tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
I read the news today OoooOOO BoooYYYyyy about 50 000 canadians passed away---they drowned in the maid fascility –when I heard her voice expessingly it moved me to a tear
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:53:46

I read the news today OoooOOO BoooYYYyyy about 50 000 canadians passed away---they drowned in the maid fascility –when I heard her voice expessingly it moved me to a tear

Kelsie Scheren and her battle with Suicide Death--- the death of vets and people down to 12 years old---when I heard he say 50K people have been excuted in Canada—Canadians—with M A I D ......

Changes are Materializing

Things are changing and as a result of being in interim state I will need to make changes to donations. So as of now am going to use substack as the means of support financially to continue in R & D and Podcasting. For those who are already involved---nothing is going to change –access is there for anything that is currently there. Anything that is online --- vids and websites will be free to anyone who is already accessing them. Archives and books will still be for sale as well as Tech and Remedies—--- For me to continue what I’m doing, this change needs to be made. Through what Substack offers, I can continue with solution solving and data utilization that’s pertinent to the times. Keeping Up with R & D is always a challenge so consultations will still be available and contributions can keep me going to further better the results everyone needs without the rift raft we are currently seeing.---If you wish to support in an alternative way then send an email to or to be given details as to what can be done. --if you subscribe then there will be a 5% discount on purchases for the Flash Drive and Remedies with the extensive archive and data that can assist you with current situations. Remedies can be a formulary that can be designed for you and your specific needs Again thanks for the support I have received but with all this uncertainty in these times I have to adjust as well to go with the flow.

I read the news today OoooOOO BoooYYYyyy about 50 000 canadians passed away---they drowned in the maid fascility –when I heard her voice expessingly it moved me to a tear--Kelsie Scheren and her battle with Suicide Death--- the death of vets and people down to 12 years old---when I heard he say 50K people have been excuted in Canada—Canadians—with M A I D ---something about her conviction moved me

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to a tear and all I could do is feel this empathically and it was over whelming –Good solid citizens in canadone—being executed because of one reason or another –returning from war with ptsd—killing teenagers who through hormonal imbalances or poverish living or not fitting in seeking to be free ---or people being given only one option which is termination then to look after the people who built this F$%^&* country and this is the thanks for it

---My thoughts on all of this leads me back to parliament—every parliamentarian who accepted and voted this policy in should be given the same option---not a pension---and should be given the Murder Assisted In Death option ---after all I think---being that’s my opinion the PTSD that most canadans are suffering would probably be eliminated once the cause of the disease is removed---just a thought---

This was mentioned before but the latest clip I heard made me want to mention this again to bring it close to home that this to was the impact of covid –with the guileful cover up of the fake—outbreak they snuck this in so when you are unable to function in this new world order and can t be assimilated into there system or refuse the coming fake collapse so they can digitize everyone and everything---you could eliminate yourself saving the country millions!!! Heres a blast from the past about the scammer dam ic more on the subject of Canadians dying – over a false narrative

You would think this would have given the grow up call by now but apparently no one got the memo—and life s ---or should I say end of life is being continued to a tune of just 50K in M A I D --

so what fairy tale is the medical system pulling off and whats the agenda behind this?? Is canadone saving money from the deaths just to send money over to the Ukraine or Israel---Blood Money!!!??? At the expense of the people in our society?? Or is it to remove the people who are now becoming obsolete as a result of AI taking over the platforms in the work force or again the moving the jobs overseas? Because it maybe more cost cutting!!!! Now some of you in slavrika need to realize there are 10 states now having legislature to offer this as well and will be seeing the same thing occurring here more often as the ex military who done there service are homeless—debilitated or damage as a result of the effects of the services they provided or endured ---instead of being compensated for damage due to service rendered they are being offered deaths door!!!!! Eventually this is going to be heading in a direction---and its been initiated where machines are in the battle fields and whos to say after a tour of duty and theres no re-signing that instead of going home ---the soldiers are being sent off to do one more tour and not come back---then the media will do its sombering BS about how these brave soldiers died for the cause of democracy and are upholding a fine tradition BS ---when it was there own govt that pulls the switch---remember Vietnam?? WW! And WW2? All the wars that have been fought in the NAaaaAAaaaMmmmEeeeEE of BS! SO we could see a roman like event where men and woman d a tour of duty and as a result of not wanting to deal with the side effects of war ---instead of taking care of the men and woman who went out to do a tour of duty wind up being harvested for there organs with a machine!!! Thisisnt that far fetch as it sounds since AI war machines are already being utilized then what would stop a robot from going into a fields and removing key organs while the soldiers are alive?? They would be Dead and none would be the wiser!!!---imagine an algorithm that’s by designed going to drive everything ina direction ---where by no matter what you try to live a life your become a victom and are terrified into being controlled and gets violated –to be directed in the direction where you re not intending

the whole way of existing is where we all are and instead of being in a state of Living!!! We are More concerned today with things that are all about seduction and instead of seeing it and saying no complicity is the theme---if this is the case ---we will never be really alive---freedom is a concept at best—your choices are all induced through a strategy policy pattern then you will think this is the way to go---in the end its all about harvesting the resources---that’s Y O U!!!

I can be reached t for consultations –tech products –orthonolecular and botanical supplements ( at the moment ltd rebuilding inventory ) books -Yannis Tutorial / Yannis Version of Spike "Consultation link Fiona for Health / Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" -- Zac-- and for consults –nanotech flash drives— -

Special Note and Warning---if you have taken any Jabs that has MRNA in ( LNP as well) DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT WILL RELEASE AN EMP OR A PEMF OR ANY DEVICE THAT WILL CAUSE ANY PULSATIONS OR CHARGE!!! DO SO AT YOUR OWN PERIL—We have had a report from some one who bought a triangle from some one ---I do not know who they purchased from-- and as a result they had a severe back lash—as I have been warning but no one seemed to listen ---everyone thinking they are smarter then they are ---ego and greed at its best—to justify a sale---as a result of using this device after being warned about the jabs and not to use---he was refused by me and went some where else to buy it---the LNP in the body got activated---and as a result hes now had protrusions and assembly in the colon and stomach region—and it has advance the release of the gain of function of their Bioweapon ----he contacted some one I know on this and said the assessment I made on the use of the devices is correct ---if you have bought any device ---whether a zapper—a spooky—a rife—a tenz—a PEMF –or any type of EMP –OR A Thz --avoid---the research was posted for 2 years not to use if you have been injected with any Mrna Jab---Again DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT CAN Activate ---DO not add any nano metal as well being sold as a supplement or otherwise !!!! Disregard all supplements that have had any kind of proclamation of benefit from Methylene blue - c 60 zeolite- silica- nanosilver or gold or any nanometal or any kind of shungite ( do not wear) yeast products ( has gain of function) any pico products—anything that has nanocontamination in supplements or cosmetics- all of these products can be activated and react to a signal with a directive through photons ( li fi –or feq wi fi or any other means of relaying a programs including sound and emr)

For those who did not take any MRNA bioweaponary—or any form of LNP device--- you can utilize the EMP/PEMF tech ---But do not take any nano metals in the Remember to get the best results to increase recover first deactivate the nanobioengineering ongoing with the body utilizing the tools at hand with the use of the anti nano products that have been introduced ---the upgraded anti nano buckets and triangles and the spike or the surge and purge tech these should be done daily as well to be optimal and then utilized products as free as possible of all excipients or make you re own to further increase success

Solutions and Remedies

Vitamin A Oxygen as a healant

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