tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
So now the next level of being erased—to be or not to be—that is the statement—soo are you feeling –anything-are you perceiving anything-are you even aware you re not only being erased but replaced!

So now the next level of being erased—to be or not to be—that is the statement—soo are you feeling –anything-are you perceiving anything-are you even aware you re not only being erased but replaced!

Imagine you can get your own full grown Barbie doll that will engage you in any language—and who knows ---it may even have an exotic data base from cooking to caressing-and this is just at the basics

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

  So now the next level of being erased—to be or not to be—that is the statement—soo are you feeling –anything---are you perceiving anything---are you even aware you re not only being erased but replaced? --Imagine you can get your own full grown Barbie doll that will engage you in any language—and who knows ---it may even have an exotic data base from cooking to caressing---and this is just at the basic level ---VA VA VA BOoooMMmmmM---Now it appears to me that women are already being erased and replaced by the transmutations that are being made and harvested---we seen the atrocities  in the Olympics---well those who seen the blood sport and seen one of the Canadian woman die in the blood sport---I didn’t watch the Olympics but got to see this nonsense and was irate at this “sport” ---I guess we are back at the roman coliseum where instead of lions killing Christians now we just have them enter into an arena and a genetic freak ---who was more then likely taking some form of anabolic decided to kill a competitor---how are you feeling about this???this is the new normal---we now can see as well that interference from outside gov ts can and will interfere to sustain an agenda no one wants in there respective country --- so the erasure program is up and rrunning--- and now we are seeing more entertainment coming out of canadone and amerika--- What about Ireland---a war correspondence stated with what hes seen of war that Ireland is about to go---disappear---being erased---imagine that calling Ireland something else  ireistaban--- another one bites the dust—and another one and another one---the war is on to eradicate and to erase ---I have a few theories as to why this is taking place –1) it’s the europeans or European decent who are still thinking today and understand the gov ts have agenda s and are not on your side and cannot be trusted---2) they have been through 2 world wars and understand full well the corruption that caused these wars---it wasn’t that hitler was the bad guy---it was that hitler kicked out the cancer that caused germany to be undermined and shit on and now its happening to all of Europe by the same forces that agitated the events in th 20 s 30 s and 40 s- 3) theirs a deep hatred for those who read there bibles and understand the events and can recognize the BS---there are certain specific antichrist country(s) that don’t like there conduct to be exposed to such a degree that they would be also exposed to assassinations of many of the global leaders  that have died since the early 60s an caused the turn of events to where we are now plummeting – when you see this –the saying is true those who do not read there history are doomed to repeat it and its being repeated ---now we can see why so much of history is buried ---so that each and every new cycle can be repeated with the new generation to be consistently doomed to repeat the same shit over and over not realizing that this has been done before   SO the next event is going to be famine ---it would be the the next part of the program---when we see prophecy you can look at prophecy 2 ways –1—the list of events to come as a result of a misdirectional—misinformed—and misguidance of the leaders –this will cause these things to occur 2 seeing whats been foretold give  one the option of getting ready for the turn of events or to avoid the events that leads to the ultimate results!!!!!  at the 58 minute mark the explanation of famine and the implications of what to see and expect ---the question is are you going to see this?? The answer is yes for so many reasons but the main one  will be a irect result of the food poisoning ongoing---ever eat some kind of cheese –meat –or even vegetable nuts seeds or beans an you eat whatever it is an see that the your guts are in an uproar---and the goofy gurus tell you to abstain from these foods for some of the most ridiculous reasons---and people fall for it every single time---it s not because of there reasons they are telling you---proof of the fact is you follow there advice within a short time you feel better but then after awhile the symptoms come back--- and then you get baffled ---but you continue to utilize the stupidity you have been told by the goofy ones--- The issue the goofy ones don’t express ---well they have to pick pocket you after all since most of them don’t have a clue---is the fact the food supply is contaminated with epigenetics and has been for some time ---and as this agenda continues to move forward—the food supply becomes more poisoned and more contaminated---why do you think they never stopped GE or GMO s??? why do you think they never stopped the chemtrails---why do you think they allowed organic farmers to grow there goods beside non organic---did it ever occur to everyone that the food would cross contaminate!!!??? Then there is the matter of a new form of GE called the crispr tech and nanobiotech that is also altering the genetic of plants---you will starve to death just because of the activation of these nanogenetic created biology that will further induce damage to the organs causing untold inflammation and cancers and self destruct you from within---the Trojan horse of all Trojan horses ---food and the grains and cereals and pseudograins are the worse---because everyone in the planet consumes them!!! Then there the other gurus who aren’t looking at the food supply and not paying attention to mimetics or lattices—that construct different or engineer different components in the foods and can also be directed to produce a synthetic pathology that would appear to be something common—when it was designed in a lab---we can technically call this lab war   or the break down --Awhile back this was being presented on one of the goofy ones vids and the doctor didn’t recognize what he was seeing ---and I for one was amazed at the ignorance---yet with all of this stupidity got to come out and present the tech assemblying in its lattice—and with this is whats ongoing the goofballs who present aren’t seeing where this tech is ---and its in everything---especially the food supply---now imagine the constructs this is putting into you and the level of depletion that has already occurred---reaason why so many of you are sick—following bad advice and being unaware that the war has already begun and you re already starving to death---the implications to this is that you re depleted and then  instead of getting the right nutrients---not necessarily the right foods---that doesn’t exist---hasn’t for some time---but the right nutrients from the least contaminated foods with this tech---you re told to eat what is natural---its hilarious if it wasn’t so dangerous---what is natural??? ---isnt arsenic “natural” how about lead—aluminum—poison oak---endocrine disrupting plants---arent these all normal—natural –orgasmically organic because they are all found in Nature??? There is a reason for all of these toxic foods--- to balance of the Pest---buttt you re not told this---sooo with all the natural ---being chemtrailed---with all the feed that is going to the live stock with mrna vaccines---or GE goods being fed to them or now--- Crispr provides one stop custom knock-in cell line generation service, including point mutation and gene insertion. With non-stop exploration of technology, we have developed an excellent platform for gene editing. Based on the platform, our expert staff has succeeded in dozens of knock-in cell line generation projects, including stem cells, tumor cells and even difficult-to-handle cells--   You can see here that the war on the food is being further violated with this new Genetic engineering---could this be a reason as well that the health issues are occurring more so—after all you have a great deal of the planet who took these operating system insertions and are now shitting and pissing and flushing there waste into the water table---and now with the advances in nanobiotench –nanodelivery—insertion of genomic code and activation with frequency---the food supply is also shedding the bioengineering of tech and we aer now consuming this directly or indirectly---have you seen the BioEngineering on you re foods in the label area ---pay attention---it there or its labled as some other descriptions So famine has started---its been ongoingfor over 60 years and now its being exalted as the means to save the day---when the agenda kicks in ---and the water table is destroyed from all the cobal moining and industrial overload and thewater table will not be carrying the bioengineered wash out from rain---and the nanomimetics continue to construct there assembly ---the choosing is going to be real thin and the food itself will cause death in untold millions---are you ready to be famine to death because to recover the land and soil---is going to take a lot of time and the diseases that will be created by this –the medical field is not in any position to deal with this techs  creative health issues and all they will offer is death by suicide or death by injection---funny that’s what they are doing now killing of huge segments of population with this already---you will be the target---You already are---erasure is inevitable---resistance is futile---you will be assimilated—you wlll be one with the Genenano Collective—till you grow up and quit being entertained with klutzes and goofballs and quit listening to the political puppets of this new means of warfare---this will be the case ---

  this will give you an idea how the cover up will be there as welland what can or will be disclosed –Famine is already here ---and weaponized food sources as well with the bioengineering the foods is gone to the next level ---whats you re next level---

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