tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Here Goes the Sun----orrr is it here comes the sun?? Then what is that in the air ---is it a Fusion Power plant in the sky and why is the real sun being blocked?

Here Goes the Sun----orrr is it here comes the sun?? Then what is that in the air ---is it a Fusion Power plant in the sky and why is the real sun being blocked?

Oh No another conspiring theory about the Sun gone down on me!!! But is it not going up or down ---or side to side ---butttt is it being used as a photon magnifier

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

Here Goes the Sun----orrr is it here comes the sun?? Then what is that in the air ---is it a Fusion Power plant in the sky and why is the real sun being blocked???---Oh No another conspiring theory about the Sun gone down on me!!! But is it not going up or down ---or side to side ---butttt is it being used as a photon magnifier with special lenses to amplify the out put of satellites beaming at specific locations---or a quantum communications grid----  Now heres something which I think ---speculatively---is predictive programming with the tech in the air ---satellites—and with there amplifiers –mirrors can direct the energy from the sun to hyper increase photonic out put power---could redirect that energy anywhere that the tech is aimed at-----

 So the leaders conceived of their most desperate strategy yet, a final solution the destruction of the sky. Thus would man try to cut the Machines off from the sun, their main energy source.----Now this is a definite fictious presentation but is it!!!??? This was the scene out of the matrix –released in 1999---now here we are today with radiation from the sky---notice I said from the sky and not the sun---as to what maybe directing energy to the earth to feed potentially a complex advanced intelligence that requires more power then we can sustain so we have ongoing today solar and wind energy supplying all this energy—and then the questions beggars to ask as to why do we need all of these things---the disguise or the deception is for a cleaner and greener  planet??? And yet they are providing devices that are pigs when it comes to consuming the energy and when the grid is unable to keep the supply because we have 6 billion people( maybe more like 4billion + as aresult of 40%  of the planet fell for the corrupting of there dna through deception and chicanery ---when it reality what killed people was inserting a untested cocktail of nano technology to a globally populace without ever securing the safety of the genetic cocktail with nano programming---)the supply being consumed at a horrendous rate due to the ever growing and expanding of its resources an function—Complex Advanced Intelligence-- ---now this is again a fiction---but I wanted everyone to look up for a change and think---elana freeland talks about an electric fence or a grid encircling the earth---with the magnetic field around the planet this would increase the ability to produce power through a grid-using an amplified magnetic field as a result of the “fence or coil”--and then theirs the hyper missiles that Russia and the USA and China have  which can avoid detection and fly at high altitudes ---what could these do to the sky with all that nano particulate saturation??? Would this scenario play out  ---Without energy from the Sun, much of Earth's life did not survive, leading to the total collapse of the biosphere. ” With the release of untold energy would this collapse the earths protective barriers that surround the planet and with the continous loading of the planet with nano particles in the atmosphere would that create a directed targeting of photons similar to a laser effect where by the frequency would come in a a form or solid photons or high intensity radiation being redirected by a super charged satellite(s) ? the Quantum Complex intelligence today is running the planet and there are merchants out there without a care in the world will market this technology as a plus and a benefit and profit for anyone who buys into this and yet  with the current scenerios we have---EV s that are useless and doesn’t solve the energy issues or the green issues will increase the stress on the current grid that is existing –and with the Artificial General intelligence –with deep learning AI—Chat gpt 5 or 6—with Generative AI-Super AI—Self Aware AI- machine learning AI-Reactive Machine AI—Networked AI---and the list goes on and on---and in all of these descriptive forms of AI ---not including quantum AI –or Complex Artificial Intelligence---these have already surpassed Man kinds collective intellect and as it continues to feed on data---Again consider what you are seeing---and then consider what you don’t see---there is a centralized AI that uses all if these different forms as a peripheral gathering intel and data and  then in a mater of quanta seconds can analyze—interpret—utilize  all the information and as it continues collecting information ona global level and analyzing huge amounts of data ---it continues to expand and grow requiring more and more energy to sustain its growth!!! Now the question that is staggering is it going to take a barrier like the nano particulates that have assembled and converged with each other to form elements in  the sky not even listed on the periodic table---going to be what contains this pandora s box??? Even after dominating the planet for nearly six centuries, the Machines had not been able to remove the nanite shroud. -----which meant that even with all their advanced technology, the Machines had been unable or, conversely, unbothered to remove the nanites.—So this is revealing an interesting concept that the tech would have figured a way to continue--- and then there is this aspect  We are now having climate activity with the current govts exploiting the GP to be taxed  on a carbon enemy---yet the taxes that are being enforced and putting people in undue hardship isn’t going to make a  damn bit of difference ---it’s a parlour trick to make the GP believe in this stupidity---to think by increasing taxes ---creating a 15 minute city---infecting live stock on purpose –and genetically engineering the crops ( organic has been a myth for over 60 years) that allowing corporations to further sell products to force the consumer to replace them after 3 years and to use out dated technology and not use what has been put on the shelf ---internal combustion engines that can get over 100miles to a gallon or switch to hydrogen  functioning vehicles---or to create products that don’t wind up in a recycling bin for at least 30 years--- these corporation s as well clean up the environment that they helped destroy like the rivers and streams and forcing banks as well to pay for the clean up since it was they who gave the loans---Then to quit overloading the planet with products that can think and take over ----then when the govts can have the power to shut down billionaires who have been instrumental in the compromised position we are in today---til this happens the planet will continue to recycle the same behavior and this doesnt solve the issues ---it’s the billionaires that have to pay since it was there corporations there companies that have caused all of this----And with the telecommunications grid as well as the space grid photon amplifiers how much more intense is the radiation affecting us ---since it can be manipulated with the heat waves from the fake suns that they can line up an fire an intensity blast anywhere across the planet---Notice the pains from within your bodies---do you think its something more then a flu---and you feel odd after being activated you think theirs a pathogen out there when all it is radiation poisoning!!! And yet you go too the allopaths( doctors) and they inject you and you get more ill or you just terminate--- yet no one is stopping the accessing you with 6g antenna afflicting you with higher doses of radiation!!!!~

So do you feel the burn by night –the antennae arrays and by day the activation by the satellites “Suns” or photon amplifiers that can increase the strength and intensity of the sun and convert the suns rays into a weapon!!! Using an Optical Amplifier  is something that amplifies an optical signal directly, without the need to first convert it to an electrical signal. An optical amplifier may be thought of as a laser without an optical cavity, or one in which feedback from the cavity is suppressed. Optical amplifiers are important in optical communication and laser physics. They are used as optical repeaters in the long distance fiber-optic cables which carry much of the world's telecommunication links.---There are several different physical mechanisms that can be used to amplify a light signal, which correspond to the major types of optical amplifiers. In doped fiber amplifiers and bulk lasers, stimulated emission in the amplifier's gain medium causes amplification of incoming light. In semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), electron-hole recombination occurs. In Raman amplifiers, Raman scattering of incoming light with phonons in the lattice of the gain medium produces photons coherent with the incoming photons. Parametric amplifiers use parametric amplification.===so now the question is whats really going on above us and what effect is it having on the weather---in regard to the damage being done with the anomalies happening and the stress on the techtonic plates and the 87ft tsunamis?? What was done April 8 that has been creating a domino affect triggering one event after another???? SO is the SDI ( Strategic Defence Initiative)  Been upgraded and whos running it???A good question since we have had “Space Force” pop up ---and  it would be safe to assume the other Super Powers Are also engaging  in there own version of SDI s and would do the same engaging in experimentation on there own people with radiation levels exceeding any safety margin---and we are all seeing the impact just in the environment—not to mention people everywhere dealing with the radiation poisoning that is affecting people  globally---heres a site to see

So as you can see radiation poisoning is on the rise and the  projection from the media is to say we have a “virus” and you need to be injected with  a experimental---so if you can actually connect the dots and realize ---even looking at this  illustration the ground waves the aerial transmissions and even the under water transmission we can see it doesn’t and wont take much for you to feel the impact of radiation poisoning---the symptoms of radiation  are similar to flu symptoms—and if you didn’t know any better would be mislead to take the wrong therapy or medicant that would have extreme negative side effects---sooo Do you think that those in charge are equipped to Misdiagnose YOU!!!  Another perspective of Spiritual—or Supernatural war we are caught in ---we are the centre of this war—and everything goes

tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
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