R I P is the end of my country and thee –you stood all around without making a sound and now we see our destiny!! You thought you were cool while they were making you a fool and now they have the tool

Real Canadians weep and mourn while the rest of you cry out with your fear porn—it’s a shame you re so lame and thought this was a hockey game—you have become so domesticated and tame—you have no one

Changes are Materializing

Things are changing and as a result of being in interim state I will need to make changes to donations. So as of now am going to use substack as the means of support financially to continue in R & D and Podcasting. For those who are already involved---nothing is going to change –access is there for anything that is currently there. Anything that is online --- vids and websites will be free to anyone who is already accessing them. Archives and books will still be for sale as well as Tech and Remedies—--- For me to continue what I’m doing, this change needs to be made. Through what Substack offers, I can continue with solution solving and data utilization that’s pertinent to the times. Keeping Up with R & D is always a challenge so consultations will still be available and contributions can keep me going to further better the results everyone needs without the rift raft we are currently seeing.---If you wish to support in an alternative way then send an email to pton@myyahoo.com or tonp@myyahoo.com to be given details as to what can be done. --if you subscribe then there will be a 5% discount on purchases for the Flash Drive and Remedies with the extensive archive and data that can assist you with current situations. Remedies can be a formulary that can be designed for you and your specific needs Again thanks for the support I have received

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Eulogy for Canadone

R I P is the end of my country and thee –you stood all around without making a sound and now we see our destiny!! You thought you were cool while they were making you a fool and now they have the tool to create a bloody pool—maybe you should have been payin attention in school instead all you became is a Fool https://x.com/i/status/1899677257024803113 —now you have what you got –as you can see its not a lot and in fact they are coming for more –because you acted without even seeing the score –and you have opened the door--they know you’re complete in the area of brainless now see what you reaped and now what you have is not shameless and you are not blameless—Real Canadians weep and mourn while the rest of you cry out with your fear porn—it’s a shame you re so lame and thought this was a hockey game—you have become so domesticated and tame—you have no one to blame—this is all on what you didn’t do ---now it all falls on you !!! Signed A Canadian that fought for Canada and seen with his own eyes lack of courage to make a stand by 98% of the land—who sat down when they should have stood this would have done some real Good—we would have been in command instead we surrendered the land –to pedo s and abusers and taxers of the land one and all whether they stood big or small and now our children have no country to play or grow up and have children one day---instead we have transgender and MAID and no one see s no one prayed and forgot God who kept us safe—we all have our comforts and joys and instead of running and playing with toys ---everyone should have risen and made some noise not crying and sighing and asked to be saved by a condition that couldn’t be seen or was even displayed---they made you fear and you cried government dear—when it was perfectly clear they came like locust to take your wealth all in the name of protecting your health –when it was all a lie –you didn’t want to the truth you wanted the lie --all for a few crumbs so you could spend instead of children needing you to keep them save and be true—like hobos and bums had no sense –you appeased your desire without disregard and was intense -with all the frills like alcohol cannabais and even some pills—instead of being grown man and woman you acted less then people and disregarded your children—Now we see here today if you have children they will all be depraved—enslaved and made to do things that are indescribable to say—I hope your happy this is Y O U R Legacy these days—generation dead and none to say we had a Good Canada where we built and Played –and now all we have left is a museum display- and a tombstone saying we allowed that day- to end a country where we all lived and grew and became something that was special and new—now that blessing has come and gone are you glad you did nothing and its done?

Boy Ill say –in my entire life I knew there was a decaying of intelligence—it appears the AI is getting it all –and now --which is beyond measure instead of using AI for things we should be in advance living we are using it today to repetitively share things that we all should know!!!instead we are using all this tech in order to be entertained and make selfies and watch sports -shows -movies- play games etc and it has to make one wonder how much is this influencing a generation of people ?? It doesn’t matter how old or what era ---this tech now has become essential just so you can stay informed and be able to navigate through life you have to connect with it ---even in commerce but with all of this –People are still stupid!! They don’t have a clue and whats about to happen ---if we are seeing a reality show and the treaties that were signed were under the british crown and Canada has noclaim since they didn’t sign anything---but the USA and the UK did –because Canada was a territory of the usa or colony the UK basically gave Canada to the USA!!! The Big kicker here---the USA has been paying for Canada with out any access to it---or so its said –without conforming to the rules that Canada made ---but now it appears they are lawful or legal!!!! https://x.com/i/status/1898175980285424120 and the difference between all the laws out there –sovereignty may mean SFA!!! Because there is no way you can enforce those rights and in fact may now work against anyone trying to engage thse protocols--- Now as you can see Canada is not going to be sovereign—they cant refute the legal claim and they cant defend the country ---and God knows Canadians aren t going to quibble about it either all trump has to do is give them beer ---and let them watch hockey smoke ther edoobie doobie doo and tobacco ---all it will take-and Canadians will be compliant with out a squawk—this was observed globally how conducive Canadians are and did absolutely nothing but sat back and accepted the jabs and has now shown they won t fight –they will comply—Even the benefits to the natives will drastically improve in just the status-they will no longer considered as savages in Canada---because it will be amerika land of slave ruled by the depraved and the advantages will increase just with the native population alone!!! The rest will be tax freer then they are now and maybe the real estate will go back to being more realistic then over exaggerated---as well –the feds killed the country they all need to be tried and executed ---this is what happens when traitors take over and bring in tethering and you submit and now a more powerful theme one we cannot win ---and with all the bluster and BS from polly by golly and the EX PM and the rest of the celebrity politicians to come and endorse Canada---all that is---more theatre –more distraction to make you feel good and consoled before the hammer goes down!!! What are you going

Do now?? Hmmm OOooOOO saAAaaaAYyyyY can you see …Oh what maybe its going to be dind ding dingaling dang dong –chinas comin to tag along ---and the flute for cobra –hmmm maybe its going to be a festive occasion when the planet divvies up canadumb!! I mean Canadians didn’t want it ---they didn’t stand and make te right demands—they cowered under the pressure sooo don’t expect any resistance—its futile anyway!!!This is what you see when the WEFUNWHO make the decision to create a disturbance in the force---they engage in either seduction or delusion and keep everyone distracted with this strategy to bring down a country or region or globe and engage in total removal of autonomy of a nation so I hope everyone else see s this as a example how to be subverted into being indoctrinated into BS where by the distraction is so effective you re taking out before you even had a chance to see and the ones who took it out are your own government!!!! Welcome to canadumb Eh!!!!??? The poor maple leaf heard the news that its been amalgamated and now it to is in shock!! AHGGGGG!!!

The real sadness is said accurately about canadumbs. https://old.bitchute.com/video/3QULZNnPklwE/ its not said any better then this about the pretentious spineless people who pretend that they are all social and everything is ok –and not lift a finger and then feel indignant when you present them with the issues that are plaguing the country and they don’t want to see it—its said it really is and why we lost this country ---if we ever had one---This is more true then anywhere else in the world---in canadone ---they have everyone polarized and are blaming

The foot print we are leaving ---the only thing we are really leaving is the corrupt federal govt in power to continue fucking us all—and that’s what we are guilty of –those of us who fought—to keep us safe whether in protest or in military-we are ashamed to even be acquainted with the likes of the people that continue kissing the ass of there oppressors instead of standing up to them!!!and now ---were going to be going away ---Because lets face it---you wont grow up and think its all about the narrative of the day---you wont think for your self and you wont say no when you should---get used to the red white and blue because lets face it could be worse—it could be north Korea that’s taking over –or even some other despotic country that hates European decent even more then trudeau did—Oooo wait you didn’t know he hated you so—OH NOoooO what a shit show ---you don’t even know whats going on do you?? And you followed this policy thinking he loved you!! As well don’t think the conservative party gives a shit about you either –all polly by golly is concerned with is sitting in the seat of power and get the perks of all the foreign nationals and lobbying groups lining his pockets and bleeding you---the only thing they he is concerned with is bleeding you further –that’s what politics does---and this isn’t even politics any more but another nail in Canadians coffin---welll should I say the suck holes coffin this is us specifically--

Special Note and Warning---if you have taken any Jabs that has MRNA in ( LNP as well) DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT WILL RELEASE AN EMP OR A PEMF OR ANY DEVICE THAT WILL CAUSE ANY PULSATIONS OR CHARGE!!! DO SO AT YOUR OWN PERIL—We have had a report from some one who bought a triangle from some one ---I do not know who they purchased from-- and as a result they had a severe back lash—as I have been warning but no one seemed to listen ---everyone thinking they are smarter then they are ---ego and greed at its best—to justify a sale---as a result of using this device after being warned about the jabs and not to use---he was refused by me and went some where else to buy it---the LNP in the body got activated---and as a result hes now had protrusions and assembly in the colon and stomach region—and it has advance the release of the gain of function of their Bioweapon ----he contacted some one I know on this and said the assessment I made on the use of the devices is correct ---if you have bought any device ---whether a zapper—a spooky—a rife—a tenz—a PEMF –or any type of EMP –OR A Thz --avoid---the research was posted for 2 years not to use if you have been injected with any MRNA Jab---Again DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT CAN Activate ---DO not add any nano metal as well being sold as a supplement or otherwise !!!! Disregard all supplements that have had any kind of proclamation of benefit from Structured Water- Methylene blue - c 60 zeolite- silica- nanosilver or gold or any nanometal or any kind of shungite ( do not wear) yeast products ( has gain of function) any pico products—anything that has nanocontamination in supplements or cosmetics- all of these products can be activated and react to a signal with a directive through photons ( li fi –or feq wi fi or any other means of relaying a programs including sound and emr)

For those who did not take any MRNA bioweaponary—or any form of LNP device--- you can utilize the EMP/PEMF tech ---But do not take any nano metals in the Remember to get the best results to increase recover first deactivate the nanobioengineering ongoing with the body utilizing the tools at hand with the use of the anti nano products that have been introduced ---the upgraded anti nano buckets and triangles and the spike or the surge and purge tech these should be done daily as well to be optimal and then utilized products as free as possible of all excipients or make you re own to further increase success

Solutions and Research

Nano Paricles removed and blown https://www.mediafire.com/file/mg7g3lgr9s20759/Assembled_nano_particles%252C_extracted_with_EMP_anti-nano_devices.mp4/file

Brain Wash https://www.mediafire.com/file/8n4k2vv5f4jh719/Brain_antioxidant_of_bay_laurel.pdf/file