tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
So hows the ARK coming along---do you have the blueprint---are you doing what you can to be ready for the changes about to occur---Are You getting the msg that God might be saying come out
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:50:54

So hows the ARK coming along---do you have the blueprint---are you doing what you can to be ready for the changes about to occur---Are You getting the msg that God might be saying come out

referencing the babylonian ideology and the blasphemy on mankind and the godless altering of genetics and the insertions of technology from within and with out!!??

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

So hows the ARK coming along---do you have the blueprint---are you doing what you can to be ready for the changes about to occur---Are You getting the msg that God might be saying come out of her my people—referencing the babylonian ideology and the blasphemy on mankind and the godless altering of genetics and the insertions of technology from within and with out!!?? Are we seeing the BS for what it is and are we dissociating ourselves from it!!??

   or  this has been prophesied—predicted—promoted and where are we now??? Did you notice the headache---frequency induced headache—How about the assassination by food contamination by Alien tech programmed and developed by a Complex intelligence--- So do you still think your Orgasmically Organic foods are safe?? And do you think the foods you prepped ---and I am sure you looked into all of the things you stored and tested for synthetic Biology ---- and made absolutely certain its all edible and wont kill you when you re totally incapacitated or during a time of lack---the weaker you are the more it integrates---so if you manage to leave and go elsewhere---with what you have ---will that kill you later ???  Some Might say I m being negative---others might say Im being paranoid---I  might say to those with this mindset---Your being Sloppy and Stupid and you underestimate the evil that’s on this planet that has been since the creation of Adam and Eve been on a destructive course to wipe out the Species of Mankind by further culling or integrating Man into a Machine ---the concept of genetically altering Men and Women has been done throughout history—SO what do you think---are you prepared!!!!??? How about the seeds you have for planting???Lets say you have good seeds---assuming you do because they are heritage seeds or orgasmically organic or non Gmo---again this is me acquiescing to those who have collected these seeds---Did you check for nano assembly ---or Mimetics that look like and act like but aren’t your normal pest-and in fact have a gain of function--- ---So  now before you go and scream and shout ---what are you going to do to neutralize the synthetic effects of your weaponized foods?? You see the goofy ass gurus are distracting you useless shit—and making bravado statements on how they can do X Y and Z and for a measley 1 bazillion dollars and a membership in my cult –and the requirements are you send me your house car  and bank account and I will sell you this life saving device that will keep you alive---and none of that BS works---so what are you going to do---how are you going to plant the good seed—when the earth has been fucked 7 ways to Sunday--- and all this BS on what a charcoal can do its not going to stop the nanobiotech infiltrating your food on a genetic level in fact it may augment the volume---but none of the specialist out there are looking at this ---they are to busy mesmerizing everyone on the wonders of the illusion and recruiting acolytes who wont read or pay attention to the details of this war on going---- Are you rich ---do you got bucks---silver –gold—assets in the stockmarket---chasing your tail because you have this wealth---and are you feeling like shit all the time----guts not working good—constapated—cant shit correctly and then they tell you –eat more fibre---ever ask your self—A) is it working –after awhile the problem comes back worse---why—because the FIBRE is loaded with the nanoweapons---in the genetic of the fibres and initiate a assemblying inside of you and they keep on perpetrating things that are out of touch with this reality---Hows your sides feeling –any pain or discomfort---and are you taking meds and they don’t seem to work and in fact you re dealing with the side effects and using more drugs---did it ever occur to you the medical field gets paid either way ---you being dead or alive??? So whats the answer----well would have to say God---you know the one who spoke a word and created all of this and it wound up being corrupted by a bad program called Satan ---it would be a good start---second would say know your enemy –know the intent of the Malevolent being who wants you dead and suffering as you go to your grave ---Wishing you the most painful outcome---and if you manage to escape the genetic modification and the entrapment of false promises of a singularity and the transgendering  you to a transhuman contrivance where you re neither man or machine but a horrifying mutation to be forever denied any freedom—right or blessing 

  ---just a constant life of servititude and punishment by the perpetrators of the cult called science but in reality it’s a cult of the lowest conception of misuse of knowledge to forge a mutation on the planet utilizing operating systems whether organic or technical—the ultimate hate toward creation

-- now heres an accolyte of a Babylonian cult that wants to further damaging you re template by stating that you have genetic defects and the furtherance in the need to insert into everyone a genetic/techno program to further youre dna to collapse—

 the insanity here is that the scientist of today have shown no evidence to the fact that a bio infection even existed and those who took the injections died without the scientist taking for granted the genetic variations to those who took these injections---they didn’t compensate for this so people died ---on a experimental that was propagated to be rushed to the GP without any testing or any long term study and now they wish to continue with this agenda---and the reason why you re genetics are faulty ---if that’s even true is because it’s the same pharma corporations that induced these changes after 60 years of corrupting the food supply with there GE and GMO and now Crispr Modifications and the fall out of the chemtrails---SO I ask again do you think after seeing all that’s been presented for over decades that the perpetrators of these organizations wouldn’t continue there war against mankind to mutate the GP further ---with a perception of the content of the food and water??? How do you deal with this---for the nanomaterials they have integrated--- you will have to disengage the nano with the devices we have shown you how to build—    and then access with independz—and as for the water it may take a ionization and a distillation to remove the programming---and as for the planting of the seeds you may have to electrically discharge the seeds between 2 plates in order to reverse the engineering of the food and then grow them aquaponically or in a isolated environment free of exposure of genetically blown pollen in the wind—transferred by animals and insects and the constant raining down the effect of the particulates from the sky that have operating systems specifically designed to integrate and to assimilate all dna –genes-cells –tissue –and organs and to siphon off your life force energy whether through thermal( body heat) electrical ( youre transmission from cell to cell and brain function) your biofield—areas of the body that resonate a energy fields—and mitochondria where by you biology produces energy and your dna ------these are some of the methods of constant assault and to restore the bio-physio-energy and genetics a—a whole new approach has to be instituted---you cant rely on anything that can read you---the network in you will communicate with the network that’s reading you and you will get instructions from your internal network to tell the external  what to do to increase the efficiency of dominating you!!!!!!—Like I have been stating for over a decade the assault on you is altering you and integrating with you –and the new addition to youre morphology—are the freq you are constantly being barraged with and the effects of radiation that has all been by design to further engage you and weaken you re ability to be assimilated into a operating System—you notice you re always either sick –weak –or in pain and then you follow the goofy gurus and there BS and you still don’t get real results---what you get is a placebo effect and you re still declining---As it was in the days of noah….. seems like we aren’t getting there ---we have already entered those days and are proceeding to re incorporate the same BS all over again---and if one pays attention to the texts that are written –you can see the neurol link was already integrated and already had full control of the people ---they were of one mind and one language and didn’t need to verbalize anything—because they were all in sync with the program—the program was running them--some complex intelligence interfered with the evolution of Mankind and enslaved them to build a tower ( antenna) to further control and escape the planet---almost sounds like a sci fy---perhaps you should read it for what it says an correlate why is there this madness to incorporate a technology that can transmit and receive signals and take full control of the host??? To think that in all of our existence on this planet an conceive we are the only ones who came up with this would be ludicrous---SO again I ask is your ark built and have you planned for this contingency!!!   What about the war that’s ahead of us—since theseglobalist didn’t care about anyone or anything do you think if they infected people with a bioweapon they are willing to talk peace with Russia when Russia has held out the olive leaf 3 times?? And they spurned him---isnt this what happened to hitler because he was way ahead in the industrial revolution they destroyed this---and wasn’t the usa a ally of germany til the Zionist created the delusion of a sinking of a ship which they wrongly got blamed for and had public opinion turned against the nation of germany and now they are doing this to Russia??? --  Is you re ark ready???