tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
I just received a couple of pages on the “med bed” and this “quantum” Techno rip off ---the Japanese in Japan are now being conned to release their hard earned yen to these charlatans

I just received a couple of pages on the “med bed” and this “quantum” Techno rip off ---the Japanese in Japan are now being conned to release their hard earned yen to these charlatans

who profess they are in communication with the great beyond and these beyonders have given them the secret to the solutions that can redeem men and women for only a measley 5500 dollars

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

I just received a couple of pages on the “med bed” and this “quantum” Techno rip off ---the Japanese in Japan  are now being conned to release their hard earned yen to these charlatans  who profess they are in communication with the great beyond and these beyonders have given them the secret to the solutions that can redeem men and women for only a measley 5500 dollars 

 orrr for this med bed that’s supposedly will come in and turn you into a mercabah!!!! Wooooo what a rush ---now this is definitely not new age---no this is worse---this is Bullshit AGE deception to the Nth degree and the claims on both of these things is so outlandish---we are talking to the galaxy woo woo and we have been given a message for all of you suckers ---I mean people who are panicked and desperate for some kind of solution(s) to date there aren’t any legitmate solutions to the injections  ---ZERO!!!!! What we are seeing here is the worst I have seen to market to people solutions that do FA !!!! here the other one ---where it can be easily have a slight of hand and by puttling a little grapene in the solution and activating the charge you get what looks like black GOooooOOoooOOOo !!!! OOOOo ITS SO GOOoOoooEY!!!   ITS ALL BS and I hope the Asians in Japan do not fall for this BS and save there yen for the war that’s coming to the pacific---we all know our wonderful leaders globally are setting the stage to kill off the population of the planet and you don’t need to support these swindlers!!! Then the crème a la crème this idiot is then infusing people with more nanobiotech to further break them down and destroy there dna and the use of the THZ freq ---releasing the fluids from the lips increase the hydrogen and causes the THZ freq to super conduct and further killing of Japanese people dna---this isn’t a solution this is a hijack and No one should believe any of these assholes for what they are telling you—None of them know nano tech –none of them are dealing with the LNP which bourla just mentioned how it hacks the dna with operating functions---don’t be a dope on a rope that will go down a slipper slope!!! And this is in Japan!!!! So desperation is not Just a western enigma this is happening globally to sell people shit that cost a fortune and does FA—heres another Sham conning people     -and they do the same thing they pay people to smile and say I got into the med bed and I went interdimensional and seen the Universal Fart ---OOoooO I was so privileged to see the Fart it shined bright lights and I was transformed into a butterfly and had a computer and on that computer I got a Bill for 5 bazillion yen for the metaverse trip I was on when I thought I was traveling the cosmos----I would bet that med bed is the scam of the century –next to all the other BS like c 60- nanosilver-adya clarity==methylene blue—silica—zeolites—fulvic acid---shilajit—yeast –soy and any other new and improved nanodelivery of metals or dna which doesn’t work with our biology—all designed to construct assemble –network –self replicate  into your body building receptacles of tech into the cells further corrupting the dna and then target you with radiation to further break down the dna and allow more integration to a complex intelligence singularity where you have absolutely no indentity ---just a designation!!!!! The further conquest of man and women in the far east---The reason I am pointing this out is to hopefull reach those in Japan so they don’t get Fucked with this crap---this will destroy all hope if these criminals get there hands on them it will be the end of there life savings and there lives---But also this is a warning to everyone else  so when this Shit hits the rest of the world or you hear some new and wonderful demonic device being sold at some exorbitant price to fix the jab damage that you don’t fall for this---“there s a new device out of Israel that will make you superman---or some new device out of Russia or germany that’s guaranteed to remove this and restore your dna---No one---is telling the truth here because none of these AH’s are dealing with the LNP which is solidly embedded in the helix of the dna---you re not going to do anything with this til that’s removed the nano disengaged and youre original template is restored and re engaged---that’s a fact---so all these devices are only---as there claims say  according to other 100th dimensional network from the far flung future where they only were chosen to tell YOU the secret that No One Knows except them---that should be your first clue---if they had such a grandiose revelation then that gift would have been given to the world for all to have not sold to the highest bidder---something to contemplate!!! The  Med bed is the most expensive Meditation method to date---imagine what the freq on the Thz band width are hacking out of a person because they aren’t one with OOOOOMMMMMM ---or they are focused on ----Nothing—in a meditative state -which means nothing  is now going to be filled with something---we call that possession---imagine that a device that makes you a portal for being possessed!!!! Now here s another distortion of reality we have going on everywhere---we waste more time with BS then almost any other thing-- --we get caught up with other distractions and deceptions that are a bit more mundane---this one is big for Canadians –especially during hockey season and the amount of wealth spent on something that gives so little---true story on this subject—a bud of mine has a son and hes got a couple of kids and spent over a 1000 dollars on jerseys and caps and paraphernalia on the lions play off---now he had no food no money for gas  --and spent money on booze so he could watch the game and root for the lions----now this is exactly what happens and his dad my bud was pissed with this because he said I don’t spend money on this _)(*() and I can and yet I have priorities ---wheres his---and this is where everyone is supporting a leech that has 2 heads and cries give give---and in the mean time you re paying and supporting something that has absolutely nothing to support or assist you in your quest to success!!! The priorities are there to distract you and waste resources and keep you spun while everything inflates you deflate or default!!!—So while everyone is being distracted with this then things happen  Like in iowa the waater has been turned off and why---the official reason is pure BS the realm reason is that they need to divert the water to a cobalt mine and so cause environmental issues because this is what the state or bankers do the still from the food supply and then use the resources and then release baack into the environment the waste ---another day in paradise –Then the war on Canadians by the Canadian govt ---no one is speaking of this and the media is not reporting this  so as a result the bleed out continues ---the people who are considered useless and or obsolete  are being terminated against there own will ---so as you can see the onslaught goes on through deception an nondisclosure we are in a constant state of being taken out---if you don’t fit in don’t worry allot don’t

tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-