OoooOO say can you see canadones liberty---sailing away while the Canadians play play –and the boycott goes bad the government is so sad that the canadumbs –had to buy US cars…

I had to start the show today with this little stupid thing that the governemtn of canadone did ---and canadumbs aren’t raising hell over that the newly elected PM is was selected!!!! Not elected

Changes are Materializing

Things are changing and as a result of being in interim state I will need to make changes to donations. So as of now am going to use substack as the means of support financially to continue in R & D and Podcasting. For those who are already involved---nothing is going to change –access is there for anything that is currently there. Anything that is online --- vids and websites will be free to anyone who is already accessing them. Archives and books will still be for sale as well as Tech and Remedies—--- For me to continue what I’m doing, this change needs to be made. Through what Substack offers, I can continue with solution solving and data utilization that’s pertinent to the times. Keeping Up with R & D is always a challenge so consultations will still be available and contributions can keep me going to further better the results everyone needs without the rift raft we are currently seeing.---If you wish to support in an alternative way then send an email to or to be given details as to what can be done. --if you subscribe then there will be a 5% discount on purchases for the Flash Drive and Remedies with the extensive archive and data that can assist you with current situations. Remedies can be a formulary that can be designed for you and your specific needs Again thanks for the support I have received

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OoooOO say can you see canadones liberty---sailing away while the Canadians play play –and the boycott goes bad the government is so sad that the canadumbs –had to buy US cars… I had to start the show today with this little stupid thing that the governemtn of canadone did ---and canadumbs aren’t raising hell over that the newly elected PM is was selected!!!! Not elected ---how does this get by?? How in $%^&* name does this even happen to a proposed democratic system—

Carney lost no time standing up for "the Canadian way of life" What BS there is no canadumbs way of life-the biggest delusional fairytale ever told for canadumb--after the Liberal Party overwhelmingly elected him to succeed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Anyone else seeing this??? Did you vote for this new elected leader?? Are you going to follow the dumbest leaders canadumb has ever had?? They are telling everyone don’t buy American products!!! Hmmmm lets see now that means are you going to boycott the auto industry that includes replacement parts like batteries and other accessories like alternators and —since your going to boy cott all cars that are American---hmm its going to be a long walk to work and back everyday---maybe you can buy a Chinese made car ----OOooOO wait they are boycotting canada as well so are you going to not buy Chinese products when everything is made in china since we don’t make anything---maybe that’s a good thing sonce no one here is able to think anymore—DING next phase of the Mkultra program in place---how about toilette paper it all comes from the usa---wait wait wait what about Vaseline---so now you are going to boy cott Vaseline?? Don’t you think its going to be painful when they jam it in again wooo wooo get into the position…. What now lubricant AHGGGGGGGGG!!! And then I hear going to costco to fond something made in canadone!!! Are you still ordering from amazon…. Whatever---again made in slaverika –so blind in one eye cant see out the other---if you cant see by now that the government is going totaltarianistic then you going to get bulldozed right out of existence especially when the bring in the data centres in TO and AB !!! Now doooogey Ford is now saying more shit as well---your going to lose the auto sector Ontario because the data centre is coming in and the manufacturing would be the biggest competitor to the power usage and the USA plants are already tooled with robotics an cybernetic machines that do the repetitive Jobs so they don’t need people ---just the machine to build the car—fiat back in the 80 s already has this tech and was running production with only 6 people!!!!-- and most of the auto plants as do so today and elon musk has robots already working on the line in tesla factories so Doogey is at it again lying through his teeth just like he did with the covid when he shut the factories and manufacturing( remember that?) Yet his Factories was working selling those FKG arrows and signs to the stores while they enslaved most to wear an idiotic mask –and now he s going to tax “dem Americans” What an insulting idiot---the American don’t even care about whats going on they are oblivious Canada so he shows how low and scum he is to this level of insult---They are turning this into a hockey game—this is how incompetent these half wits are in Ottawa and to boot carney even makes reference to this placating to the public a hockey reference where Canada beats the usa in hockey---he really thinks people are this gullible---its one thing when you re talking about a game to distract Canadians –after all it’s a Canadian sport utilized for distracting the uneducated or the mindless who just spend without looking –live without living and seem to have no aspiration in life other then to be told what to do and when to do it and how to do it!!!? Meanwhile while they got you fixated like a fan base watching a movie star ---this is what the liberals just did –in putting this show on to distract Canadians---How about removing the carbon tax that’s as fake as can be? How about getting real estate back to a level whereby Canadians ( Americans fall in this category) can afford to live ---not in some housing project where the homes are loaded with freq and you re trapped in a box with li fi or wi fy and other LED tracking lights and the materials are exuding a toxic scent—how about a retraining program whereby the govt gives 7000 a month to localized citizens ( people who are natural or naturalized as real citizens from NA) to do something with there lives like they have done with the imports they have bought in ---and what about instead of Maid you offer a real solution not a treatment how about sustaining the soldier after term of duty instead of trying to kill them—DO you think that’s going to happen?? It may not matter one way or another ---Canada isn’t going to win here and the reason they aren t because they didn’t fight for the country when it mattered and those that did had to leave because of reprisals from the feds because you stood up when things were wrong---and because you stood up now youre targetted for incarceration –funny how democracy works—freedom of speech but when its used to tell the truth ---is not so freee!! Then theres the concept that its all a show ---which most of it is and what we are seeing is more drama then reality as a result what we are being done to is a program—an operation to convince use that whatever is being displayed is real---real as a truman show !! Oooo SAaYyyyY Can you see saying bye to liberty –cause the canadadumbs are gone with the biggest government Bomb---Deception—what are you goin to do when the replicon runs wild on Y O U!!! Did I say that?? Replicon---once they government see s whos left that’s dead dumb and stupid the next wave is going to hit and Canadumbs will again believe the govt is doing something good and give them a insertion –R E P L I C O N!!! its ok---take it ---MORE FOR MEeeeEE!!! Now don’t you worry –your cars trucks houses suburbs foods clothes bank accounts will all be dispersed the govt is coming to take it away ha ha and you will be buried in some farm ha ha –don’t you wory about this today –just stay stupid and what the hockey players play ---more then likely be dead in a day!!! As you can see this is a self amplifying operating system –so this will saturate the cells this time and go into the whole system –How painful this is going to be ---it’s a guess at best how quick is it going to be ?? less then the 3 1/2 years that the covid vax took way less time---your still on the planet for 3.5 years still emitting carbon—so you got to go OOooOO don’t be sad---you weren’t doing much anyway to keep the country from doing this to you—you even ask them to lock you down ---SAVE US FROM THE BOOGEY MAN AHHHGGG!! So it appears now matter what canadumbs do now they aer on a one way spiral in a fractal being sent straight to Hell—the thing is all everyone has to do is grow upand stand firm and say no!!! and form communites to stop invaders—remember they do have toys but we have brains---well some of us do!!! SO those who are left are you going to get converged into a biodigital amalgamation?? Adding tech to the biology and use this tech so that if you don’t Kiss AI s ass that it can send a signal and drop you because of the genetech being you have –say something about the system BOOM gone!! The whole thing is is weaponized and access to the GP and Canadone has this implemented so if you haven’t had the GO GO Juice and didn’t take the moderna or phizer be on your game that replicon is the next wave of upgrades where now more control can be exerted and a total collapse with a signal –like turning on a TV with a remote control—since the archetype where you came from is completely changed---what we have left is a MUTATION –and Anomaly a hack

Where by you no longer reflect God-Creator-Maker-Life Giver-Progenitor-Source—but now reflect an QAI operating system—you re one with the algorithm—operating system –program-component of a whole—a piece of the construct—a BORG with a designation without identity—just a rank with a file of systems and functions—and all you do is obey without choice the conveyance of a signal—click channel 2 and now you can pooh—click channel 3 and now you can pee click channel 4 and you re heading out the door click channel 5 and you are no longer alive

—this is the summation of the matrix –and even in the movie you had to go into the VR in order to make changes in real time since it was all being done in some megavese or mutivers—where the LLM was able to create with the QAI many realities and people were trapped in these scenerios til the left the program—what we are seeing today and the distinction we are seeing today is that we have divergents—people who are extraordinary-people who are rare---unorthodox-- fortunately these are people who don’t fit into the narrative and are the true watchmen?women—who see what everyone overlooks—and the reason this planet is dying like it is because no one is heeding them and as a result the reality we had is now being altered into some kind of abomination at a super alarming rate since there is now resistance other then a handful and they are seeking an alternative and not wanting to be a collective with a assimilated society!!!

This is the future which is NOW and we are further escalating backward into a collective that is similar to the days of Noah under king Nimrod where by they were of one MIND one LANGUAGE meaning that an operating system was already hacking Mankind where they –like the borg—had received instructions autogenetically with out resistance—being automatically obedient without verbage—without deviation—or alteration –just an operating system doing what its commanded to do

—this is what the one world religion being supported by the wefunwho church is doing and the partitioning the planet into 10 parts to be united by one horn –One Authority where ever region surrenders its sovereignty and hands over there automatons to the centralized intelligence—and if the humanoids or Cybernetic Organism refrain or rebel and don’t comply---they are erased—expunged-eradicated-having all traces being removed--- and with the covid injections I think what we were really seeing is the removal of the undesirables—the ones that wouldn’t be fit for the interface and they pretty much died within a 3 -3.5 year range from the time they took the gene editing program—It would appear their was some kind of intelligence that was monitoring and analyzing those who would be a fit and who wouldn’t be and those that didn’t make the grade are being recycled in some fashion---its what appears to me and those who can see this far indepth that this is what has happened and the next wave will further determine whos fit for assimilation---if you don’t make the grade---More for MEeeeEEeee!!!I ddnt take the first round wont be taking the second---but then again Im a divergent—not meant for this shit hole and am looking to a real evolution for my life not in this realm but the realm we are meant to be in –this realm is a mistake and its basically boot camp to filter out what is called the dross in metal filtering---and to come out of this purified –and Aware and fortified with real truth on what this realm is –an inversion of what s real !! and what really has substance---the place lacks it totally –my message has always been to offer what works and to read the gospels for your self and not allow any Zionist—Jesuits—Masonics who have infiltrated the organized church which is part of this system ---if those places of worship told any real truth they would all be removed or suffer real persecution –Based on the fact all the truthers who are telling any real truth are all being targetted!!!!keep that in mind the next time you hear pie in the sky!!!

Special Note and Warning---if you have taken any Jabs that has MRNA in ( LNP as well) DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT WILL RELEASE AN EMP OR A PEMF OR ANY DEVICE THAT WILL CAUSE ANY PULSATIONS OR CHARGE!!! DO SO AT YOUR OWN PERIL—We have had a report from some one who bought a triangle from some one ---I do not know who they purchased from-- and as a result they had a severe back lash—as I have been warning but no one seemed to listen ---everyone thinking they are smarter then they are ---ego and greed at its best—to justify a sale---as a result of using this device after being warned about the jabs and not to use---he was refused by me and went some where else to buy it---the LNP in the body got activated---and as a result hes now had protrusions and assembly in the colon and stomach region—and it has advance the release of the gain of function of their Bioweapon ----he contacted some one I know on this and said the assessment I made on the use of the devices is correct ---if you have bought any device ---whether a zapper—a spooky—a rife—a tenz—a PEMF –or any type of EMP –OR A Thz --avoid---the research was posted for 2 years not to use if you have been injected with any MRNA Jab---Again DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT CAN Activate ---DO not add any nano metal as well being sold as a supplement or otherwise !!!! Disregard all supplements that have had any kind of proclamation of benefit from Structured Water- Methylene blue - c 60 zeolite- silica- nanosilver or gold or any nanometal or any kind of shungite ( do not wear) yeast products ( has gain of function) any pico products—anything that has nanocontamination in supplements or cosmetics- all of these products can be activated and react to a signal with a directive through photons ( li fi –or feq wi fi or any other means of relaying a programs including sound and emr)

For those who did not take any MRNA bioweaponary—or any form of LNP device--- you can utilize the EMP/PEMF tech ---But do not take any nano metals in the Remember to get the best results to increase recover first deactivate the nanobioengineering ongoing with the body utilizing the tools at hand with the use of the anti nano products that have been introduced ---the upgraded anti nano buckets and triangles and the spike or the surge and purge tech these should be done daily as well to be optimal and then utilized products as free as possible of all excipients or make you re own to further increase success

Solutions and Research and Referrals—if your interested in finding some one knowledgeable and experienced in the ways of operating functions –theres a fellow named doogle in the discord ---connect with him –and tell him what the problem is see what he can do—might be able to get you up and running

Self assemblying in the body time slot 1:05

so even if the materials aren’t programmed to do so they will with other particles that will indeed use them for building materials and that’s any nanometal or material

Biodigital –that’s You