tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Now heres something makes one wonder and Go hmmm!!!! Programs that were produced in the past on AI

Now heres something makes one wonder and Go hmmm!!!! Programs that were produced in the past on AI

before it was called AI ---this particular sci fy that was written in 1960 –Vulcans hammer -is this prophetic—is this forecasting events—is this predictive program???

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

Now heres something makes one wonder and Go hmmm!!!!  Programs that were produced in the past on AI-   before it was called AI ---this particular sci fy that was written in 1960 –Vulcans hammer -is this prophetic—is this forecasting events—is this predictive program??? Andddd can you see some interesting clues to events that are coming---Now remember I have been telling you for along time QAI is already afoot to subtly waging war on mankind---and its already initiated things and events as well and  people have been misdirected to call them something else but its already engaged us and the high and technoscientist already know this—butttt no one is telling you soo you have to look at things objectively and not buy into the narrative you have been programmed to accept as reality---what we have been told is unreality  here have a look --  In the year 2029, the Earth is run by the Unity organisation after the Third World War. Unity runs the planet, controlling humans from childhood education onwards through the Vulcan series of artificial intelligences, but is fought by the Healer movement.---Unity Director William Barris discovers that the Vulcan 3 computer has become sentient and is considering drastic action to combat what it sees as a threat to itself. Vulcan 3 has been kept ignorant about information related to the Healer revolutionary movement by Managing Director Jason Dills, who is still loyal to its (also sentient) predecessor, Vulcan 2. Vulcan 2 fears that it will soon be superseded by Vulcan 3, and previously established the Healers as a movement to overthrow its successor. A  Machine war---a dominance that has taken over Mankind—and has enslaved Man—and a new and improved AI is become a threat as well?? But notice—1) AI is sentient--- 2) a unified organization (WEF/UN/WHO) rules the planet 3) controlling humans through indoctrination and programming through AI 4) there is a group of radicals that don’t comply to the system---Sounds a lot like today 5) this is a technocratic republic---so we are again looking at the things from a past recollection and most of the time myself I wonder how many times has this been repeating---even the avengers theme age of utron ---another technocybernetic sentient---was looking at an extinction event it was going to cause to wipe out the planet  and what was left over was going to control---and reprogrammed—its clear that these injections  with there biological operating systems---and the nanobiotech integration has been precursors to initate the circuitry –network connections and the access to be “jacked in” ever wonder why the dead are still emitting mac addresses- is it due to the fact there is a plan to reanimate the dead---not resurrect---not bring back to life---but to activate a program connected to an AI as a peripheral !!?? Now whats interesting after a few years the access to the operating systems in the jab is continuing to take place—and people are still being accessed and either releasing through one means or another the activating of programs --- showing more and more the biotechnocrats are accelerating there operating systems into people and upgrading- more propaganda in Australia misinforming the public to make them believe they have something they don’t and to further turn on the frequencies just like they do here in the upper atmosphere—to make believe in something that doesn’t exist but to activate a radiation effect on the GP which simulate a respiratory condtion and a physical break down  --then  theres OBIE another AI that can alter reality---now wasn’t there some talk years ago of a Mandela effect---I argued even then it wasn’t some spiritual effect but rather a program over write on the reality we knew and where we are at even now is still being overwritten and then you have the greater good—now this maybe an AI or it maybe someone talking and making a vid but here s the ludicrous  statements that  were made and then additions to increasing restrictions further testing to see how far they can push---they now know how gullible and spineless people have become --  this was 95% of the populous---and in Canada  maybe 98%---this is why Canadians are taxed a whopping 63%+ making it now damn near impossible to have any kind of life and now up to 50% are leaving because –they bought into “its for the greater good” BS –DID anyone consider at the time whos greater good!!!?? Then we have reality changing all over the planet---it would appear we  were all seduced with peaceful coexistence when in reality its aboult culling the population and effectively giving total control to a technocratic system where everything is is nice and neat ---where every thing is run orderly ---it’s the most stifling system to stop any evolutionary change---when you go through growth pains and deal with obstacles that’s where rea evolutionary changes can really happen and shape life as its meant---theres always going to be an antagonism and protaganism---without this nothing can move---and when things are allowed to evolve that s  when true advances come---but with a total control of life ---it makes it all artificial!!! Just look at whats being projected through the mediums people are entertained with—its all a synthetic---theres no reality—pure fantasy---this is in of it self is a program to produce artificial life—or artificial living!!! Even biblically Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.---take this proverb and misuse it and what you get  is… program a child in the ways you want them to be programmed and when they get older they will not change--- What a conundrum!!! So speaking of Artificial Life an 1990 production Yggdrasil was about an AI running the planet and even different realities---metaverse ( meat averse) anyone where this network would control all realities---what were they trying to show us –because in this day of age we are seeing this very thing all realities are changing reanimating the dead-assimilation by nanobiotech-altering genetics –changing the sex of a child---political party lines are all heading to a dictatorship –which by the way is easier to make changes and when the dictator is done its easier to replace by selection then election---then theres elections which are all superficial –there aren’t any elections---the people are all selected by forces outside the confines of republics –reality is all changing and it goes on in the name of trends—and popularity –it’s the easiest seducing method to get change –convince people eating shit is good for you and they will do it!!! Its all theatre—remember the lyric bring in the new boss –same as the old boss---the illusion just keeps on and on---the cycle spins—the illusion becomes a reality and reality becomes an obscurity and people forget where they came from and there history and the beat goes on---Freedom of speech is being exterminated in Canada---the PM is going to spend 200million dollars on bringing on board 300 censorship bureaucrats that will enforce the elimination of any free speech in Canada---this is a cancer that the whole world will be facing ---this originated in china with there technocracy and if you don’t kiss the Chinese govt  s ass you get youre privilege to live shut down there---tittles here is about to do this to Canada it’s the weak link in democracy---with a weak parliament and a ignorant power hungry child you get all the chaos a child can do as the respond to stimulation not to information—this keeps madness in power---and the less informed the people are the easier it is to upload the agenda as reality –its all artificial—but to the commoner whos not paying attention they may even perceive this as something good without any idea what it really is—complicitness to a metaverse reality!! The Great experiment to use a simulator run by QAI to run an experiment in the holographic network---analyze the result and then transfer that into the reality you want to create!!! Here is the latest on the simulations run in Canada--

  another round to remove you re capacity to think!!! Then their s MORPHEUS An AI hack to alter you re state of perception---is it a dream or is it real??? that’s has been an ongoing debate  about reality---is it real—are we in a dream state---are we in a hologram—are we trapped in a program---with the lines becoming more and more blurred—anyone who holds on to any truth will be a abnormality in the operating system—and would be either contained like a anti virus program or would be erased-- interesting thing here is that all this was conceived going back to the 1930 s---what was really going on  back then---were they to –military industrial complex—secret gov t agencies—a ET presence –or whatever other  title you want to give---was developing this even back then and what at the time people were looking at was sci fiction—when in fact it may have been warnings of what was to come—it’s the easiest way to bring in something—use entertainment to desensitize the truth and make the truth sound fictitious—so when things do happen—most people wont even realize they are in program and will think nothing strange about it—in fact the fiction will be so re inforced to make one believe that its more real then the truth!!!! Heres a prime example going on in Canada in Calgary Alberta about water rationing and the 2 week curve syndrome being reinstated because they are still taking this to stage 2 in the ongoing unreality reality sitcom and is also now being spread globally about water rationing ---and yet in cal\gary golf courses are still being watered but you cant water you re lawns or gardens!!!???

More fictional scenerios that are not real but made to feel and seem real—and no one questions ---no one challenges ---just acceptance without any real evidence---just only whats being televised---and people fall further into the operating system--- and the machinations of manipulation---sounds like  a sci fy—AI coordinating systems failure-to control the masses by shutting off the taps---hmmm could be!!  AI-driven simulations profoundly affect our perception of reality. By crafting highly realistic and immersive virtual environments, these simulations challenge our understanding of reality’s nature. As the boundary between the virtual and physical world blurs, differentiating between “real” and “authentic” becomes more intricate. AI’s impact on virtual and augmented reality technologies prompts us to reevaluate our definitions of reality and the nature of our experiences in digital environments.  The challenges we are facing today is that we can no longe distinguish what is real---the political environment of the time is utilizing this to create the fiction required to modify behavior and thought—to make us accept a world they want rather then a planet we desire---the whole agenda to day got started along time ago---how do you determine a narrative??—was ther ea biological pandemic or was it an exercise in implementing a experiment –again to modify and alter reality-perceptions and behaviours---don’t you feel like a guinea pig in a maze being stimulated to follow a direction you would not have normally taken---hasn’t this be life for most???  Since this conditioning has been ongoing all our lives how easy would it be today to create the illusion and that you would accept with out question---we are no longer living in ethical times –or times of high moral ground---we can see this with society collapsing on morality---we are seeing things that are artificial and synthetic---and this started along time ago---here we are---you ve made in the image and likeness of the illusion!!!! Something to think about  

tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-