Macgyvering on a new level--the unexpected
when you got a place thinking its safe and you get popped and there are no antenna
Your doing everything you can —you left you re area went to a few hotels or motels —-went to some airports and you were doing great—-some of you had meters and you checked it out and it all looked good—- and then whammoo you are feeling the flames of fire—the sparkling electric charges —popping of hits—PAIN—-and then you wonder what went wrong-you even go out looking for an antenna and dont see anything —-that maybe that some places have a repeater or booster some where either inside or on the building and it super boost the signals and you are now feeling it —the reason being is because youre over sensitized to the freq—most who havent been hit or broken down to the levels most are at— may not feel it—-like you do—so whats next—-check the room or place as well and look into the bathrooms ( washroom if in canada) and observe—-if you see mold in the showers or ceiling then leave immediately you cannot deal with both and get refunded as welll and look for other places—if its persistent and high end also leave do not stay there —any progress will set you back weeks—the meter s usually work unless what is going on is not rated for those freq— and it will not read——-if you feel the area has been inflamed then either use a dilution of vinegar and water 50/50 and apply -—this will draw out the heat-allow to dry and lightly rinse- and then apply cold pressed avocado oil orrr a good cold pressed olive and if you can find—I havent so far found a good grapeseed cold press oil—- this will shut down the NO2 that will hyper accelerate the inflammation allowing blood to flow on restricted and to expel any damage—- if you are moving about the best and cheapest food is eggs and some meat —-but if the budget is low—-then eggs and add a mustard without any shit on it—-this has high levels of antioxidants that also support liver and has antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties-add as well the tincture of the formula I SHOWED FURTHER DOWN in this blog or the previous OR THE PREVIOUS BLOG—-the key to all of this is protein and high amounts —-so if you can t access the collagen then eggs is the go to—if you can combo eggs and collagen its a 99% uptake—-nothing else will do this except for maybe a whey hydrosalate or even isolate—if collagen is not there then use gelatin —-the difference is that one is broken down to dissolve easier—since they are the same thing— if you can get to a campsite where there is no power lines —you re recovery will be exponential—-power lines are another issue as well with aa DEW assault victom—-some of the older places have surges or spikes where you maybe staying—-you may feel this as well—and what will happen there maybe a spazing but it passes and its usually off and on—-you can tell the difference between a spaz and a EM pulse when the the pulse hits it continues or is ongoing for along length of time—- if its electrical its a spaz and then done within usually 20sec to about a minute maybe 2 then its over-other things you may want to utilize is the previous formula with the collagen + comfrey root + summer savoury ( if you can locate of not see if you can find ajowan —or a combo of thyme and oregano) and bayleaf —-either as a tea or tincture—back to the eggs —-when adding mustard if there is a tobasco sauce again shit free—then also use—-if you have enzymes again incorporate—-and if the pain is a tad hard —an analgesic—to allow you to further not inflame—-environment—-depending where you are —if you can at least walk do so to minimize any and all atrophy—and if the out doors are not doable find some place indoors —-wifi—-what I am seeing and have seen is if their are any antenna it does not mean they are active—-I had 3 of them within 3 blocks where I was and I wasn t feeling anything—-the place I stayed was an older building and the antennae appeared to be 3-4 G so that may have had something to do with it with the construct of lead and calcium in the building or even perhaps the paint they used or the sound proofing they had as well—-so validate as well with the meters—-some of them will give a reading but then flip light switches or heaters on and off to see if it affects your meter—-this will be a sign its the electrical grid not a emf from a tower—and where I was the area is towered but ironically I wasnt having any sensitivity issues which was ok with me and was still noticing a notable improvement—-fat is where its at so back to the avocado or olive —-use either orally—the eggs as well will help restore the lipid barrier—cheese—is another thing you maybe craving—it will also assist in lipid restoration plus body re building due to the protein content and minerals and bacteria—so if your eating cottage cheese with the 4% + fat it will assist in gut repair stomach and oesphagol —-that to maybe damaged from the freq—due to its glutamine content —or get glutamine its to is a big one for reconstructing—if you can find a colustrum—with out the BS that its more milk then actual colustrum access if you can afford—-most of the stuff in the health food store is just over priced milk and the colustrum content maybe as high as 10 % the rest is milk RO!!!!!-if you utilize any of the other inferior proteins all i can say —take a gun and shot your foot—-this will equate to about the same thing —what you need is whats is in what I said—minerals—-the cheapest way is to utilize electrolyte powders that are just a full spectrum of electrolytes with out the silica and titanium and silver and arent on a nano scale—-iodine go to a drug store see if you can find the shelf iodine—-if it shows a 2:1 ratio potassium iodide and iodide then use it orally —-it should have nothing else in it except water or alcohol—if it has Propylene glycol do not use not even topically—it it has methanol again do not use not even topically —-if it has povidine again do not use either way—again if you relocate get as much research as you can and then you till will be in the dark til you get there—-make sure it has some kind of transit system access or else your extremely limited and will eventually have to relocate—where I was at there wasnt even a bus service or cab and what you did get was driver services that was 60 bucks just to get into a car—-they have you hooped—so if you are driving all good if not then stay on the fringe of a town or city where you still can get access but are far enough away from being beamed—supplies—-best place to go is thrift stores and thrift like stores —-you can almost use anything there to magyver what you are doing—-luggage I bought at a retail store was about 200 I got for 6.49—-pawn shops—if you need something for defence —stunners —-which you can also modify to spike the foods you eat—a 2 for 1 and they are about 12 bucks at a pawn shop—-if you can t find them there see if you can find a used cattle prod—-this to can be utilized like the spike or surge and purge as well as for de-nanoing meats the purge or jolt from these devices will als eliminate bacterial and microbes—-other places —-again this is all based on income —yard sales if you happen to see a sign explore you may pick up things along the way til you arrive where you are—soooo you have some more additions—-one more thing on the transportaion—-if you do find a cabby or a driver —-do not use uber its such a BS company and rip off —get there card and call them chances are if you made contact and had a conversation they will be more then glad to serve you—-and some places allow golf carts as well that as long as they have turn signals and lights can be driven within the city limits and or again based on bucks motor bikes —-bicycles —or even motor driven bicycles—-make sure everything is secured and bolted down and locked —-not every place has ethical values
another great article busting full of great remedy's for todays tech weapons.......Thank you T, much appreciation for these articles!
Is lugols iodine the right one tony