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Was watching an Instagram ---you rooted for an Under dog-or the Resistance--when you watched the matrix you rooted for the resistance---when you seen the colony---you rooted for the resistance---

when the govt started murdering citizens—with a untested Bioweapon—and inflected everyone with a fake pcr test---anddd shut down the small business owners and blocked privileges----YOU DID FA!!!!!

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

Was watching an Instagram ---you rooted for an Under dog-or the Resistance--when you watched the matrix you rooted for the resistance---when you seen the colony---you rooted for the resistance---when you watched Divergent---you rooted for the resistance---when the govt started murdering citizens—with a untested Bioweapon—and inflected everyone with a fake pcr test---anddd shut down the small business owners and blocked privileges----YOU DID FA!!!!! Don’t you feel proud—a stand up job eh!!!

Heres some lyrics for those who still are ra ra ing for these sick@#$%^ s  or 

the song God we need You Now

I was listening to a instagram and he made a point and thought I would use the content tweaked with my version on the vid---because its true!!!

  and then I was thinking----with all this psychological preparation that the TV was programming when it came time seeing the govt suppress and oppress the GP how many did absolutely ZIP---accepted there dictatorship---obeyed like a conquered people---who didn’t do a damn thing except listened to incompetent people who have no knowledge—of genetics---virology---nanotech( nano delivery) and even may have been collaborating with the installing the operating systems in you to further escalate a tracking technology that can now lock on your internal circuitry!!!!! Heres a little something another Canadian sent me and I thought it was appropo because of the hypocracy  that’s occurring in Canada 

---its appropriate because Canada is no longer the best country in the world due to the fact that the one that’s making the speech is the one who followed his fathers footsteps and continued in the legacy and killed Canada---the saddest thing to see happen—and Are we going to see any changes with the next party stepping in---the answer is No!!! and in fact will take us deeper into the quagmire fractalling downward---since we have only traditionally been brainless in the “vote” You never had a vote---but the lobbying groups—bankers---corporations ---Bioweapons Factories( moderna and Pfizer)that’s whos designating policy for Canada and the rest of the world is following the same pattern—Soo have you heard Go team humanity??? What a joke!!! Does it make you warm and fuzzy feeling inside—GO Team humanity GO!!!!---and what doe s this really mean  exactly???—Lets take a walk on the wild side shall we or should I say the law side what this means---A human by the definition of the word means MONSTER!!!---go Team Monster go!!! Is what they are saying---and the trans human concept is they are going to transfer you to a monster---nowwww lets go a wee bit further here—shall we  you little monsters-

  --Did you know that a Monster cannot own land!!?? Orrrr  have an inheritance!!?? Hmm maybe that’s why they have made housing so despicably out of reach and why they are transferring foreign Monsters to the land---because they will never own it!!!   Just like the west will never own there homes and those of you who think you do---you don’t---fail to pay your home taxes subjects you to an eviction and the govt takes over what you thought was yours---now did you ever consider with all of these interruptions that have occurred in the last 4 years that this was about further descalating you re ability to own lands homes and a quality of life because the govt –the WHO –WEF—UN—are treating everyone like monsters which leaves you all unentitled to any privilege they deem since after all you are becoming transMonsters!!!!

Or should I say a droid—drone---LMD—a robotoid---Clone –a Replicant initated by nanobioengineering to further mutate us into Techno Monsters!!!! Whose main purpose in life would be to be in total servitude—neurolinked—and moderated by a quantum AI(QAI)---that will have super antenna all over the planet to subjugate you into being a soulless creature---being a monstrosity in creation –mutated by genetech operating systems connected to a centralized networked controlled by a quantum AI---WE RE FUCKED!!!!! Some of you think well this is way way way way out there---more like way way way way in here and pervasive---non stopping and all consuming--- the price you pay for a syntethic intelligence to run the planet and to regulate every function  there is from military applications to financial-medical-political industrial –manufacturing-communications—construction –medical –education-life  etc   or   Now what is the price to all of this trans Monster way of life---wlll you will be IOB---internet of bodies that will be totally integrated as a peripheral under the full control of the quantum AI butttt here s the catch ---you will also be in full threat with hackers---govt agencies---marketeers----robbers and crooks looking for a easy ID to use to commit other crimes---your children ifff we are still producing any---will also be autofitted with a genetic and quantum operating systems from birth with a designation als being on the full control of who ever has access to the codes --Now we have to deal with polymer blood---lifeless and energy less blood that can be polymerized and accessible  to be integrated and network with the nanogenetics to affect the conversion of the mutations from Man or Woman—into monsters

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  firemedic gives a rundown here on the synthetic Blood---you may want to pay attention since the powers that be are trying very hard to turn everyone into monsters---- and remember there is a work shop on going with Fiona for health make an appointment --- On another Note in regard to the conscriptions that other countries are now engaging in ---what happens when youg men and women go to be forced to join a military??? Now think about this ---they get injected with tracking tech---what happens then if the enemy---who ever the flavor of the day is ---hacks the systems---then they will know exactly where the soldiers are ---and its pretty hard to out run a missile—drone—swarm- that knows your location and numbers in the area—a swarm could be sent out and wipe out the platoons and none would be the wiser---they died from malaria---died from typhus---died from ebola—died from …died from there own govt causing a self destruct…. These injections will make them more vulnerable to being targeted an terminated---no veterans hospital to take care of the soldiers who are dieing for FA!!!! Then theres this aspect of mutation---inserting into them tech that if the enemy doesn’t kill them the bioweapon insertion does----maybe you should share this with your sons and daughters before they are sacrificed----Just a thought!!!!!!!!!!!! We maybe all dealing with Monsters---the term today is zombies---but then again what are zombies—People who are programmed and mutated---so what do you call them  Monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!