tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
One potato 2 potato 3 potato 4 canadone looks like they locked the door---5 potato 6 potato 7 potato 8 looks like for canada it maybe to late—are you paying attention Slaverica

One potato 2 potato 3 potato 4 canadone looks like they locked the door---5 potato 6 potato 7 potato 8 looks like for canada it maybe to late—are you paying attention Slaverica

You re next

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

One potato 2 potato 3 potato 4 canadone looks like they locked the door---5 potato 6 potato 7 potato 8 looks like for canada it maybe to late—are you paying attention Slaverica—You re next

for those of you who don’t understand canadones way of enslavement---will explain –the house has been suspended due to corruption---that sounds good yes?? And all the bills  that are being tabled right now means they to will be suspended and when and if parliament is reinstated then the policies would have to be re submitted one by one ---sounds good??? But whats really happening the nonconfidence that was going to go through is also now suspended---that means we are stuck with the asshole from hell itself because now all attempts to get rid of this loser has now have to start over---Then what could happen the dingbat called tittles  may summon the Ununited Nihilist will assimilate canadone

 ---this isn t that far fetched –then theres slaverica--- waiting for their executioner to be chosen---how will slaverica die---lets see will it be with nanobioweaponary like the first time with the warp speed BS or will it be with an actual invasion--- the decision is now is up to the board of directors---who is now looking at slaverica as a resource rich country that can be flooded with a man made natural disaster because of what they are  seeing that the country is an easy rape!!! After all how many soldiers left the military because of warp speed??? And how many invaders did open borders let in ? and  Y O U think you have a vote??? ---As I stated the board of directors has the vote not Y O U!!! you re just the kids that need distractions Just Like canadone!!! Take a look at  canadone---see it drown in a quagmire of shit that comes from the parliament Hell!!! Y OU R next when the selection is in---and the Self amplifying fake fuckery is released to you --land of the slave ruled by the depotic depraved---this will make the black plague look like a school dance—and a party  What could go possibly wrong?? OH total X/Y/Z NA meaning total rewrite--- Then theres this stupidity ---wear your maskey s kiddies ---it does SFA but you will obey because like a good little program operating bot that   will only follow you re orders forgetting how many died from the first set of jabs with the mRNA ---you already forgot so youre doomed to repeat the same stupid shit all over again!!!! And whats worse---you still wont take the time to see what this really does!!!But you will do you re AI research which will tell you that this is a new and improved and safe and effective--- AI bot algorithm which arent AI at all is designed to mislead you---its designed to funnel you down to hells gate---because Y O U have become decadent!!! Unlearned in the ways of science and biology they have infected everyone with these engineered  geneticnanoweapons

With the means of medical inversion of speech---taking these jabs will increase you re immunity  ---you will develop antibodies!!! Well what if it just mutated you to host these lab made biogenes and integrated them into you forever altering you from a genetic level and in fact been used to spread the  pathogens to make the Medical field wealthy and prosperous while you suffered and had youre life taken from you because of misinformation---the melting pot idea doesn’t work ---mixing genes so as to have a genetic identity to a sovereign doesn t work ---ergo self amplifying  biowarfare ---a means to over ride youre genetic code to either mutate you or eliminate you depending on the freq activation that the operating systems will receive  will show how self assemblying nucleic acids can re write Y O U!!! Some are talking using Gold nanoparticles to treat the infected with the injected ---this is what would happen if there s a morphology involved by tampering with the LNP  

as you can see he gold is attached to the dna further altering functionality--- and that’s nanogold what happens with other nano metals??? The same or worse why one must disengage the operating system with anything electrical or magnetic or photonic or sound that stops this morphing to occur--- the tech to remove nano operating systems should only be utilized by those non injected---the infected have an entirely different  dual operating system(s) that have replaced the rna !!! With the infected who were injected by the masters of the white coat and stethoscope dumped an Operating System—-Into a general populous—with lies of the devil and the seduction of a sales clerk to exploit them into the trap -Will you look at the warning of the new Assault weapon they may introduce to you at supersonic warp speed  So as you can see the corporate heads that control the slaverica and canadone are now releasing people without pensions---medical care---or in any kind of Pay out---it’s the bottom line ---so if you re retired or pensioned---collecting disability – have health issues as a result of making the corporacratic board of directors rich and shameless you have now become a burden to the ones you made wealthy with you re blood and sweat and so for you re reward ---its you re termination slip 

 2:55 min mark

When you watch this scene and you can see your self working for them Night and Day and what did you get after all this time---pain and suffering by gov ts who ae controlled by corporations and investors who see Y O U as a liability ---and at this point are expendable and the easiest way to get rid of you is not to pension you off or out---but to relieve you of youre existence---so we also have been hit with multiple means but will only deal with these topics today---the worst adversary we all face today are puppet gov ts who run the corporations  and threaten to exploit you through experimentation and termination!!! So do you really  think theres a war going on or another execution chamber being built for the general GP??? Or is this another means to test the toys that make little noise that kills all the girls and boys???  do you really think they need people to die when the military has almost AI robotized there hardware---what chance would you have against something like this???The termination of the employee s  through a job opportunity called  sevice to country---its all a fabrication---illusion===whey we are always in a state of war is because the resources are for the taking and population regulating---we are going to  a party as you can see soooo do you really think Y O U still have a vote???

Now for canadone before covid the emergency to get medical was intolerably inefficient---you could have died before getting assisted and after covid hit ( social medicine at its finest)  they just went and collected dead bodies to a tune of 90 a day in essex county and then they were directly taken to the crematorium ---by passing all recording of the dead ---the insanity of the corruption to cover up the murdering of people with a bioweapon----and now the dead are increasing---it’s the timer is now going off and more are dying without being recorded as dead since they are being thrown into the fire ---hard to believe that canadone has become this corrupt and desensitized and now still going with the flow--- another niagra falls but only with the blood of Canadians  keep this in mind slaverica---- this will be you as well ---the systems of gov t ( appointed directors) in both corporation should not be trusted on any level---after all they are both corporation and corporations are run by a board of directors ---who have the final say—NOT Y O U

 Heres something you can do for you re Mitochondrial systems--- Always remember to disengage any nano assemply or network before engaging into any suggestion or possible solution to get the best effect with either a EMP devices or a Spike or Surge devices---to increase success measures  and results --- nanopoisoning has to be disengaged

 mtDNA---mitochondrial DNA ---this is the one we are going to look at today to get you back youre power ----remember the NANOGeneTech is killing all of us ---so in order to have a good measure of success we need to get back our Power---so we will start of with

Fat---saturated fat and the egg and cream formula is one that was given   a few substack ago ---its one of the best formulas to sustain and optimize health of youre mtDNA  1 yolk of an egg ( 2 if they are small or medium) real cream ---blottted or double cream for the Europeans and whipping cream for the west across the atlantic  mix in the yolk and creams to about 16  oz mix well ---you can add cq 10 in this ( get any form but some are in rice bran or mct oils these use ) avoid the soy canola and flax  combo s with the cq 10 these  are a sabotage to increase estrogen imbalance ---Add retinol palmitate as well Vitamin A ---100,000IU n mix well and consume about 4-5 oz a day  will see amazing effects in about 5 days--- The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet that is claimed to switch your body from running on carbs to running on fats [7].--When fats are broken down for energy, small molecules called ketone bodies are produced. These molecules are used for the production of ATP instead of glucose. Some researchers believe that this results in improved mitochondrial function (PGC-1alpha, SIRT1/3, AMPK activation), higher levels of ATP from the electron transport chain, and overall cellular health [7].--One study found that a ketogenic diet slowed down mitochondrial myopathy (a muscle disease) in mice in part by increasing the number of new mitochondria (mitochondrial biogenesis). Human studies are lacking [8].                                                                                                                                   

Creatine this can be used in any warm beverage and can be used in 5 gram doses ( 1tsp) and used once a day ---in 3 weeks you will have the equivalent dose of a loading phase which is unnecessary  and a waste of money  ---this way the 1 tsp a day alleviates all bloating issues as well and allows for the support of the mitochondria Creatine is a naturally occurring substance that plays a major role in the recycling of ATP in muscle and brain cells.Multiple cell studies have indicated that creatine is effective in restoring mitochondrial function, protecting against structural damage and oxidative stress, and reducing the impact of mitochondrial DNA mutations [76, 77, 78].Animal and human studies are needed.

 Leucine can be mixed with creatine 1:1 and again added to warm beverages  also is a key player in growth and repair Leucine is an amino acid involved in the formation of proteins. It is an essential amino acid, meaning that it is not synthesized by the body and must be obtained from food. Therefore, it is often is supplemented.In obese mice, leucine supplementation for 2 months significantly increased levels of NAD+ and SIRT1, resulting in improved mitochondrial function [18].In muscle and fat cells, leucine increased mitochondrial mass by 30% and 53% respectively. Both increases were caused by leucine’s ability to increase SIRT1 [20].Similarly, in skeletal muscle cells, leucine increased mitochondrial density and improved mitochondrial function [21].

·          E + cq 10 also has a heart support as well as Mitochondrial can be used 200-400!U of E and 100mgs of cq10 ---keep in mind using any statin can have side effects to the mitochondria if cq10 is not taken along with the pharma---would be better to utilize cq10 and sunflower or egg yolk lecithin ( no soy)  – CoQ10 is a lipophilic molecule that sits in the membrane and acts as an electron carrier in the complexes that are part of oxidative phosphorylation. It also acts as an antioxidant and has a few other functions. CoQ10 is one of the more studied supplements for mitochondrial support. In one cell study, human corneal epithelial cells treated with varying levels of CoQ10 formulas demonstrated a reduced rate of apoptosis and increased rate of metabolic activity in human endothliai cells.                                                                                                                                                                                                              


·         Apigenin  found in the peppermint family of herbs and can be used as well to regulate estrogens Apigenin is a natural substance occurring in many different fruits and vegetables.Apigenin given to obese mice prevented the breakdown of NAD+ and therefore increased levels of NAD+ and SIRT1, a protein involved in both mitochondrial function and genesis [18].In cells exhibiting high levels of stress, mitochondrial function is decreased. The addition of apigenin was able to protect the mitochondria from cellular stress and prevent the loss of mitochondrial function [19]. Make a tea with any combo of rosemary or sage or thyme or savoury add your creatine and leucine---have youre cream an egg  drink before or after


·         Rhodiola as well can assist in the restoring Mitochondrial function-- SAL also increased mitochondrial mass and upregulated the mitochondrial biogenesis factors, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1 α ), and mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) in the endothelial cells. H2O2-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, as demonstrated by reduced mitochondrial membrane potential (Δ ψ m) and ATP production, was rescued by SAL pretreatment  Make teas or use tinctures regularly As well combo the creatine and leucine with it

Any form of B3 will also be key –NAD NMN – nictonic acid –Tobacco( clean non pesticide or chemicals),   nictotinamide Niacin often known as vitamin B3, is a precursor to the coenzymes nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+), which are needed to enhance mitochondrial activities for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate so any form will do add to any ferment to make it more bioavailabe since it all converts in the gut –yogurt kefir sour cream –anything with  a culture if you emulsify ir or lipsome you may want to add  some kind of bacterial culture ( probiotics) so if you make it to survive the stomach then to beak down in the gut  below you will have a higher uptake of the nutrient

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