tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
I know ---you re whole life ---you ve always wanted to be a puppet---and to be controlled and to be told what to do how to do it and when to do it ---and be activated

I know ---you re whole life ---you ve always wanted to be a puppet---and to be controlled and to be told what to do how to do it and when to do it ---and be activated

I know this is everyone s deepest desire----do you think you have done things that was placed in you an you never even thought of it and blamed your self---lets take a walk on the wild side --

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

I know ---you re whole life  ---you ve always wanted to be a puppet---and to be controlled and to be told what to do how to do it and when to do it ---and be activated---I know this is everyone s  deepest desire----do you think you have done things that was placed in you an you never even thought of it and blamed your self---lets take a walk on the wild side ---and remember this can happen from your own leaders---So if you see people acting out of character then consider that --- People Hack------Now what do people have hat simulate the brain---welll those that have one and is using it---but I digress ----so what do we have in most people possession that actually simulates the brain---that’s a better way of putting it---answer issssss ---cell phone---and how did people get a cell phone ? through seduction and deception---so as I do this substack going to take you through a time portal here so you can see how this zombie apocalypse is already happening

 The targeting orrrrr Activation of these frequencies can cause people to be activated in ways that may or may not be normal behavior---ever notice a group of people responding to some event and not have anything connected to that even but get triggered and then respond ---with violence—or with anger---aggression----most would think this is normal behavior ---But no one thinks ---what the actual trigger is ---and the effect on the GP that’s being hit and targeted—and this goes on in other ways in peoples lives as well making a bad decision because YOU FELT!!!!  Or you THOUGHT!!! Orr something Seemed Right---Or you heard…. –or you have a sequence of thoughts that appear to impact a memory that wasn’t a memory!!!!

 This was the early methods of the mkultra but now things are gotten more developed---This is a real time self assembly that’s being shown here and a lot of this has 2-3 compartments to it---the nano articles everyone is so excited about isn’t the sensation that has crossed the nation but the operating systems that are being activated---through either programmed or external freq activation ---with 6g in the works and the impact and penetration it has –you re being built from the inside out  -- and here is a scene where you can read about the self assemblying of nano structures---remember they have 3 parts to them  4 if you count the massiveness of the density and aggregation or agglomeration of these assemblies-1 self assembles -2 self replicates-3 they self repairs---so in order to make any headway in the disarming of this you first have to turn the operating system off---if you don’t then as the borg says resistance is futile till you disengage the operating system and then use what ever detox methods that have been forwarded off the augmentinforce site under recipe for youtube---nanosolutions protocols are there so anyone can initiate the procedures outline in that link------with all of this ongoing you can now see the engagement that’s occurring and the tech to be utilized by those who have been exposed to nanopoisoning and nanobiotech through food air or water can and should use these methods to remove this assemblying and activation of these programs------ now for those who are jabbed specifically with the jabs ---since the cocktail of johnsons and Johnson –astrezeneca---if those are the only jabs taken this would not activate or potentially activate any LNP since there was none engaged in those jabs since they were nano delivery method ---so those jabs would have been tissue engaged ---now as far as the Moderna amd Pfizer are concerned if they have been utilized then there should be no using any tech to do anything since the LNP maybe activated with the technology---that one was a totally different method and mechanism to initiate a removal of the dna in the  helix  and the insertion of the operating systems of nano programming through the dna and through the peptide codes involved---moderna s documents states there s 10^ 50 power of programming which we can see already a new infectious fakery is now being released and the direct targeting and activation of those prions or peptides are now full on ---again---which no one to date other then a doctor in iran has looked at the LNP as well as I have and seen this connection---since no one is talking about this then no one is paying attention to these details---now with this in mind will show as well the implication of this through the usage of what the military is showing—here with a magneticnanomaterial it can be utilized to deal with the genetics that its targeting --  so with those who have the nanopoisoning a stream of magnetic or potentially a green laser will cause either a manipulation or a construction of assembly as well as they are being targeted with a controlled flow ---when the emp with an adequate strength hits these programs that are engaged in these particles what transpires is an erasure of the operation and what you have at this stage is an inert material on a nano scale---this I have seen dating back 13 years ago---today though with even a green laser which emits a freq on the emf band with  because it’s a steady stream  when hitting the nano particles will cause assemblage to occur----be green-light cleavable. Our previous works confirmed that the distinctive trigonal structure allows BTAEA to self-assemble into nanoparticles via hydrophobic interactions and π–π interactions [24,25,26,27]. Photosensitizer (PtTPBP) and other cargos could be efficiently enclosed in nanoparticles by co-assembly --it doesnt pulse with any high intensity it flows like a current ---charging the particles to be charged and active ---so if the particles are on a trigonal or 3  regions it will cause assembly activity this verifies what we also said on this 13 year ago that photons can cause assembly ---and this also as the above mentions was being utilize by red light to cause disassemble or targeting---which they could never explain where the particles go- once the released the payload or the cages that took the nano and delivered it to the locations they were designated to go to--usually translocation was the effect---so with the release of the nanoassemblage---there has to be a total disengaging of the operating systems involved ---in either erasure of the programming or the blocking of the programs transmission –and when utilizing things to remove this technology s functionality with the emps or high discharged static charges or electrical spiking you can even cause these particles to cause contact with  each other when they aren’t meant to and  cause a self destruct---then the materials would have to be flushed out and this now is doable since the operations are malfunctioned---Now the capability of this tech assembled into a circuitry  and is connected can be manipulated heres an example as well---  here you can see the particles are assemblying in side the materials and  are assemblying according to the program---this has been ongoing for decades with people and this is Just the nanoassemblying through exposure of foods like grains and breads and pastas and rice and pseudo grains like oat barley and buckwheat etc---and the yeast as well all have the highest gain of function to poison everyone  and the usage of magnetogenetics---important here you pay attention to the genetic part of this ---control of emotions and body functions can now be done,the%20emotions%20and%20appetites%20of%20mice%20from%20afar.  SO again with a controlled magnetic field engagement and control of genetics with magnetic nanoparticles has been ongoing for quite some time----and this control is being exerted more and more with each genetic engagement with nanogenetics--- Now we need to as well talk about activation and orientation and Morphology  this shows when nanoparticles are exposed to a direct energy that they can  morph into something anything that is being utilized just by light and when you read this you will understand the adaptive nature of particles assembly as well-----nanoparticles or nano materials can be effected by several biological and physiological factors  and exposures to environments and a lot of things can cause them to change and be altered so when engaging with any therapeutic this has to be kept in mind as the result be elusive when it does change can activate or deactivate and cause issues and can even spread throughout as a result of translocation and some of these materials has a stealth or invisibility as well and cant be seen with normal lighting you have to utilize a light on a 30 degree angle—to see the full length of whats inside and the actual assembly and how its contained in a biofilm or polymer – As a result the materials as well can then trigger a immune response and infiltrate throughout the body and form constructs within the body Now everything I am mentioning is just what we are exposed to daily---not with the vaccines but the epigenetics of our environment  has been caused by these materials that have been discarded or thrown out with any consideration to the environment including all the people as well who haven’t a clue what the system is doing to them---this is not the cause of injections even though some of them have nano delivery of the jabs ---and with the activation of a freq you can now create the morphology  in the activation to cause them to change size –shape---contours or even construct and network I know ---you re whole life  has been loading these nanomaterials from multiple sources including the air you breathe---food you re eating and the fluids you consume ---this is why its imperative to disengage the tech in your food  either before or after consumption---and there are many ways to do this as shown on my youtube and bitchute channels as well as rumble------the other thing to talk about here is networks and how the construction of these networks can cause a flow of signals to go back and forth---youre dna  has become a super antennae---and its is constantly sending and receiving data back and forth  so that data can be collected on you---youre seeing an advanced data collection by cell phone –cpu-and freq constantly collecting information and sending you programs –when these networks are constructed the nanoparticles has zero resistance---in other words whatever you fire at them can utilize that energy 100%--there is zero resistance---due to the nature of the assembly and the space between them---1 nanosecond—its measurements are so small that it can cause a spark gap like effect with any form of energy you send through it as a result the particles can get charged up and the engage in the assembly !!!!---So most modalities today are obsolete---most conditions today are misdiagnosed by the General practitioner---none of them have been trained in dealing with these epigenetics impacting the breaking down of people and then prescribe pharmaceuticals that are loaded with these building materials that assist in expediting the constructs you see inside of you on going that break you down from brain to body to cells to genetics—to chromosomes—to nervous system to all organs—cause of death is never correct---Cancer is the ultimate mutation of cells or tissues as a direct result of epigenetic factors that none of the doctors will put on the death certificate---a lot of this is all nanoparticulate poisoning an freq activation or preprogrammed---why the selected injected are dying –as a result of the manipulation of the dna and gene editing that was done and the insertion of new operating systems installed with the LNP hardware that’s installed!!! Why they should not delve into any electrical or magnetic or photonic or even sound activities---the ones who only took the first 2 without the mrna---then  may possibly be able to disengage –if anyone took the Pfizer or moderna are not going to see anything but a further engaging and even accelerating of decline---theres no way of telling so if you ve mixed these jabs and either pfizer or moderna have been installed then don t play Russian roulette---people propagating any electrica-magnetic –photonic-psymaticl or freq device may be actually speeding you to the box and there are a lot of charlatans out there---the other aspect here as well ---Nano fighting Nano---this stupidity knows no bounds and this shows truly the lack leg work and the conceit they have to think they have some kind of idea with no understanding how nanopoisoning works---Any nano particle that is operating  and integrating and doing anyone one of these 3 things—self assemble –sef replicate---self assemble---uses---taaa daaa nano particles and materials and will use anything to bridge and build---from your lipids –to youre proteins to your carbons your fluids which will be loaded--- so those who are marketing any form of nanomaterials are going to wipe out dna---which makes it easier for the injections to further hack you---it doesn’t remove but is assimilated into the program---I have heard people say some of the dumbest things in regard to what they feel---feelings are for animated life like pets and people and even then all feelings are not everything ---something called common sense---is also involved when it gets to dealing with complexities of feelings!!!! Common sense is what the GP is lacking these days---the Oxymoron to all of this is people detox from heavy metals and then are sold and told to add them back in to there bodies!!!!  Nano metals are heavy metals due to the agglomeration and aggregation they do –as a result of the density of the collection of these particles the materials can cause metal poisoning---and once they enter a cell they overwhelm the cells due to there voluminous load break down the cells –tissues—organs---lipds---muscle –etc and use the peptides in there construction soo that has been marketed in the last decade or so has been a total hijacking an furthering the break down so that the frequencies can further construct and assemble the hack and take over---and once the circuitry is in place you become more a techno take over –heres another example of what goes on internally this tattoo will give you an idea what happens when a signal or freq or nano gets activated by frequency with a preprogrammed particles that have a function

–this is whats happening on a nano or pico scale where a lot of these” experts” have no idea---none of them are doing the leg work that’s required to give you any real results and with there “theories “ they are still not understanding the nature of the weapon!! You cant assault it with the convetional means---spooky s zappers rifes—and tenz devices only will feed this –these devices have been neutralized ---they were never meant to deal with synthetic biology ---so will the thz wands—they further damage the dna as well causing  more acceleration of occupation and integration of this tech---the key here is neutralizing or shutting it down or putting it in sleep mode so your biosystems can remove it with its own mechanisms or with the aid of things like STS—EDTA—DTPA—Pectin PAA in combo with other chelators---and the use of repair materials like collagen for the peptides  C to reverse the telemeres that have been damaged—an other restoratives but they will only work once the tech has been neutralized  which then can be removed and then  you can rebuild without the neutralizing of any of this --all you wind up doing over a period of time is increase is networking ---and a short period since we are seeing kids today dealing with health issues and seeing there immune systems unable to deal with anything and collapsing from the epigenetics –Bioengineered foods—Freq and radiation from the tech they are using—water contaminants---hormones in the environment—pharmaceuticals in the landscape and water ways—Gain of function in all grains an materials to make things with---nano particle saturation in the environment—and towers on almost every avenue whether it be city or rural—everyone has this Trojan horse in  them –no exceptions---this is a globalized hijack that the UN –WHO has been allowed to weaponize the planet with mega tech that can even produce minetics that can simulate diseases---til you get to that point--- you will be just spinning your wheels---and as long as you listen to the quacks and kooks in the medical arena who aren’t telling you the reality of whats really going on and are  misleading you with alchemy that doesn’t cure---you will always be subjected to pain and suffering and be held at the mercy of treatment rather then cure---Can this be cured---yes but not by anything we are doing---this all has to be cleaned up on a environmental levels---removing the towers and tech that is radiating us to death and then being professed as a pandemic by the lunatics of the planet--- the eco system has to be expunged of the radiation and nano particulates that s saturating the landscape and the Bioengineered foods grown would have to be burned and replaced with genuine seeds and all vaccines and pharmaceuticals would have to stop so that the water table will restore itself and remove all hormonal contamination among all the chemicals people are pissing out ---its an up hill battle---and this is just whats been done to the people of the planet  then theres the industrial waste and exhausts killing the atmosphere and causing the air to be heated up and all the aerosols that transfer the heat across the planet---and the removal of televised theatre that constantly lies to us about weather temperatures when the actual fact of the matter the temps are high  and hotter then what they say as a result of the aerosoling which we then later incorporate into us and then all the above gets initiated----what a cage eh!!! Now the Japanese are also being dealt a shitty hand with the replicon vaccines which are as well another form of nanodelivery  Japan s contribution to becoming extinct utilizing the latest and greatest ( being cynical here) wonder dunder injectible bioweapon gauranteed to create a near extinction event killing off everyone and every thing  in japan and where ever they have exported this new and improved weaponary--  it replicates the prions with the program to increase the volume –and as a result left uncheck ---you re terminated---nice job ministry of health---demociding Japan!!!

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