tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Last Show I was referring to a new beer but then I thought about it more and more ----modelo is the beer---another one from mexico ---it must be some kind of code but here s a break down Model O

Last Show I was referring to a new beer but then I thought about it more and more ----modelo is the beer---another one from mexico ---it must be some kind of code but here s a break down Model O

is what this is saying---don’t get fooled again they are going to have there fn out break with this fake fickle excuse and this time the drama on it will be more intense-

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

Last Show I was referring to a new beer but then I thought about it more and more ----modelo is the beer---another one from mexico ---it must be some kind of code but here s a break down Model O is what this is saying---don’t get fooled again they are going to have there fn out break with this fake fickle excuse and this time the drama on it will be more intense---Are you ready Canada to line up again like sheep without a shepherd? Will you grow up or will you still stay coddled like little suckled children needing a pacifier?? Sorry am just all out of patience with this---now heres another concept---how about activating dead peoples cells-   --you know reanimation of life!!! I was thinking on this and was exchanging with a bud in discord about a interview which I haven’t seen yet---and I mentioned in our exchange what the fellow s saying about hybrids is nothing new---the Papacy has been doing this shit along time and it came out about 25 years ago how women were being genetically engaged to bring in abominations and the women wanted to maternally be involved--  -and some of the hybrids killed off there mother---imagine that!!  -- So as we were talking I was mentioning something about comic books and mentioned how all the characters you read about are all hybrid—Superman a byproduct of genetic engineering whos parents were hated in a embryonic chamber programmed with the genes they had and he was a direct progeny to this 

   –then you have the Fantastic 4—Spiderman—the hulk –Thor who also is a hybrid from earth and asgard—then you had etrigen in DC and Martian manhunter and Aquaman—and a host of others---iron man a fusion of tech and flesh –batman a illuninatti member –and so on---then there was a few comic lines out there like OMAC---one man army corp who was a genetically engineered super soldier ---made by QAI ( brother eye) and then there was the image comics whos meta humans were all made through military engineering from dead cells and don’t forget the X men mutants who were genetically engineered as well as the rest---the interesting in all of this  was they were either hybrid mix ---altered by radiation—or a combination of genetics chemistry and or radiation---and when we read these as aa kid we all thought how  wonderful it would be to be a super hero=---and now we are seeing more and more the TV bringing to life the entertainment of these creatures as heroe s but in reality they are spawned hybrids--  ---Now the explanation seems doable but wait there s a catch if the person is far to gone then you can use this technique to harvest the organs and fire the solution into those organs to reinvigorate life back into them!!!! Whoaaa what a business this would be eh!!!???  

  You can say hmmm they are past there time  now lets make over 3 million on the parts---but wait  now the military industrial complex decides to explore the genome further to make a new and imporved soldier ---a hybrid—one with augmented abilities like cyborg in DC or ironman in Marvel where you integrate man and machine into one---where all you need is a brain to turn on the QAI ---or how about a new featured upgrade ---you can grow wings ---maybe stone skin –metal skin—with the integration of nanobiotech QAI And genetics what you will have is the same abominations that were here in the days of noah that had mankind enthralled interfacing tech and flesh---heres another aspect --more reanimation this time with AI tech creating a stimulant or LMD that has all the features and data and history  of a person now being reanimated in the cyberworld where you can interact as iff they ---the people you had simulated are there ---and with 6 g and potentially 8 G holograms you maybe able to interact with photons like you would flesh and blood but all you would be interfacing with is lights and freq---dead living!!!!Now heres something you may not know about your molecular construct---you have something inside of you called lamina—and this particular group of peptides creates something that holds us together that’s stronger then steel---collagen has the tensile stenght of steel ---imagine that God made us like john wayne toilette paper ---rough tough and takes no shit---welll I digress most people today are full of shit one way or another ---but I digress----We have a structure within us that is connected to God in ways we cant even gather---and WE TAKE God for granted---according the psalm 139 before the blueprints were written down we were concievd---now that’s another place where genetics is in the  bible eh!!! And you never thought youd see a scientific aspect of creation in the bible---but there it is--

   Some one sent me this and I listened to it( well watched it) and was intrigued that a molecular scentist was talking to a minister about genetics and molecular biology---and when he mentioned lamina ---and then proceeded to show the minister the microscopic imagie of what it was ---it was a surprise and wide awakening of what and who e are nade of and after---see when we hear that Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for mankind ---that s not just some simple event---when you look at this and see it for what it is ---he spilled his dna on the planet---now you have to consider the planet was totally impacted by the his blood and dna---and that dna also effected us---it gave us access to a higher realm---that all these religions talk about but are unable to access ---funny thing—they all say the answer lies within---well what do you know they are correct---but they still don t know where within to go---but if you re are of the biblical truth you can see it plain as day eh!!!! Now I would encourage you all to look at this and pay attention ---why I tell people to read  the gospels---because there is where you gotto go to find the door---and read it for you ---theirs a blue print on going here and you have 2 accesses trying to either assimilate or elevate you to a choice---go to something better through an evolution God intended ---or go through an assimilation and go the way the enslavers intend to trap you in a containment---totally utilizing you re real power –converting you into a battery---and controlling you with operating systems  and genetics via freq as we all are experiencing now this painful assimilation process called nano poisoning and genetic reorienting of our biology to operate in sync with a operating system that’s running this planet---its part of the upgrade – The initiative is already ongoing  look  at Scotland another psyop program just like the fake water rationing operation in Canada and the USA another training exercise in the name of BS to get you injected or your livestock injected  so you can be controlled with a switch—a complete corruption of life—Now speaking of genetic s heres a little something for the men to protect there balls---you need them to assist in sustaining your T levels and your vital functions plus all the benefits this simple herb has to offer---   it s a study done on rodents  but the carry over should work as well ---women should use this as well---it won t protect your balls—I know male humour ---but it will protect you in other ways that we all can use it the links are both here but out of order but either way you will see real assistance with this on all fronts---