Theocracy-a serpent Babylonian system that has us believing in that system!!!! Ever test your beliefs?? Ever wonder what are you believing---what are you buying into??

Ever think with all these concepts ---ideologies—and philosophies and mainstream religion—You re believing---can it stand the test???

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

 Theocracy --I put that up because in todays times it appears that’s what we are dealing with ---a serpent Babylonian system that has us believing in that system!!!! Ever test your beliefs?? Ever wonder what are you believing---what are you buying into?? Ever think with all these concepts ---ideologies—and philosophies and mainstream  religion—You re believing---can it stand the test??? Here we see a situation where the hierarchy of religion was controlling the people with a theocracy ( religious authority in politics) and had been enslaving the people with burdens they wouldnt carry- Seems to be a lot of that today even in the political religions that express a taxation which none of them seem to pay!!!!--it appears people globally are going back to this Babylonian system and not pursue the truth but rather be in total submission with some authority telling them what to do and how to live and what to take from the people who rule over them!!!! Sound familiar??? Now we have systems of religion and theologies but what about politics---has it become a religion?? What about science ---has it to become a religion? The way people act these days they all seem to blindly believe what ever BS comes out of the mouths of these Serpents!!!! Now lets take the religion of science---I delve in the scientific realm  so I am familiar with that theology---and trust me there s almost as much BS in that religion as whats going on from rome to any other orthodoxy that’s out there ---you have no idea!!! During the Covid  Scam---and some of you still believe---notice that phrase---still believe??? Without any conclusive evidence that there was a Boogey man out there coming to kill you—and so ignorantly you ran and said “ save me!!!!” and took an Untested—Gene editing program-and Klaus schaub the High priest of the church of the WEFUNWHO  gave you his epistle---“ it doesn’t change whats around you it changes  Y O U!!!--talk about blind faith-Did anyone ask –change to what???--untested Gene  editing program --what were you believing?  Political and Theological Serpents who for all our lives have lied to us as there tongues slithered  and then exacted a payment for murdering all nations and societies that they slaughtered---they took your wealth---without a will ---they just took your life ---Now during this time we seen all kinds of BS as well on Graphene---the lean mean graphene machine and then they told everyone it was magnetic!!!! Now did anyone take the time to actually look up graphene s magnetic properties and find out ---its repelled by a magnetic field---it has an anti magnetic effect???? NO of course not --why would you---to busy believing  instead of validating---now heres a little something because a lot of us including myself was screaming this was all a lie---a major deception- but alas they would rather listen to the serpent priests--- now this will show you what happens when a nonmagnetic material is fused with a magnetic material----you will get a magnetic effect but not from graphene but from a ferromagnetic material that would coat the nano sized graphene---iron 

  The serpents lied through there teeth what they displayed to everyone was a charade ---a falsehood—you see if you look up what a DIAMAGNETIC material is graphene---bismuth are the just 2 antimagnetic materials you can find ---so then is graphene magnetic?---serpents tongue at it again –they speak with forked tongue now has clarity—they speak the lies of there father--The theatre of the alternative hollyweird—the altar of deception

The one thing graphene is ---is super conductive---and some of the features it has is ---its 3 times harder then diamond and 100times stronger then steel---woooo those are some damaging properties to have floating or embedding in the body don’t you think???  The question everyone should have asked is why is something so damaging in a Untested Injection!!!??? So what would it do to the blood??? I mean it would shred the protein that holds the properties of the blood and then would be coated with it---causing an unusually impact---a magnetic field that maybe powered by the super conductivity of the graphene utilizing the bio electric to charge the graphene and cause a magnetic field to occur as a result of the ferromagnetic effect of the blood!!!! Wooooo waiiiiiitttt a minute you mean to tell me the high priest of the science theology were ---conducting a Misdirect??? Say it isn’t sooo !!! the fauci high priest telling everyone to “follow the science” you mean that evangelical was ---misleading the General population??? Say it ain t sooo!!!!  So another high priest –was also slithering and squawking about a warp speeding the deployment of an untested Assault weapon---since no one was dying of any actual contagion---since there was no evidence to the fact one existed---to date –there still isn’t any evidence ---but what has been discovered  is that the religious of the pharma science seemed to be enchanted with the ideas of there miracles---and yet what we seen was the reality—again no one seen anyone die till the partook of the serpent science--- this shows what was being done to the military ---and this was not just in slaverica---no no the church evangelical was being wide spread and the message was a planetcide even and the men and women were dieing everywhere and the military was being warped sped into oblivion!!! Hell was consuming the people of the planet ----alll because they “believed” and didn’t test---validate---verify?? Blind faith that cost everyone every where something and some one(s) and even there pets as a result of transfection the animals and the cross domain of the gene editing being able to adapt in a cross species way they to died of the shedding!!!! But thus saith the Serpents---and all they can enforce---and Y O U Must obey!!! Or else your church privileges to go to macdonalds to worship by ordering a big  mac something or going to the temple of the movie house  ---will be missed or going to the church of the latter day baseball the theology of hockey –the revival of football—the out crying of basketball—the congregational movement to engage in the idol worship of the day will now be postponed---will all be missed and y o u won t be able to partake in the ridiculousness because you still believe youre a child that needs to be told what to do!!!! As well to Believe they are telling you a truth when in reality it’s a fiction you wont even dare look at ---because if  you see the truth ---the horrific notion that the People placed in a position of authority---again another fiction of the religion of government---is to tell you to go and vote when you have none----the only reason the evangel to go and vote is to upgrade there databases as to where you are and what you do and if you have other pertinent info on you so they can keep there eye on you -

 --since you re part of the congregation and they want to know what you re views are and if they are inline with the agenda of who ever is going to get selected by the board of directors- to Kill you with the method at hand--and what to do to make you comply---- Now there is another johnny come lately—a new church in town ---and its looking for members---are you tired of you re religion---ideology---faith---philosophy—New Age fairytales-need to up you re game on the spiritual realm(s) are You ready to dream of a transformation---and not having to do a thing for it other then integrate with the technology ---I have just the thing and it will cost you your first born---or second or third orr it will cost you your life---or even your personal possessions—you will live in a parish called the 15 minute shithole---there you will be directed to obey the rules and live as you are told---no freedom---no ownership ---buttt you will be owned---you  will be told what to eat---the spiritual diet of crickets and soy—pea and all the other estrogenic foods that will keep you submissive---will not be able to travel outside of your parish and will require to have credits in order to visit family if they are located outside of the perimeter of you re church and will need a uber to get you there since you will not be able to drive your car since you wont own one---and if you feel this way of life is over whelming-- the religion of the day will offer you the opportunity to terminate you re existence while they engage you with the ritual of harvesting your parts allowing you to suffocate for 24 hours filling all your glands with adrenaline so that when you die you re big d ay will have had there organs harvested and the rest of you turned to a peptide slur to be thrown into a field as fertilizer ---and if you feel the need to corrupt you re genetics the other option is to allow a physiological change to become something you were never meant to be ---and suffer the rest of your life in the most excruciating pain you could be in---did anyone check out that religion---it’s a side branch of the church of the Serpents Canadone division---in Slaverica the religious services are one of 2 things---the new and improved engineered take out with the replicon injections with again no reason to use to allow a concoction being inserted so it can replicate itself and kill you---Already being executed to the church of the serpent Japan division!!!! SO there s more to the Theology of the world as we know it today

How about another theological perspective being brought on by the Serpent church on creating the gulags of the future so you can force the  congregations into the parish and to do this ---you call Upon the heavens to the Host of the heavens the satellites placed there by the acolite E lo N and declare you need a force multiplier weapon to breakdown the areas you wish to steal to strip away the resources or to demolish peoples way of life and so no insurance company has to compensate---well after all they are of the same faith and believe in helping each other strip off any and all valuables of the status quo and displace without prejudice the  cruelty and hate ---because ---they are of not following the Serpent religion---  here s a situation that the Serpent religion is applying ---its called die---we arent going to assist you --we need your land and are going to get it one way or another----so you can call for all the assistance you want---no one is coming---we have to protect the fellowship of serpent brethren with the church called the insurance company so they wont have to compensate you---the sooner you realize your predicament---the quicker you will leave or we will have to hit you with another force multiplier so we can steal your lands just like we did to the indigenious of north America---and don t worry you re not the only ones whos land we are stealing

  and then theres this as well   So the old bablyonian Serpent religions are still alive and well today and they are still doing now what they did back then---created a religion of total legalistic control---contrived the means of executing a solution to them ---paying tributes and then when the money was collected none of it went back to the system---it was all held back Now as well you have to speak the way the new Serpent Religious system wants you to speak and be identified as they determine ---with terms that they say are acceptable-even though all they do is divide and conque ---we can see as well the People who are the most outspoken are saying things they have to tiptoe about where as any thing stated can be up for review and one can lose there position and even be sued---this is all again to be inclusive –a gestalt that follows a system that is totally designed to stifle any and all networking ---and everyone will bow to the slithering tongue of these Serpent Priest---all designed to march you into a Pit and harvest  Y O U  

( some of this is adult content)

 ---and finally the Church of the AI—where all control---and all other religions will now bow down to this and the serpent priest will now serve this entity and force and subjugate everyone with the chip technology to further comply with the Serpent new world system

where the religion of the wefunwho will be in full control and in order to honour the god of the serpent priest you may have to have an image of the advanced invader ---would also say the Serpent priest would have traded Mankind for an exciting opportunity to be in total commerce with the entity---an so by marking everyone ---would be a form of bill of sale---to traffick people you can now better see where they come from and realize that the chip is collateral since when you wear that you re the currency and now owned---since you would have sold yourself to being there slave permanently------the  first time was the foreplay---the test run of the jabs and how to manipulate you into being compliant to the jabs and policies and obedience to the mask ---next time round will be the full on ---you re either in or out and the Serpent Priest will engage you---you either accept ---and you  can access the poisons or you can reject and now there maybe no place for you in the congregation---those who will not bow to the image of the beast---which will be implanted to those who accept will be killed---- typical religiousity---typical churchology---typical orthodoxy---typical in the name of the Serpent---you will die!!!! SO now when its show time---you got a choice chip and live---reject or die—the fence sitting days are over and as you can see---the planet has never been  anything but BS and all lies---now the question comes to ---you still going to live the lie---or say bye bye!!!  here s another look of some of the high ranking Serpent priest

Remember to get the best results to increase recover first deactivate the nanobioengineering ongoing with the body utilizing the tools at hand with the use of the anti nano products that have been introduced ---the upgraded anti nano buckets and triangles and the spike or the surge and purge tech these should be done daily as well to be optimal  and then utilized products as free as possible of all excipients or make you re own to further increase success

Copper Power the one element far better then Silver for the overall body---biocidal and regenerative – The one they don’t want you to have and the scapegoat they blame which isn’t true--heres a formula---                       

Preparation of Formula I

[0057] Those skilled in the art will recognize various synthetic methodologies that may be employed to prepare non-toxic pharmaceutically acceptable compositions of Formula I. One such (representative) example is set forth below:

[0058] A 3 L 3-neck round bottomed flask equipped with a mechanical stirrer, reflux condenser and a solid addition funnel was charged with nicotinic acid ( niacinamide or niacin ) (131.61 g, 1.07 mol), ascorbic acid (21.4 g, 0.12 mol) and 90% aqueous ethanol (2 L) then placed in an appropriately sized heating mantle. The resultant white suspension was stirred and heated gently to 45° C. and cuprous chloride (35.2 g 0.36 mol) was introduced via the addition funnel over 15 minutes while maintaining an inert atmosphere of Nitrogen throughout the system. During previous experiment attempts, an ethanolic suspension of cuprous chloride was introduced to the reaction mixture as described in Patent Application WO/2010/009739, however, partial oxidation to Copper (II) chloride was observed during addition. To avoid such oxidation, the cuprous chloride was added via the aforementioned ‘screw-mechanism’ solid addition funnel and no oxidation to Copper (II) chloride was observed. The mixture was then placed under reflux and stirring was continued for a further 4.5 hours. Heating under reflux conditions was maintained for 4.5 hours rather than the recommended 5 minutes to ensure complete complexation. Previous experiment attempts had shown incomplete reaction following just 5 minutes of stirring. Upon cooling to 50° C., the mixture was filtered under suction and the red filter cake was washed with aqueous ascorbic acid 5% w/v solution (400 mL), ethanol 90% (400 mL) and then acetone (100 mL). The red filter cake was then collected and dried en vacuo to afford a red solid (123 g).

[0059] It is to be understood that the method set forth hereinabove describes a preferred synthetic methodology and that modifications thereto may be made without departing from the scope or spirit of the invention. Such scope is limited only by the claims below as read in connection with the above specification. May additional synthetic methodologies and additional advantages of applicant's invention will be apparent to those  .