tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
The Bankers are coming the Bankers are coming—discrimination---remember that word----now the banks cant discriminate you because you re skin tone is darker---or lighter

The Bankers are coming the Bankers are coming—discrimination---remember that word----now the banks cant discriminate you because you re skin tone is darker---or lighter

or lighter---or dimmer ---or brighter – or even religious ideologes or belief s -but now bank discrimination has taken on a whole new meaning ---and its to support the current agenda in canadone

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

 The Bankers are coming the Bankers are coming—discrimination---remember that word----now the banks cant discriminate you because you re skin tone is darker---or lighter---or dimmer ---or brighter – or even religious ideologes or belief s   --but now bank discrimination has taken on a whole new meaning ---and its to support the current agenda in canadone---Imagine—an institution that at one time would siphon your money to ensnare other people to borrow money at an interest rate to keep people entangled and  static AS TO BE engaged into the system to perpetually keeping you locked up ---since they had your money it gave one a sense of false security---still think being in canadone is a good idea where you can go to a bank you have been with for decades to find now they can de bank you!!!??? --The interesting thing its becoming a Political club---instead of serving the people they have decided to serve the institutions of government to profile people and to for any reason –and I mean any reason---wear long hair---wear blue jeans--- don’t kiss there ass on the left cheek---and kiss on the right---have a cross hanging off your neck—read the bible---disagree with the transmutation and harvesting of people---disagree with the gov t policy of reverse discrimination ---wanting to use cash instead of a credit card---the list goes on and on---pick your nose—scratch your ass---the ridiculousness of banks getting involved with any policy and support any govt---when govts can change---people on the other hand are what made  banks WEALTHY through banks extortion of interest created money ---from thin air---Yet we don’t see the govt –implementing policy of banks to have more solvency ---now another Canadian is finding out that Canada no longer has the freedom of speech and has had her bank foreclose on her 

---and what reason did the banks foreclose on her---because she wanted seniors to be included in the DEI- diversity equatity and inclusion act---now I am not sure  what advantage to being involved in this would benefit ---but either way it was just a suggestion---so all of a sudden banks are so high and mighty that they get offended because some one made a suggestion---could it be because ---she was a woman— European decent—and God forbid had a brain and was using it by making a suggestion!!!!???? Doesn’t this look like the narrative –Women sports where males who pretend to be females ---are now inclusive in sporting events and as a result women are being killed—by these so called  mutants---who are now entering the womens sports aand are being seriously injured or killed ---I said this before women today will see more and more how they aren t going to be as free as they were made to be deceived to think they are and it you happen to be of European decent ---wellll its going t be even tougher---the idea that we ever had equal rights----was the biggest theatre to ever come out of the governing bodies of globalist ---to have equal rights with someone who s enslaved ---means you re equality is based on being a slave---and that’s just what happened to the women –the allure to the fake reality ---that never existed---men are slaves---and this shit hole planet is a slave planet and now we are seeing the devastation to women---the men have been  destroyed --turned into fem s and with the endocrine disrupting chemicals and food poisoning with genetics and metallo estrogenic nano metals we have now 6 generation collapse of the males who don’t know how to identify as men---and women want equality ---this is what you re being equalized to!!!!!! Then there are the women who also ont have any idea what it is to be women---how could they ---when the doctrines of the financial institutions turned them into slaves as well to make them more money more equaity with the deception of freedom---No one is free---think you are ----quit paying taxes on the money you earned---quit feeding the financial institutions that have been controlling everyone with the guise you live in a free world—a free society –a democracy!!! Theres the precursor to demon in the word and maybe it should have been identified as a demonocracy –because of the demonic lies to make one believe one is free and in truth you have gotten used to your prison and now they want to manifest this prison with the concept of a beautiful setting in your mind  that you will have everything at your finger tips within a zone—a barrier---and you wont need to go any where all will be provided---try traveling in that system---try to go see family and friends to actually vist them---ooohhh wait you wont need to –you can be in a 4 d hologram and feelthat you reright there with them---that how bad the system will be to induce the perceptions with real manifestations of you being somewhere when you re really now where---still think the banks and globalist want you happy??? Orr do they want you so sedated that the illusions of the tech will be so real you wont be able to tell them apart!!! Here we see what men and women have attached themselves to ---the implementation to the new genetcs---to fully incorporate them into a singularity ---to be inclusive ---to be one—this is the operating system of the day now fully implemented into the GP to believe in some kind of boogey man that the UN directives are engaged the vast majority of people—the operating system---as you can see there is a dna symbol and its between a Man and a Woman so now we have a third set of DNA being incorporated into the Race of Man being dominated by a serpent program---which due to the fact most people toay are at the level of maturity equating to a child its easier to manipulate a child then a mature person –this is how this is being initiated through a programmed system being connected directly to the dna—and in order to access the system you must be in full compliance to the serpent system—as a Slave—through some Babylonian architect!!!

Through an antichrist system---its been revealed in the bible for over 2 millenium but as it is the powers that be the antichrist  countries have been trying to subvert this revelation---ohhh revelation---hmm where have I heard or seen that term before---oh yes the Bible –a book disregarded by most because the religions of the system---have made people so dwindled they  are unable to think for themselves and need “guidance” need to be “directed” need to be “ told what to do” to “follow” there spiritual leaders who are as based as can be and feed on the flesh of men and women—the true predators of Men s souls---deceiving and manipulating the data---the information—the teachings—of what is being said—as a result these people in high places keep people illiterate—ignorant—and controlled to be instructed to be further assimilated—into a fiction we call religion and politics---but give policies on how to be controlled!!!!  Now we have the UN –united narcissist—who now want people to believe you have a monkey pox out break---and people will believe this---because the globalist look at you as stupid monkeys and will believe anything  they tell you—now lets look at this shall we---is this a Money Pox without the K!!! I mean does the concept actually identified that a monkey pox is a disease for monkey s---orrrr are we just seeing that theres another boogey man waiting to scare you into being assimilated into the serpent program to be integrated with the new and improved change over –instead of being a reflection in the image of God ---you are now a meme of the devil!!!

Perhaps one may want to look at the revelations to see the scheduled events---the next scene or the next act that’s being initiated to turn everyone---it has to be inclusive—unless you re dead ---and even the dead are generating a signal and freq from the tech inserted into them!!!!   Here we come Walking down the street We ve been injected  and were not discreet .--Hey, hey we're the Monkees, and people say there s  monkey pox around. But we're too busy drinking, to put anybody down. We're just trying to be compliant, Come watch us get injected today.We're the dumb generation, And we got something they say.Hey, hey we're the Monkees, You never know where we'll be found. So you'd better get ready, the UN may be comin to your town---I modified this a little so you get the point that the globalist look at you like monkeys and are ready to inflict another gain of function injection to further assimilate you into a serpent kingdom!!!  

Now what better way to control the General population—with electromagnetic control of tech in regard to weather and can be the reason of the herding of people in trouble spots – that you have flooding –earth quakes—and fires---imagine that western Canada and USA—being utilized as the experiment---and what would happen as well when your financial systems are also part of the experiment to clean your slate---all those funds—retirements---investments –savings—this is another way to cause destitution and dependency with a serpent system to fully integrate everything and instead of a bank ---you re the currency and then you can be as easily be debanked ---just by wiping your slate ---something to think about as you see the earth being terraformed into a place where people are nothing more then a node of  information and currency to be utilized and stored and to access as the globalist see fit ---Don’t worry be happy---this is a song I wrote pretty soon you all will be broke don t worry be happy bankers say you have to pay –all the services they parlay don t worry be happy---OoooOOOoooO  One day you ll wake and say –the bankers have dome away all my pay don’t worry be happy!!! WEF say all day you   ll own nothing so they can play don’t worry---be happy!!!!!!!!!

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