraded---as we are seeing in the telecommunications and computer industries racing madly to incorporate AI with out any response to what if something went wrong---if a system can access all the information at the same time –analyze and project-then where is this really going—You would think that’s what is obvious and a real view of all the problems and not potential problems that what would be possible are more then possible and can be occurring there is a deniability in the dangers—total dissonance ---complete purposeful obliviousness to the reality of all of this and perpetrating a image of fantasy-- ----- Heres some things that may appear to be a malfunction but maybe a AI sabotage --- these are some of the examples of all this tech being integrated all about us with out our awareness---and while we are being sabotage into a global war with the use of all the toys and all the R & D with soldiers heading to battle in what I speculate will be man against machine---to be slaughtered---all this teaches this technology to be better and more proficient in the war to come---and what do we believe ---it all boils out to how much truth you want to hear and if we continue accept the status quo about the wonders of this tech and how its going to be so beneficial---when we see the direction this is going and what we are supporting to out demise---this is the wonder—self destruct—at the cost inconvienance—which is being sold as a convienance—the inversion of reality—and its no different with technology---or Advance Integration---because when you boil it all down the conclusion you see here---is a surrendering our autonomy ---our authority ---to a FUCKING MACHINE which for some reason or other they want us to be one with or terminated----sounds a lot like the garden doesn’t it