tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
I only deal with the Man in Charge----There is no man in charge— Youre speaking to the one that’s in charge---imagine that---going to try and talk to the man in charge and to find out that there is no

I only deal with the Man in Charge----There is no man in charge— Youre speaking to the one that’s in charge---imagine that---going to try and talk to the man in charge and to find out that there is no

one in charge---man is the representation of a species of mankind---so there is no man in charge and your talking to the one who is in charge---

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

I only deal with the Man in Charge----There is no man in charge— Youre speaking to the one that’s in charge---imagine that---going to try and talk to the man in charge and to find out that there is no one in charge---man is the representation of a species of mankind---so there is no man in charge and your talking to the one who is in charge--- ---So now you re hearing of a SAFE ZONE where you can avoid the technocracy running the planet---and think ---if I could get there--- I would be safe!!! To  find out that the safe zone is a trap---a barrel to catch all the fish who didn’t assimilate to the AI –to become a power source for its operations—a POW –Posession of World--- and we are seeing this more and more with resources being diverted to mine cobalt by shutting down the water in AB and BC in Canada to Idaho in the usa and rerouting the water to a cobalt mine---remember AI is using more power then the grid can restore  ---Imagine  this is going to be the solution to all the problems and what we are seeing is its creating all the problems and like a magnet is going to attract everything and anyone associated with it to be consumed  or assimilated with it!!! T world is formin alliances with AI as the trouble shooting solutions for all the issues and with all of this will centralize the planet--and will further remove any autonomy that currently is here today---this will be the panacea to all of Mans woes and will give everyone the means to be directed---this will essentially take away any privilege –percieve right—or options---everyone will be forced to comply to the beck and call of this system---and follow this as a directive ---another false prophet—leading a People astray---Now we all seen the great debate on TV---and people asked me who I thought won?? And I for the life of me could figure out why anyone asked this question---because the answer is we lost!!!! A) you have no vote---in a corporation the board of directors decides who s the president is going to be of that corporation---Corporate America is a corporation not a country---the votes that count are the lobbying groups –bankers---foreign nationals who are also presidents of there corporations—and special interest groups that is funneled through the electoral college B)   the selection is in the rest is all show---you wont have any impact  in the decisions and what we are seeing on TV is all a distraction---did any of the candidates say they weren’t going t go to war with Russia?? And why is conscription passed in the usa and several other countries?? And why are we hearing war can be here within 4 months!!! Yet here we are thinking this is a party happening because we have one side racing against another---the intellect of a gnat –and to be entertained by this is totally out in left field--- soo now we are seeing as well another train wreck in Illinois?? What was released from this??  Did it wind up in lake Michigan??

---did anyone find out the content---I mean you have a major evacuation ---but no details---don t you find this odd???Yet we  will watch to entertainers pretending to be vying for your vote when the pick is in---and when they are both excel in distracting and deceiving the GP--- So the war coming---what has history taught us—Treaties by the UN are useless—they can be shit on for any reason to justify the destruction of a landscape and the non military people to put them in a state of destitution making them dependent on the aggressors---sound familiar Canada—USA –NATO—Russia—China etc---and then what happens to the soldiers that in all of this is required to accept the call to battle –later when they return and are damaged and have to be compensated for the exploitation and experimentation are now a incumberance—and denied compensation initially with the hope they will die from the exercise and then later told they will be compensated when they get to them---if they are alive---this is the price of technological  advancement---

38 min mark ---  see the interesting gratitude countries have for there men and women who serve there country…its disgraceful—and I wonder if Russia treats them as bad as the west does---when you see that rocket launch at the beginning and the praises of the Russian cosmonaut being ahead---doesn t that look fake---did they actually send a ricket up since they dint have the resources---or perhaps the military industrial complex developed this to create a perception of an arms race to keep everyone in fear and to comply to the agenda!!!??  The show must go on and the theatre has to be played out and the advances we think we are seeing are actually the furthering sinking of the ship ---its amazing what we see and its more amazing what everyone doesn’t do---perhaps it has to get worse---not sure why anyone would want to see that but it does happen---