tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
I know the plans for you---plans for evil and total destruction---I will lie-cheat—derail—deceive—dissect—disturb—defy—and corrupt you sayest the politician!!!!

I know the plans for you---plans for evil and total destruction---I will lie-cheat—derail—deceive—dissect—disturb—defy—and corrupt you sayest the politician!!!!

I will eventually harvest—and defile you –in genetics—in technology and will cause you to bow to the banest of things and Y=O-U- will love us for it---isnt that what we are seeing in the world today

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

 I know the plans for you---plans for evil and total destruction---I will lie-cheat—derail—deceive—dissect—disturb—defy—and corrupt you sayest the politician!!!! I will eventually harvest—and defile you –in genetics—in technology and will cause you to bow to the banest of things and Y=O-U- will love us for it---isnt that what we are seeing in the world today—the most contemptible people pretending to be leaders—are in reality prostitutes---selling out to the highest bidder and as well pimping out the population and in the disguise they put on being wolves in sheeps clothing they are derailing people on the planet to Believe they have our best interest at heart!! Now here s a insight as to what I mean because here we are seeing something that those of us who were on the front line screaming fraud ---which by the way we were right and the rest of you were wrong—Now we are seeing the solutions that were suggested even by the renowned doctors of the time who were supposed to be on the peoples side—encouraging the usage of an anti fertility solution to treat a non biological condition which didn’t exist but they all were the best sales people to sell you PharmaCopia!!!!!! Sorcerers deaths construction---  Its amazing the people popped out from the medical offering there prescriptions---to the GP and then never offered then concrete proof that a pandemic was even real and then they pulled the biggest hijack of the century –good cop bad cop and then said they were  offering assistance and they sold you a poison to cause more infertility---remember when the Astrezeneca and Johnson and Johnson were utilized---do you remember what happened to the women who used that bioweapon??? They Bled out of there cervix ---ovaries let go ---uteruses had to be removed ---hmmm seems like for all this BS about women being special---seemed to be another fairytale with the politicians and then medical( sorcerers) who sabotaged the capacity to birth ---now lets speculate---just for a sec---we had blood clots from the

 Astrezeneca and the Johnson and Johnson injections---precursors---and then you add a mrna injections and what do we get spike protein---hmmmm could the mrna and the blood clots ( blood protein) that were reprogrammed to mutate to create the perfect dynamic to create the right mutation –to sabotage people!!!!! ---You know none one is even thinking this –and I did years ago and then even interviewed a nurse who took the first 2 injections and was telling us at the time what she was identifying as the impact to the genetic cocktail that was inserted—then the spike protein manifested shortly there after with the Pfizer and the Moderna---do you still think you re doctors know what they are doing??? I think so they know when they get paid aout 120K to kill you-- they become the experts and know whats right for you and how to make it look like an accident---Now let bounce all of the quantum time lines

Notice that the numbers in OOooOOO canadone—indicate---Zip—Nada—ZERRrrrrOooo—indication of a pandemic –but a scamdemic—plandemic---a fake boogey man that canadumbs fell for and will fall for it again and again and again and again—you would think---well those of us who can still do this—the rest Im not so sure—that since the gov t never told you the truth ---EVER!!!!!!! That they would change---and tell you now!!!??? I m thinking an old proverb you can cut of the tail of a pig ---hes still a pig—you can take the spots off a leopard they are still a leopard---and with a policy maker ---every time they open there mouth the LIE!!! Every time---and every time they lie Y-O-U believe them!!! SO amazed how there programming and weaponary they are hitting everyone with only works with people who use less then 5-10% OF Their brain---OOooOOOooO this is indescribable--to a point of amazement---that they have fucked up a country with this tech---and canadumbs –the 99% cant see it!!!!  ---we are going from a programmable nanogenetic form of war to a new and improved means of going to war---Now you have to pay real attention here because a lot out there are still on the Whacko Packo channel paying attention to the theatre on going with the celebrities coming out to speak during the campaign part of the TV series ---Who s Selected starring Kamala Harris and Donald Trump with guest appearances –Obama Obwana—Silly Billy Clinton---Bozo biden---an  many surprise guest celebrities---who have yet to be identified—the greatest show on earth---totally farcical but is doing the best job by distracting everyone while AI is subtley taking over ---How you re asking---Im glad you asked---you see right now in the Ukraine the men are all but gone and the reason being they have now a new and improved man a mechanical dog of war a AI Soldier---which they are now releasing—into the battle field---some of you are saying NO WAY---remember the movie the monsters of man!!!?? or

if you cant access from the links then type it in youtube and you can see what they are entertaining us with and whats planned ---now for some of you this is graphic and a lot of it is vicious---but this is the reality of life---we are in a AI war and we are deeper then you realize!!! The AI designed these designer bioweapons and programmed the peptides so as to hijack the genetic codes and the precursors to the combo cocktails appears to show us they mutated the proteins to spike by the way the Astrezeneca and the Johnson and Johnson---those were nano delivered and the had there own cocktail that caused serious blood clots where there was bleed outs---a designer bioweapon with purpose and then augmented with mrna---to deliver to specific targets into the body---now we are making the new and improved techno-mechanical man soldier ---and this has just been foreplay  we haven’t seen the landscape yet get a full on hit---but we have been seeing the precursors to this as well with the fires in the west---and the floods in the east and the aggression in the mid west ---andd  the invasion across the south and the poisoning of the wells with the train wrecks and water rationing for cobalt---its an interesting scenario all being coordinated  with precision---still think you need to involve yourself with AI??? Still think it profitable to invest in a a doomsday device-? That is capable of controlling every aspect of your life and is capable of undermining you at every turn??? Makes you glad your on the shit hole watching a shit show ---see all the shit rolling down hill---but the show must go on with more and more assaults more and more chaos--- the more and more you re sitting on the edge of your seat eating the GMO ( hi jacked) popcorn—drinking youre cola s  or beer---waiting for next weeks episode on How am I going to get lied to so I can volunteer to be the next guinea pig ---starring ---YOU—and co stars –youre neighbors and friends will also slide down a grease pole right into the mouth of the abyss---yumm you taste delicious to the AI ---Burppp!!! Now as well we can see in all of this how fast we are advancing to our end game---literally when you see all this tech

and observe that its all being targeted on mankind or the earth---then you have to realize your whole life has been a delusion of any reality---we are in a twilight zone literally and the players running the program exceed the theatrical jokers in charge of the planet as we see it---you have to get passed the simulations—the holograms the  reality may unnerve you ---stun you---put you in a place where you re unsettled and seem to be disorientated---don’t worry that’s normal---you re shifting away from the lie and whats happening you re starting to really see the fabric of Unreality—and will then reflect back on all the wasted years following an agenda that’s just total deception---BS to the nth degree and will also observe---that theres really all that is here is just BS abnd wonder why the planet itself wasn’t called BS !!!! some people have already come to this truth and the rest think they are conspiratist---that’s the program to keep them in there kennels---in there fences---hmm 15 mini pow camps---the harvesting fields where people get harvested---and don’t even see it---that’s all part of the new and improved weaponary ---so you will never know how you re being hit with psychotronic weaponary and wont even see the magnetic effect on your brain being altered---the loading up of genetics and  and the saturation of nanobiotec with all the activation And programming---the Trojan Horse---“eat whats orgasmically organic”” its natural” all biological” its wholesome”found in nature”health food” and the many other promotions on eating those foods instead of these foods—directing you to be targeted with this gain of function ---then theres the health food industry---ever read the content of the “health foods” the orgasmically organic—the biologique” it may shock some of you ---but they are all using Bioengineered materials---further installing more Trojan horses--- ---and that’s the genetic aspect of the gain of function now theres the techno aspect—operating systems on the nano and pico scales that are embedded in the dna off all the foods youre eating waiting to hack you on every level---while the genes in the food further corrupt you on the dna gene and chromosome level---why people over decades are born unhealthy—and developed mutations and are seeing things shaping or growing out of there bodies or shedding technologies as well as being hacked with frequencies—and the firing mechanisms are all around you---and that’s just foreplay--- we are deeper in the well then anyone can imagine and those who have eyes to see will and those who have ear to hear will---they will be the ones who will get ready---the rest----put us in your will—it doesn’t look good---You want a solution everyone does---but the thing is the solutions have to be resolved by everyone---no 2 people have identical lives ---and no 2 people have the big picture sooo the solutions being presented by the Occult who call them selves truthers---maybe the Trojan horse leading you to sorcery( alchemy that is being perpetrated as a boon –but in reality is a bane!!) Til you get to the point that everything is a program –an operating system—a synthetic biology—a programmable peptides—a operating systems in operating systems---you wont see it coming---and in fact you may already have been assimilated and networked---The nanoweapon is inside of everyone and in some levels---some more pronounced then others ---but with the continual assault with freq these get directed to follow what ever instruction they are being transmitted to follow this  or this at the 33.30 mark---hahaha 33 seems to be coincidental but you see this 2 minute scenes is expressing the truth on the nature of this weapon that they are propagating as the engine of salvation---more like the destructive force that will alter YOUR reality because none of the diseases of yesteryear is the cause ---and with the added epigenetic contribution---everything mutates---everything is altered and a lot of the goofy goof ball gurus don’t have a clue and keep on selling things that are totally obsolete or utilizing therapies that further increase the saturation of the self replication and assemblying inside of you and would even have you recycle the synthetic bio pathogen that you just expelled—these aren’t the good old days and as I stated on the first few lines ---the war is on and you re about to be erased--- so when are you going to battle??? After all its you being hacked!!!!! And you want to know how---- its simple the tethers of the system has everyone blind

---when you can see this then you re on your way

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