Projections-Extortions--and why we cant see things work right-and perhaps the masterminds that are doing the manipulations

is it real--is the media machinations presenting reality ---how do you see things

Testing the invites-- and the new internet Box to see how it all works—-the numbers tuning in has doubled and I am thinking the content is good and thats the idea to give the good content and not just follow the narrative——the narrative is being given so that its expected to be believed and followed—-the theatre with tucker and putin —and the theatre there that was being pushed—-and it makes me suspect that there s a unforseen force that is extorting or blackmailing the govts to capitulate— when you have a country that doesnt sign a NPT for nuclear proliferation treaty ===it would be able to hold a gun to every govts head—and the war being done against russia would appear to be to wearing it down economically—-Have you ever observe the fluctuation in the price of fuel???did it ever occur to everyone that these prices are going up and down based on whther or not the money is being exported out of the country and that the price goes up according to the monetary donations the feds give out—-the same in canada—-every time the PM wants to send 10 billion to the ukraine—-and I wonder if its not going all to Israel the price at the pump rises—-theres a bill in the house that was going to allocate funds to ukraine Israel and the border in the usa and they didnt pass it—-I suspect they havnt gotten enough money from the pumps yet to afford that kind of monetary output but when they get it  it will be passed—-The same in canada—-the  price should be under 30 cents a litre instead its 130+ when money is not being spent to foreign countries acting like they are in a war—and I wonder how much of it actually goes to a war effort and not diverted elsewhere—maybe to a country perpetually building nuclear war heads—-who knows!!! but these are projections to make one believe that things are going on politically and economically to project they are working on aiding and assisting a war effort——do you know what the number one weapon of the world is today—Television—-the most effective mind control device ever conceived—with it you can make peoples—societies countries nations believe what ever you put into there heads—heres an example of whats going on today look at the 3:35  time slot

  this how a projection can lead one to believe and accept what ever reality they want you to follow and will put a narrative so you accept the condition and the response being put forth when none of it is real-{ It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.]--this would be a military mind control device which you can find in the patents---to control what you think and feed you the thoughts-ideas –or something imaginary---and if you still are following a narrative believing you re a part of something---you ve been deceived—when you actually break down that view you will find you re very much alone—so with the media and the propagation of a reality they want you to see or believe the reality is contrary to there illusion—and the cry for more money to fight the Russians—is by designed to wear down the Russian economy—the 2400 billionaires want to see a change and the war is the quickest way---with he covid fraud exposed—and the real cause of death being the freq and radiation exposure--- and more and more wanting to opt out of the UN---this will fire them up to escalate a war to make the changes required to fit there paradym-{ is a noun that means an example, pattern, or framework of something. It can also be a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline}  and with the theater all about this putin gives the answer to resolving the situation---stop supporting the war!!!---so you have to think whats really behind all of this---whats being projected to continue in a madness!!!---the illiteracy of most people makes them more susceptible to the programming---and they made it easier  to be programmed by watching the TV on the phone—the projection in the past was the Russians were the bad guy and we were are the good guys---we couldn’t see the truth in this---the truth is not allowed in the west— you re not allowed to have the truth in the west—-we are going by the way of the Japanese with a hyper inflated cost---canada is also in the same overinflated prices for the homes that aren’t worth there value and the price of stuff from china  is poorest quality—and my experiences with ordering stuff from china and all junk ---Another article in Canada is stating if you are opposing  the  net zero critics can now serve jail time ---and Canada gets payment from other countries  to use the credits from Canada since we don’t have a pollution  other countries have---and he electric vehicle produces 8 times more pollution—and the tech that was hidden to give higher efficiency in miles to a gallon--  ---soo whos causing the issues when this kind of tech is buried? –we have a bunch of nazi s running Canada—instituting policies that just don t work—politicians are the lobbying parties hookers---no changes are going to be forth coming—as long as some one has a nuke pointing at you then they will do what ever they are told---why would you come to the land of slavery---the incorporation under Lincoln made everyone is a slave---if you pay taxes then you re a slave—the contradiction of phoenix the expanding  and development on one hand and the homeless on the other shouldn’t exist—same in Alberta when I was there in 20 years ago boom happening the homeless was high—and currently at this time the crime rate is increased--- the illogic of life  nothing working right ---this is all part of the plan---this is all being done on purpose---not designed to work—economic issues 3 decades ago and the solutions was to export our jobs elsewhere overseas and further causing economic duress ---right across the commonwealth---destruction of the economics and not allowing the slaves to evolve and to keep everyone totally trapped—the dream is the carrot—but not allow to get to a higher place---will this ever stop---depends if people  will see whats really here ----if the high lite of your life is to be entertained we will never win--- the program of impulse shopping to spend for things you don’t need--- is what happens in the matrix reality---gender = man and women—not mutants---GMO = synthetic biology--- nanobiotech = is a more advance synthetic biology---anyone whos been exposed for 6 decades and acting incorrectly then that’s a mutation--- and if the govt interferes with you raising your kids to stop an alteration their gender  this is a form of mutilation and mutation of these kids which equates to pedophile destruction---natural and artificial flavor are aborted baby peptides in the food supply  causing mutations---soylent green eating people—examples of foods that are labeled natural or artificial flavor---and how the projection on the label makes one believe they are consuming food when its biologically filled ---with peptides from aborted babies—turning you into a cannibal- health food stores are not so health so make your own---looking at the destructive force is being promoted across the planet---the false projections are global to seduce you to buy the product—commercials and how they project so you re seduced  to buy it through advertisement------ the second chance to be advocated by trump to bush---nothing changes ---nothing new under the sun…. we are living in the twilight zone and the outer limits on steroids---or fringe on steroids---everything here is projecting and none of its real or true---the doctors projecting there  authority who aren t even doctors---the projection of looking at a magazine so you follow that narrative---more seduction---projections are idolatry and its that idol image that maneuvers you to believe something that’s not real---

and with the theater all about this putin gives the answer to resolving the situation---stop supporting the war---so you have to think whats really behind all of this---whats being projected to continue in a madness!!!---the illiteracy of most people makes them more susceptible to the programming---and they made it easier  to be programmed by watching the TV on the phone—the projection in the past was the Russians were the bad guy and we were are the good guys---we couldn’t see the truth in this---the truth is not allowed in the west— you re not allowed to have the truth in the west—canada and the usa cannot be seen as a bad guy---and have caused mayhem in the world and the reason maybe as a result of those who didn’t sign the NPT and as a result are being black mailed---the eugenist program came in from an external force---the lie of over population is being shown in the numbers that are being represented to each country---and the reason no births people don’t want kids violated with biotech ---jabs--- and cost---today no one can buy a million dollar home and none of them are worth that---and no one can afford it unless you owned your home and sold it then you would be paying the house at a higher down payment---we are going by the way of the Japanese with a hyper inflated cost---canada is also in the same overinflated prices for the homes that aren’t worth there value and the price of stuff from china  is poorest quality—and my experiences with ordering stuff from china and all junk ---Another article in Canada is stating if you are opposing  the  net zero critics can now serve jail time ---and Canada gets payment from other countries  to use the credits from Canada since we don’t have a pollution  other countries have---and he electric vehicle produces 8 times more pollution—and the tech that was hidden to give higher efficiency in miles to a gallon--  ---soo whos causing the issues when this kind of tech is buried? –we have a bunch of nazi s running Canada—instituting policies that just don t work—politicians are the lobbying parties hookers---no changes are going to be forth coming—as long as some one has a nuke pointing at you then they will do what ever they are told---why would you come to the land of slavery---the incorporation under Lincoln made everyone is a slave---if you pay taxes then you re a slave—the contradiction of phoenix the expanding and the homeless—same in Alberta when I was there in 20 years ago boom happening the homeless was high and now the crime rate is increased--- the illogic of life  nothing working right ---this is all part of the plan---this is all being done on purpose---not designed to work—economic issues 3 decades ago and the solutions was to export our jobs elsewhere overseas and further causing economic duress ---right across the commonwealth---destruction of the economics and not allowing the slaves to evolve and to keep everyone totally trapped—the dream is the carrot—but not allow to get to a higher place---will this ever stop---depends if people  will see what s really here ----if the high lite of your life is to be entertained we will never win--- the program of impulse shopping to spend for things you don’t need--- is what happens in the matrix reality---gender = man and women—not mutants---GMO = synthetic biology--- nanobiotech = is a more advance synthetic biology---anyone whos been exposed for 6 decades and acting incorrectly then that’s a mutation--- and if the govt interferes with you raising your kids to stop an alteration their gender  this is a form of mutilation and mutation of these kids which equates to pedophile destruction---natural and artificial flavor are aborted baby peptides in the food supply  causing mutations---soylent green eating people—examples of foods that are labeled natural or artificial flavor---and how the projection on the label makes one believe they are consuming food when its biologically filled ---with peptides from aborted babies—turning you into a cannibal- health food stores are not so health so make your own---looking at the destructive force is being promoted across the planet---the false projections are global to seduce you to buy the product—commercials and how they project so you re seduced  to buy it through advertisement------ the second chance to be advocated by trump to bush---nothing changes ---nothing new under the sun…. we are living in the twilight zone and the outer limits on steroids---or fringe on steroids---everything here is projecting and none of its real or true---the doctors projecting there  authority who aren t even doctors---the projection of looking at a magazine so you follow that narrative---more seduction---projections are idolatry and its that idol image that maneuvers you to believe something that’s not real--- the Scientific failure of healing and cures—-none for 100 years—-and real remedies the scientist wont reveal the real remedies but advocate a drug and the projection everything is nice and rosey—-the same with the gurus in the health industry they project there nonsense to reduce people to more issues with there illusions—-if you get the invite then let me know if you got on the sites—-contributions are always welcome and thanks for everyone who has contributed—-e transfer —- or contact me for an alternative address at the same email

thanks for all those who have contributed and continued support