tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
I now pronounce you Monster and Machine---you may Kiss the bride—Ohhh wait marriage is supposed to be between Men and Women

I now pronounce you Monster and Machine---you may Kiss the bride—Ohhh wait marriage is supposed to be between Men and Women

but what the heck since Men and Women are on the extinction list the next step to de evolution is Monster and Machine---were doing the monster mash it was a grave yard smash

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

I now pronounce you Monster and Machine---you may Kiss the bride—Ohhh wait marriage is supposed to be between Men and Women---but what the heck since Men and Women are on the extinction list the next step to de evolution is Monster and Machine---were doing the monster mash it was a grave  yard smash---so whats getting smashed??? DNA and the war for your dna---After all the Military industrial complex has been working for over 6 decades to weaken you re immune system to make you more malleable to being manipulated and integrated into a tech assimilation!!

So when you see things like this the truth is right in front of you---you are being mutated—you don’t realize to what extent—and when you feel the wrath of this integration---the pain—brain malfunction—rashes—intestinal disorders—respiratory damage—blood mutations and pollutions---foods totally contaminated further loading you with the operating systems---then you have to realize  WHY!!!??? With all this tech in you—it alters DNA functions and as well youre internal balance---why you re warned not to use things that will charge up this nanobiotech to further escalate the integration altering your infrastructure---unless youre disengaging the tech you re genetics are also being affected and mutations start to occur---why they want to transfer you to a Human—a Monster—so you can then be made in the image of the MACHINE---being a QAI peripheral doing as your commanded—being one with the Complex Intelligence that is running everything NOW and the last upload Is You!!!  Here are brain sensors to access you to further program and integrate 

---Is You!!! SO you have to be weakened and have your systems compromised to a point where assimilation is met  with little to no resistance—and now that you re being altered internally now theres the psychological alterations  that have to take place to get you to believe –Since we are designed in the image of God ---not some fucking star or clouds or what ever false BS the Mkultra initiated from the 60s—we are faith based Men and Women with the means to Substantiate that faith---so what do they do they get you to Believe---without substantiation---with out grounds—with out any real facts the terror coming that doesn’t exist—Like covid---they got everyone to concede to a phantom that wasn’t there and as a result people had been violated with more bioweaponary to take down the DNA exponently and people died As a result of the engineered bioweapon that was inserted into them !!!the psychosis was installed and now people ae deteriorating at an alarming rate because the experiment is at hand to re engineer the dna—and what lives is mutated?? Now we have another training session going on in OOooOO CANADONE—just like the first training session the wearing of mask that were toxic ( and by the way the psychosis is still going on with that ---people wearing them being alone in a car or walking about –again no substantiation—but they believe something made of paper or cloth is going to protect them  when the openings through the eyes and ears are the most accessible to be infected) and the Tech can easily bypass the “protection” if its even there---so while everyone is distracted with this circus of make believe boogey man—Here s a show from Zac on Podbean illustrating the nanotech violation with nanoproducts being perpetrated by the illiterate and unlearned selling and corrupting and coaxing the further assimilation and destruction the dna -then what do you have is the illusion and you believe with out substantiation---now we get to the part where the nanogenetics—nano biotech –QAI programmable particles to construct technology and merge with the dna is going on---everyone is oblivious to the Trojan horse that s carrying a payload of operations to remove the dna and add the technology –and with the bypass of the weakened immune system  all of a sudden you re being hardwired—and as this is going on

---now with the further the training ---social engineering—first it was the 6 ft spacing ---I robot—then the masking---then the fear porn--- and with these simple tools the enemy of the state---The Govt---got the masses to comply to the lie to move the population in a direction—Nowwwwww we have a new and improved program running—Calgary AB is now having a water issue!!!

 Ohh this new and improve fear porn is begun---water usage and drainage---Now you have to understand they have 25 reservoirs to make sure there is adequate supply-  --Now the enemy of the state---the Govt is now dictating shut down procedures---and agendas that will not resolve the issue ---so this is another fear porn boogey man scare tactic –an exercise to a new machination to get people to believe there is a emergency---most sities have shut off valves and can reroute water to fulfill the needs of people---sooo why isn’t this being done  without the BS of rationing?? And is Bowness where the issue is happening---is there a manipulation to turn that into a 15 minute entrapment for the people there---or to make it a immigrant haven ---or a prison for the people who are easily trained to believe BS!!!?? Then there is Idaho also having their water rationing and for what again??? --SO the fiction about water rationing because the snow is melting faster then normal is the excuse but heres where the story become revealed  Water rights in Idaho are governed by what is referred to as the doctrine of prior appropriation, which means “first in time, first in right.” When there isn’t enough water to go around the senior water rights holders get their water first and junior water rights holders get shut off – or curtailed – if there is not enough water to go around –SO are you getting it . the smaller farmers will be phased out increasing cost to the consumer and theirs nothing to substantiate this---more mind controlled beliefs that have no substantiation---Don t you feel like the sacrifice being marched up to the steps of Molech to be thrown into the fire????

Something to consider when we see all that’s going on to further weaken everyone to be more compliant to an agenda to transform not only society  but the very core of the genetics of Mankind…--Ever wonder who decided we needed to be modified?? Ever consider that no one asked you to be accessed to put tech in you and to alter your biological function—to change everything and to de evolve you to a state of Monster? Then theres the draft being incorporated globally to again sacrifice and harvest organs—and this War is again through media propaganda to present another boogey man to fight---and what does this accomplish?? A further weakening the ability to protect the autonomy of peoples borders---if the males are all dead then the Aid that will be offered will cause the country to surrender all autonomy to get ai thenwind up in debt to the IMF---Where is the war going to be fought??? Are you protecting your borders? Or are you engaging in a foreign land where the reason to fight is to sustain the bank s control of a region or corporation profits or to alter the direction to align itself with the agenda at hand??? Sound familiar??  Joe Rogan interviewed Tucker Carlson on the things that are happening and theirs a lot there in the interview that gives an insight ---some of the things I have also mentioned in past shows and they are reinforcing that info as well

  if you have the time watch –because this gets to even the AI dangers and how powerful it is and how powerless we are if this gets in complete control—With all of this the agenda is still rolling forward with no end in sight and with all that’s going on any blip in the progress will be looked at as a victory---but til this stops totally with no more alterations of peoples dna –no more insertions of DNA altering programs and operations—till the skies are purged from dangerous technologies of elements that we have so little knowledge on  then we aren’t winning---we are just slowing the wheels but its not stopping –and its being perpetuated---and the ones who are doing it are enemies of the state---youre respective governments---and they are doing it because they know there is no resistance!!!! Fiona is having a workshop and if you email her and mention me ---you can get a discount  toward the seminar—here s her substack take a look

   and her site

--give her a shout—See how she can help you in giving you solutions--

Fiona For Health’s Substack
3 Root Causes of Chronic Illness
I know it’s last minute, folks, but I wanted to share this since I get a lot of questions about how they can get better, & what the workshop (starting tomorrow) is about. To listen in on the webinar at 5pm Pacific today, click this link:…
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tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-