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The myth of synthetics and the misuse of the word in regard to synthesized—the confusion and delusion that people have and are unable to distinguish the difference of contamination and purity
I received something in my substack from some one trying to share with me about the “dangers” of synthetics and as I was reading the article that was shared –I realized another drama queen from the person who wrote the article crying wolf when there is no wolf ---and also realized they aren’t the brightest lit bulb on the tree either ---and this sets people with opinions based on the criers and woe people ---so am going to hopefully set the record straight and as well express how a supplement maybe shitty and to avoid and to alleviate any concerns that you may have from listening to these goofballs and gurus who know nothing but to repeat like parrots the disinfo they receive to further perpetuate the confusion—so what is a synthetic –what is synthesized---see the similarity –the words look similar but aren’t the same ---a synthetic is something that can be made to represent or look like something that’s naturally occurring made in a lab and has the properties of the natural ingredient—it’s a duplicate ---synthesized is also made in a lab buttttttttttt the difference is its extracted or chemically made from a natural source—like B1 –its extracted from rice polishing—Ascorbic acid which is referred to as vitamin C and is he active part of C comes from corn or yucca—vitamin D which comes from fats like butter and fish oils and lambs wool and there is more then one type of D—all these are synthesized in a lab ( synthesized = To synthesize a substance means to produce it by means of chemical or biological reaction ) so here we are seeing that to get what we want its usually done through chemistry---and almost everything today is synthesized---you re bodies also synthesize foods you eat by chemically breaking down the foods you eat==meat into aminos – then to peptides then to dna –genes –chromosomes-bone tissues hormones enzymes—as an example—is this a synthetic—no but if I listen to these goofballs they would make you think this processes are creating synthetics in you---from food---Now can you produce a synthetic inside your body –definitely—through being exposed through some epigenetic your system will react biochemically and induce a reaction to produce things in you that shouldn’t be there—networks from nano assembly as an example--- so are synthetic vitamins dangerous---(synthetic made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product) See the difference---one is made by chemistry one is extracted by chemistry—and youre body does the same when its repairing or rejuvenating or removing things or clearing things—it s all triggered by enzymes and antioxidants –prooxidants—peroxyls- nitrates –hydroxyls etc---so when you take something that is a synthetic the same would hold true—what is it are you consuming? –for instance the capsules that are all vegan are actually a type of plastic made by a either chemistry in the lab or by synthetically made with chemicals or synthesized from plants with a dense fibre---in this case the effect is the same ---most people do not have the capability to break down either –as a result they congest there colon---the reason being that the materials are so dense that your systems cannot synthesize or break down the capsule as a result the substance they contain goes out the back door—and that’s by design to keep you thinking you are getting your vitamins but not getting any benefit so you return to buy more useless stuff—this is why as well reading the labels of the vitamins correctly is important in the decision you make when buying them---and it can be said as well for botanicals as well as food vitamins which I will also comment on—when reading the labels –what do you read---the psychology part of the vitamin –OoooO look it has a bazillion things in it this is got everything---cha ching $ ---or do you read the other ingredients—silicon dioxide-titanium dioxide—nanodelivery—angstrom—ultrafine—monatomic—aluminum-cellulose-hypercellusoe croscarmellose ( usually in vegan capsulation but sometimes as well in gelatin capsules) or anything that ends in ose— or colouring agents ---do you read naturally and artificially flavoured( this is baby aborted proteins as flavouring agents) beaver anus –or some chemical composition made in a lab and is not identified – Soy and its derivatives TVP HVP AVP HPP – other additives like Disodium inosinate or Disodium Guanylate these all cause rashes and side effects as well and is found in a lot of food packaging—MSG ---soo do you see these things in the supplements especially food based---now the food based supplements has this the catch with them –for example -- you see a Vitamin C supplement and it has camu camu and amla and rose hip as there base and are ingredients and they say it’s a vitamin C—in truth they aren’t---they may have some C in them but its miniscule amounts—here s why---when amla and camu and rose hips are fresh they have a super high level of C--- camu and amla have the highest –about 3000mgs or 3 grams per fruit---buttttt when dried have about 900mgs per tablespoon ( 15 grams of bioflavonoid that has 900mgs of C !!!) its that same with rosehip once dried it drastically drops so you re not getting what they are saying---but what you are getting is a high level of bioflavonoids which do have benefits but not the benefit from C since its reduced to almost nothing ---because once its mixed with other foods that have “ C” in them they to are all bioflavonoid and little C so you spend 30 bucks for food based vitamin C and what did you get---bioflavanoid--- and little C which has no value and will do so little because a lot of it will be pissed out the door with the fluids because there is so little in them—essentially useless when it comes to utilization for anything---RDA another hoax in the industry---- based on a 1950’s standard which even then was useless but since the foods at that time were not as bastardized and compromised as they are today---epigenetics hadn’t been in full swing then so food values were a lot better so you didn’t have the health concerns we do today as result of under nutrition and over exposure to endocrine damaging foods and genetically altered through epigenetic exposure—and food contaminates from metals or chemicals or radiation exposure—RDA is still seen on the bottles today and its absolutely useless but its another marketing theme to make one think they are more authentic and has higher values then the rda expresses----botanicals---usually herbs and plants which can be used as food orrr medicine ---a lot of them sold in capsules are also gimmicked with the word standardized---this means that they have created a means to further suck in the consumer by saying that these products have met a standard---sounds good eh!!?? But what is that really saying---since it has so many meanings—the few things to get you to pay attention to what this is—1 that all the capsules are the same---meaning the are a single 0 double 00 or triple zero 000 size—2 that all capsules has a specific numerical value of content inside—example—350 mgs of X 100 mgs of Y and 50 mgs of Z and then you re excipients so now you have 500mgs per capsule –3 that each capsule will have a specific level of the active ingredient – so if you re buying a dry ginseng it will have X amount of ginesoide per capsule-+excipients---as you can see this becomes a science just to buy these ---and then you have people with opinions---everyone has one based on some mythos due to some ideology or some factor that they believe and no bases in fact---now the solution ---what do you do –simple make your own—buy in bulk and either encapsulate your own ---or create you re own formulas based on what you research that has real methods on how they came up with their conclusions---because this is the key—how did they arrive at their conclusions? What methods were utilized? Does this work outside of a lab experiment or does this only work in a controlled environment---there is a difference—one is in a sterile environment exposed to minimal environmental conditions the other is exposed to every environmental condition and the effect or lack of effect is based on this specifically—if you make extracts with plants—get as clean as possible and have a reality check a well ---all plants unless grown indoors in a controlled environment are going to be contaminated just from the chemtrails alone not to mention the transfer of gmo s and other epigenetic exposure—remember the bees don’t discriminate from “organic” which doesn’t exist unless you go by the true definition of the word ---which means carbon based--- to non organic that which is manipulated or saturated with chemicals—that’s the difference---- and in all of this making you re own supplements has been going on forever –it just wasn’t recognized as such-- --and use as clean as you can get –remember doesn’t matter where you are globally---look up in the sky---see the pretty lines or plooms or patterns---that’s all coming down on everything and everyone---and if you see them expand and spread and grow and assemble and network in the air---whats that doing to YOU!!! So you will need things to fortify you just with the air you breathe---something to think about---so don’t be sold on ideas and opinions---remember the saying opinions are like backsides ( AH s) everyone has one!!!!
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