tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
How Many of us still have parents alive---how many of us has lost our parents and the elders as a result of the shut downs---lock downs---the blocking of people who weren’t sick---

How Many of us still have parents alive---how many of us has lost our parents and the elders as a result of the shut downs---lock downs---the blocking of people who weren’t sick---

didn’t need the shot and still were imprisoned in a old folks fascility???and as a result ---how many of them never got to see there grand children as a result of the untested Jab that wasn’t a jab

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

  How Many of us still have parents alive---how many of us has lost our parents and the elders  as a result of the shut downs---lock downs---the blocking of people who weren’t sick---didn’t need the shot and still were imprisoned in a old folks fascility???and as a result ---how many of them never got to see there grand children as a result of the untested Jab that wasn’t a jab for a unverified outbreak that was never recognized or was able to produce any evidence to the reality of this and yet people did die off a disease---it was called the COVID vaccinationitis---Oh yes the contamination of people who took an untested injection loaded with operating systems and genetics that were never meant for any person and in fact utilized a MRNA to remove rna and install a  new function with the mrna ---accessing the programming from the LNP---amazing how this works---lie to the GP---make them fear and think theres some kind of bogey man and then suspend there privileges ---like children to make or force them to comply to a lie!!! And has there been anyone in public ofc that has even hinted in regard to removing all  implementations of these bioengineered operations that have been inserted into the body??? None to date!!! Have there been any real success other then to sell or make some of the most ludicrous comment on how to deal with the impacts of the C-O-V-I-D = Certification of Identification and then the date it was Identified or had continued??? Now we have been seeing all kinds of sloppy scienitific  methods to convince everyone they have a solution---to stop the violation of the nanobioengineering---and what are we seeing ---theatre---total theatre ---we are going to use tobacco—now to stop  the assembly of this tech and shut down the covid?? Where did these people learn anything closely resembling medical??? I would hate for them to do any kind of iagnostic ---they should all go back and get a refund ---they obviously didn’t learn anything ---nowwwwwwww take walk on the intellect side for a change---how many people died that you know that smoked???---in Windsor alone from my home town we lost in essex county almost half the population to the Injections ---not to covid  but the injections the received believeing in the BS and I would suspect 80-90% of them used some form of tobacco------and DIED!!! From the Jab---now  we have this profound medical in South America that all they did was distract everyone to the graphene---and even said its magnetic---when anyone with 1 functioning brain cell can look that up and realize that it’s a diamagnetic---meaning it doesn’t get attracted to a magnetic field but REPELS this---so what have we been seeing---Theatre---lies---deceptions---anyone ever read the warning lables on the side of the cigarette packages---ever see the health warnings??? Do you think perhaps that they want  you to weaken you re respiratory system to further inflict some airborne gain of function infection to simulate a fake contagion to drive people into the arms of the medical Assassins!!! You see People don’t want to grow up but what they want is to suck up---and all this has done is execute a lot of people---The beat goes on and on and on – Now we also see that the more you try to warn people the more they run to the govt s to get these injections—and they are going to contrinue with wave after wave after wave to wear down people and they feel that they will win in the long run---but in the long run they won t ---buttttttttt they will be in full power because people like this will surrender there  power to accept this kill shot and will never even know what killed them!!!!  Some of you will see this and Go OHHH yesss this is exactly this –and others will be totally oblivious that this is about them and they they will continue in there delusions that this isn t them!!! All I can say is put me in your will!!!! Because when you see this---you will begin to understand as to why the killed your Mum s and Dad s and why they still think you re as dumb as a Monkey!!! Here monkey I have a banana for you  ooo ooo ooo---here s a banana for you ---and all you got to do is let me jab you with this cocktail of genetics---we need to see the next phase of the experiment---we already took the stupid ones ---and now YOUR NEXT!!!!! “In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones.--- You notice they say the STUPID ONES!!!!! Why do you think they put it this way??? I mean all the quackers out here talking about the “COVID SHOT” and all the  solutions they have given—NONE OF THEM WORK!!!! And yet with the desperation—people still will adore these ministers of misinformation and continue to plunge things into there orifices---nano metals---yeast with a gain of function—foods that are genetically adulterated and still think with out elimination of these things that they are going to fix this!!!??? Its amazingly stunning how so many cannot see the connection here---how so many cannot reason out ---before vaccine ---smokers were walking around and were dying of cancer--- after the vaccines were administered  smokers and non smokers died of the injections----how many remember the nurse on national TV took the shot and dropped—and died hours later offffffff  donnnnn daa daa donnnnn the Insertion—the injection ---the Solution to taking the jab—the Certification Of Vaccination Identification—the shot was the covid--- SO I have to ask you  are you going to cage your mums and dads and granddads and grandma s again ? Are you going to watch them Die from a broken heart? Are you going to deny them the access to grand kids if they aren t jabbed??? Then the million dollar question is Are you going to die??? If you take the jab!!! I mean if anyone has 1 oz of brain that can still see through the illusion will it be your turn to keel over with the next wave of jabs??? After all they think of you as beast  and less then animals ---sooo – is the Sensationalism of something new and theatrical going to over ride common sense---I expect it will be the case –any time there is something new and exciting ---or something new and unvalidated ---always gets the attention soo we lose sight of the fight---No one to date that I have seen has got anything out of people who took the jabs and with the event of things that are always arising there is always a euphoric expose on what people tell everyone to get anyones emotions rolling---don t be duped --- Anything new today is that’s coming out is only dealing with metals---or so they think---but the whole thing is not metals but operating systems that get activated by freq---and the impact of the activation and the impact of the deactivation is what we really need to look at and what is not be looked at again unfortunately is the LNP operating systems---the show –the theatre takes precedence over everything including the facts and what we are seeing is the next derailing and the attention that these things get---and what doesn’t get attention is the truth imagine that !!! the thing to consider---where is this all going---we are taking out the elderly---who are on benefits---and if youre ready to retire then you are in the crosshairs to be taken out of the equation---You re a liability to the profit margins and stock options and now you are expendable!!!! The youth as well has been taken out  so whats left----those who are still able to pursue there dream---these are the essentials ---for now till they mass produce the 10 billion robots---  Musk said there will be at least one humanoid robot for every person in the world in the future, implying a total humanoid robot population of at least 10 billion or more, of which the EV company will have a significant share—SOO with all of this we can see not only replacements but a take over as well—and the  resources that are currently available are being compromised and engineered---the bread basket of the world ---is the synthetic warfare poisoning and infecting everyone –and as a result any technology that’s invasive---digitized---programmed---will impact you even in the most –minute way impede you or weaken you re organs and your DNA---this is the ultimate prize Your dna—this is whats being harvested and exploited—and this is whatthe majority does not want to see---they would rather play with toys—be entertained—and given sweets---we all seem to be  under the gun---but then there are those who will walk into the execution chamber and nowwwww the attack is on food –a duality assault—one where poison will come in so many ways—from genetics to synthetic biology—to technology integration –and people as a whole cannot separate the fiction from fact in this and get so easily mislead by the goofy ass guru s who perpetrate the idea you have an organic food that is being heavily sprayed with all of this an still are deluded with the idea there is a safe product---keep playing with youre cell phones---take your selfies---it maybe the only memory left of you when they bury you---because if you can t see this reality of how the signs are all around you---take away your history –and you forget who and what you are---where you came from and how you got there then  what ever is incharge can easily eradicate you---when we talk in terms of Science—Medicine---how is it that no one sees the contradiction here in regard to actual results!!! Has anyone been cured of anything within the last 100 years—NO!!! did the so called gene editing  that was introduce cure the out break? NO---and we are lead to believe that current out breaks are a direct or indirect cause of the lab created gain of function pathology that was in the injections---which was proven on national TV---and as well with the lack of evidence there was even a pathology of any kind but was only discovered as a influenza A and a influenza B ---we are now back being children and not assessing that perhaps this s BS!!!!??? –Youre the next extinction event occurring –with all that is going on and as the biblical truth speaks out my people die for lack of wisdom or knowledge depending on which verse---And if you look at the bible as some book---it is –it the operating system instructions of the times and unless you look and see the syntax of life you will not know the program and the script you re in---and how these “scientist” with all there designations are nothing more then idiots reading a script to further compromise you into adding to you things that aren’t “ scientific” but  lucrative for them---after all there funding comes from who???   How about soros--   or  the list of antagonist who have been supporting the undermining of the planet in the name of phialntropy--  Know youre adversary---and the way you can tell if this is true ---and this is for those who aren’t children more interested in the toys they have or the selfies or the popularity  contest that propagate---this is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear---where is the fruit of all of this!! You figure for 24 billion dollars you can house everyone in america living on the streets and yet---we still have homeless and a lot of them are destitute or ex military!!!! This does not compute---and how about Africa—with all that money being spent how come its been surpressed and used as a global experiment to develop bio weapns—with the current technology today and the satellites in space ---you would be able to find not only essential minerals for war but water to be utilized and to develop a self sustaining ability soooooooo wheres this happening ---in other parts of the world where drug trafficking and human trafficking is occurring you would think there would be some kin of end with all of this---when you think of the usa especially in the last 200 years they were one of the most prevalent in human trafficking  when it came to African workers forced to be here ---we call them slaves ---which is what they became –but in reality they were trafficked here—

then theres the food Science---the joke of the last 60+ years –the wonder science that was going to solve food issues globally has been one of the perpetrators of genetically altering Men and Women---and yet the advocacy of this is still being maintained---did you ever think perhaps food was being weaponized??? Then there is is this idea by adding more genetic programming to a person directly that this was going to make them better??? The concept is so ludicrous anyone ---who isn’t playing with toys can see this!!! Then there is the “science” of placation---let me explain---you inflict people with so much damage that anyone can come along and propagate the most ridiculous solutions ---that’s going to stop a operating system—and a genetic program –inserted directly to the dna—is going to undo what has been eradicated –or even better –applying a technology which is already utilizing nano materials of all kinds furthering the rewriting of the gene s by adding more of the components to increase the cocktail of these elements to further encourage the integration of the technology to cause more damage to the dna!! And finally assaulting the genetic code with frequencies of all sorts without the least bit of understanding of the nature of the programming---this is what we call science today---planetcide  destruction with the stupidest  media coverage to further cause mayhem in the name of salvation from a lab---which by the way has caused all the issues in the first place---bioengineered nanogentic operating systems which today the medical system is unprepared to deal with ---has no answers---and has blindly installed this system into people---orrr they would not be allowed to practice medicine----sooooo is there any legitimacy in them crying out saying danger danger—when there was never any anger tilllll you were infected by the gene editing operations??? They had to force people to take these concoctions---so if they were really any good  why would you need coercion?? Why would they need to bribe you with donuts ( krispy cream) mcdonalds big macs—paid tuition—tickets to a basketball game ---these are things you do to children who don’t want to take there medicine or eat something they don’t like---children!!!!  So here we are today again with the delusional Science that’s being propagated---to be some kind of standard---and they get away with it because there is no one to hold them accountable ---no institution---no committee ---because those safety standards are corrupt to the core!!! When the Monsanto  experiment done with the rats and they all grew tumours the committee silienced the studies by being threatened by Monsanto to cut off the funds!!! When the committee in Russia stopped the Russian scientist from further displaying that after several generation sof consuming GMO s would cause sterility or death –by doing the same defunding the instituitions----indicates strongly the recklessness of “Science”  If what scientist do today doesn’t benefit the military industrial complex then it never see s the light of day---  Crises there will continue to be. In meeting them, whether foreign or domestic, great or small, there is a recurring temptation to feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculous solution to all current difficulties. A huge increase in newer elements of our defense; development of unrealistic programs to cure every ill in agriculture; a dramatic expansion in basic and applied research-these and many other possibilities, each possibly promising in itself, may be suggested as the only way to the road we wish to travel.  SOOO how do you discern –what is real Science---seeking the truth—and what is Proposed as science –a comercillization of products based on presumptions--

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