tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Sign Sign everywhere a sign seeing and not seeing all the time feel this and feel that can you read the signs!!!??

Sign Sign everywhere a sign seeing and not seeing all the time feel this and feel that can you read the signs!!!??

How are you feeling today---we just got hit with a radiation blast an you didn’t see it!!!everyone things we are going to see a mushroom cloud ---

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

    Sign Sign everywhere a sign seeing and not seeing all the time feel this and feel that can you read the signs!!!?? How are you feeling today---we just got hit with a radiation blast an you didn’t see it!!!everyone things we are going to see a mushroom cloud ---Pooof  there it is and then you ‘ ll see the effects of skinning melting off the bone and flesh being incinerated-

--but what if that not what happens—what if whats happening is effecting the weather is a direct or indirect assault with ENR radiation and you re being poisoned by this experiment!!!??? Then lets look at the many types of exposures to radiation your dealing with on a daily level ---TV –CPU---Cell PHONE—IPAD---STREET LIGHTS—WI FY  AT HOME AND WHEN GOING OUT---LEDS- CAR HEAD LIGHTS WITH THE LED HITTING YOU –SMART METERS--CELL TOWERS---RADIO ANTENNAES---SATELLITE TRANSMISSIONS-MICROWAVE EMITTERS---MICROWAVES WHEN EATING---STOVE TOPS –INDUCTION COOKING—BLUE TOOTH EMITTING FROM PEOPLE AND OTHER DEVICES-AS YOU CAN SEE we are inundated daily with radiation---   THEN you have symptoms---and they are flu like symptoms an you immeidately think it’s a cold or a flu ---hmmm where have I heard this ---ohh yeah was and still is warning about the fraudulent assault by gov t officials to wage war on there own citizens being paid by external forces in the name of climate change---green house gases—and carbon!!!! But wait what are the symptoms??? I mean everyone thinks it’s a common cold or some sort of respiratory illness butttttt no one pays attention!!!!

Does this look like something that’s being manipulated??? I mean when you drop a stone in the water you have a cause---of the impact of a solid mass hitting a flowing mass causing a rippling effect---Waves emitting outward---so what happens when a microwave  hits a nanochemical sky with a modulation or mega pulses---you get a disturbance which can reflect waves---and those waves can bounce off  the firmament andbe directed back to the earth and who is on the earth??? People---Men and Women---trans people---Hu Mans—animals –aquatics—avians—insect---reptiles—amphibians---plant life ---elementals ---and so on---so then what happens with this radiation??? It impacts all life!!! Now  here are some of the symptoms ---see if you recognize any of them   Side effects of radiation exposure and poisoning  -Extreme fatigueRinging in the ears Frequent colds or increased infections   Unexplained bleeding or small red spots on your skin Fever or burns Headache or confusion Nausea, vomiting, or bloody diarrhea---Does this sound like you??? Then  you think All of a sudded you did this or that or ate this or ate that you blame it on those excuses you were led to believe never taking into an account that if the weather can impact physiological and psychological functions what HAPPENS when the planets magnetic grid is being directed to affect the weather!!! And  everyone is overlooking this as a cause of there suffering---everyone thinks its about catching something that’s not here and believing is a rogue system still thinking that a murderous bunch of pedos and People trafficking is going to SAVE Y O U!!!!!

The whole political spectrum globally are so depraved they seem to have only one thing that they are united to doing and that’s elimination  of people in general ---without any compulsion for remorse---we are repeating the 1920 ‘s   But now n the use of high powered magnetic weaponary  we are even more exposed to EMRs and as a result you re dealing with health issues that the media will propagate so  you believe the BS---you cant see a microwave no more then you can see a flu!!!!!!!!!!!

Then we have more circus—truly captivating what we ae seeing---its all being orchestrated---first we have a storm in the gulf and if you pay attention the water jet stream has been diverted to targetted areas---and the news casters are all showing this flooding and water spray etc but if you look close it’s a environmentally modified to target and assault an area and be directed ---now you wonder why you re sick ---when ever there s a a field assault on the planets grid or  fileds you feel it---you will feel drained---disconnected from brain---weak-lethargic—brain fogged ---aches and pains---sniffles – ringing in the brain---not the ears ---that was a lie perpetrated 60 years ago to cover up the antenna as that they were initiating at the time-and the need to  bury the fact of  emf ergo the ringing of the brain with tinnitus!!!! Several studies have reported findings such as stress, headache, tiredness, anxiety, decreased learning potential, impairment in cognitive functions and poor concentration in case of exposure to microwave radiation  Now lets fast forward because the transfection –or shedding--  ---remember when –if you can---that when this got started I said there would be jumping of the jabbed with there bioweaponary and that the numbers would be high now its been verified by the govt of canadone---that what we were saying was true that those who took the jab would be dying at a higher rate because they had taken a gene editing program  and it would shut down the genome---well now its been verified!!!!! Then theres this idea that if we allow technology to spy on everyone with drones and cameras that everyone would be on there best behavior----this is a patrolling of the 15 min cities because in that scenario  you re living in a monitoring prison and a einforced policeforce or military can be at youre location in moments and the drones themselves may also be autonomous in using weapons!!!!   More radiation as a result of more telecommunications using li f or wi fi  So with this tech we ae seeing that the ones who are benefitting are the ones who will use this to suppress and to incarcerate and lock up and to have the spying done ever sooo regularly--- just waiting for something to be able to arrest you for ---Imagine that!!!

So you think we need a solution---because with all we are seeing the police state run like china is here ---its just not fully in place---and the ones who are initating all of this trying to get it in place are the billionaires and the paupers and puppets they have bought like a hollywood hooker---You cant rely on any govt to help they all are paid whores by the wef---form alliances as well ---start communities---that will work together---build and assist each other like other communities do and see what you can do to form you re own private commerce with each other with out tech and with out cash and make youre own currency!!! Or Barter –or a rendering of service and to get away from the banking system and this bureaucratic control to tether and enslave people to never break out of the tether

What to do to mitigate some of the assault---

there are certain things one can do from using green tea and rosemary as teas or tinctures to the utilization of C ( ascorbic acid) to Iodine may alleviate Radiation Sickness (specifically the damage to the Thyroid) that occurs as a result of exposure to Radioactivity (Radioactive Iodine-131).  The best form of Iodine for protecting against Radiation Sickness after exposure to excessive Radioactivity is Potassium Iodate.  -Selenium may counteract the toxicity of exposure to Radioactivity.  Polyphenols--Epigallo-Catechin-Gallate (EGCG) may protect the body’s Cells against the damage caused by Radioactivity.  -Luteolin may protect the body’s Cells against the damage caused by Radioactivity.  Minerals--Zinc (especially Zinc Aspartate consumed orally) may reduce the lethality of exposure to Radioactivity (when Zinc is consumed prior to exposure to Radioactivity).  –Vitamins-Lipoic Acid may reduce the toxic effects of exposure to Radioactivity:  Vitamin C may improve the ability of the body to resist the toxic effects of exposure to Radioactivity:  Vitamin C (10 grams per day) decreases the Bleeding and Cell degeneration that occurs as a result of exposure to Plutonium Radioactivity--Cysteine may protect the body's Cells from many of the toxic effects of exposure to Radioactivity ---Aloe vera (gel applied topically) may counteract the ability of Radioactivity exposure to cause Radioepithelitis (destruction of the epithelium of the Skin).  Chaparral may protect the body from the toxic effects of Radioactivity.  Ginkgo biloba may protect the body from the damage to Chromosomes associated with exposure to Radioactivity.  Korean Ginseng may help to protect against the toxic effects associated with exposure to Radioactivity. -Sarsaparilla may protect against the toxic effects of Radioactivity--Tea (especially Green Tea) may protect the body’s Cells against the damage caused by Radioactivity (due to the Epigallo-Catechin-Gallate (EGCG) content of Green Tea). 

So with these combinations  Green Tea 1 cup  + Ascorbic Acid  increases the effectiveness of the Ascorbic Acid 1-2 grams  + cysteine 500mgs---luteolin  here ae suggestions and you may want to grow indoors  Tansy leaf Rooiboos tea Fenugreek seed Peppermint Oregano Rosemary Sage Celery, particularly chinese celery and celery leaves ---make tinctures ---make teas   --Iodine ( preferably lugols )maintenance 4drops in beverage a day –for repair 20 drops in beverages 3 X s  and Selenium ( 5mgs)  in combo  Other things to combine for skin damage would be Copper ( chloride is the best if unable to access then use chlorophyll plain with nothing toxic 1 tsp 3 times a day /Collagen 5-15 grams/ Comfrey as a beverage—combo and use as a maintenance dose--- Saturated Fats are a definite to restore the myelin—wheat germ oil—Vitamin A 10000IU 2-3 X s a day Black Seed Oil---as well utilize herbals or botanicals that will allow your bodies to produce LH to sustain the endocrine system to sustain progesterone and testosterone so you re better to resist the effects of the HPEM which we are all under assault from –Applying Aloe Vera internal and external will assist in drawing out the rads or repairing—

Baths with baking soda and borax will be key to draw out the build up as well---this will also effect the emr--

Any Kind of shielding you can  put between you and your domain then utilize—faraday cages will not be enough  ---unless they are 6 G resistance and beyond---REMEMBER THE EFFECT OF THE SHIELDINGS SUCCESS IS THAT IT HAS TO MATCH THE STRENGHT YOU ARE BEING ASSAULTED WITH---IF THE HPEM EXCEEDS THE LIMITS OF YOUR PROTECTION –WILL MAKE WHAT YOU RE DOING TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE---


This assist in repelling fields in some of the places where you may enter

Fan defence to increase torroidal fields to help deflect the assaults  while sleeping

 Remember the selected injected are all emitting radiation as well with the blue tooth sooo the fact where you go who you re with and what you re doing will impact you – remember

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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
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