
The interactive attack on multiple assault with freq radiation

what You as a TI are really dealing with

PTON Show in regarding to you as a TI —and the means and ends for some solutions and challenges that heavily Hit TIs had to leave or relocate—-and the concept that its not me— because most people dont see it ongoing in front of them dont have a tendency to think it cant be them—-alot died during the bioweapon insertions and no one seen anyone plop soo they couldnt connect the danger—-so when people are getting heavily assaulted and due to the intensity no one see s what s really going on and if the depth of the assaulted TI s are being blasted with that intensity to a point of relocation then what s transpiring if they dont have resources then they are on the streets—-it s a concept that no one realizes that some of the homeless are there because of the heavy hit they had to take and had to leave and are with out resources or protection—-I was fortunate to have resources to help me get through alot of this— being that close to the violation and intensity with the targeting—-even friends and family can t really grasp what s going on either—- being hit and damaged bodily and having to relocate was a hit and then going to other environments where I didnt have what I had in my domain —I had to adapt and make changes—-access to what I could get—and adapting to a tech which I despise—-cell phone —-is a requirement in this environment and was looking for other alternatives—-to do a broadcast —-with limiting exposure to more radiation—-so found a cpu functioning application—-so with the despising the cell phone am looking at the alternatives—being less dependent on that tech———

Always be vigilant —and dont just access with out validations—-I made that error as well due to the fact I wanted to be free of the environment and assault I made errors—-as a TI the exile is a challenge—-and everyone is a TI —and the impact of the assault will vary in intensity—-as you get past the mid 40s you begin to decompose and break down—-and you re body will start to remove the damage— and the load it has to remove is overwhelming —as an example— if you see cholesterol rise —-it maybe due to the fact that its acting as an antioxidant removing the free radical damage that the radiation is causing—-the doctors will misdiagnose and offer a statin or other anti cholesterol lowering drugs which will further cause more destruction—-statins cause joint damage and eventually causes heart failure due to the depleting of cq10 which supplies the mitochondria—-you power —-to the heart so while you re body is reacting to the radiation poisoning—the doctors themselves are causing an impediment to your system trying doing its job—if you have issues on going and surging that s an indication that something is causing you re system to respond— there are foods that will cause issues like grains and breads and pseudo grains to the cholesterol but the reaction from the cholesterol is that its removing the impact of these contaminated foods—— Exposure to radiation is all around you —-checking you re car will show a reading without the car running —-with all the exposure you are exposed from the multitude of of devices in your home and job and outdoor environment so when you see all this the hitting will be a mega hit from all kinds —-when we talk of lower range freq —infra red and then getting hit with multiple freq at different ranges the combination will have a big hit—as an example of protecting myself rom tech —if I have to utilize a cell phone I wrap it up in a silvercloth and then place it in the gunny sack that I wear around my waist so I dont get the damage—- so with all the combined issues and with the break down can be from all over the body as a result of exposures—-and the medical will not diagnose but see the symptom and deal with this——with all the distractions and deceptions that the so called guru s and so called doctors show you stuff that is on a nano scale they will cause insurmountable damage and with them saying how there s a good and bad nano —this type of individual hasnt a clue and willl further sabotage you with fairy tales—so they can sell —with these added materials in your system with the radiation you further expedite the damage—-to get rid of the nano assembly and operating systems then you will need tech to remove the programs and to erase or eradicate —with other methods some will remove the unattached debris but will not remove what is assembled and entrenched— what these “experts” demonstrate are pictures in there research but not any relative activity showing how it will assemble when its powered up —this they dont show—and you re bioelectric and chemical energy and the external freq and different sources around you will power it up by design —— sooo when you know what to look for and they dont show anything other then theatre—-with the combine impact of the food supply and the air supply and water table —-the assault on you re systems are magnified —-and anyone knows when you add metals to any type of microwave you get a reaction —-now imagine a circuitry in a person being hit these freq—it gets overwhelming—-now as TIs and those who are heavily been hit with DEW s and you re ltd( limited)— if you have a portable spike it will help if you have a hand held cattle prod this to will assist in disengagement—-if you dont have this tech then you can minimize through the use of making a PAA with 3 oz of water and using 1 tbl spoon of peroxide and one tbl of plain vinegar and then utilize them as drops to further break down the carbon graphite that may also break down the bonding to other fullerenes—-use what you got— to repair your self gelatin can be gotten at any grocery store and eggs—-use them together—-add oils like the expeller pressed grapeseed oils and or cold pressed avocado oils—-find a haven where ever you can—-now the rest of the TIs that have yet to be exiled—-do what you can to fortify your living and use the 6 g blocker shown on the bitchute channel independz as the access—-the war started along time ago and we are still engaged and the means and the methods have become more intense and efficient we to have to evolve to this as well—-remember the other myth is you re getting older—-aging —-time—which doesnt exist—its a linear measurement that was given to give us a way to regulate everything—-there is no time—its a concept at best so whats really going on with everyone is we are being burned out—-the systems are being over worked and not able to rest and recover and constantly being in defence mode to a point you re systems become totally depleted—- a battery drained dry before it should be—-so keep this in mind when you look at everything that has been ongoing this has all been slipped under the radar—-soo resist with a smart strategy—- if you wish to donate —use e transfer tonp@myyahoo.com or contact me on tonp@myyahoo.com for other means to donate—and doing consults as well- selling the flash drives and can do them through streamyard or zoom and potentially zoho or phone again contact at the email tonp@myyahoo.com