tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
EMR ---Blue tooth ---RF ---what do you think ?---could you being around people emitting Bluetooth impact you and make one think they are having covid symptoms---inquirying minds want to know!!
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:46:37

EMR ---Blue tooth ---RF ---what do you think ?---could you being around people emitting Bluetooth impact you and make one think they are having covid symptoms---inquirying minds want to know!!

but the cause is totally misdirected through some paranoia—neurosis ---or obsession that they believe they have something based on erroneous data!!!

Changes are Materializing

Things are changing and as a result of being in interim state I will need to make changes to donations. So as of now am going to use substack as the means of support financially to continue in R & D and Podcasting. For those who are already involved---nothing is going to change –access is there for anything that is currently there. Anything that is online --- vids and websites will be free to anyone who is already accessing them. Archives and books will still be for sale as well as Tech and Remedies—--- For me to continue what I’m doing, this change needs to be made. Through what Substack offers, I can continue with solution solving and data utilization that’s pertinent to the times. Keeping Up with R & D is always a challenge so consultations will still be available and contributions can keep me going to further better the results everyone needs without the rift raft we are currently seeing.

If you wish to support in an alternative way then send an email to or to be given details as to what can be done.

if you subscribe then there will be a 5% discount on purchases for the Flash Drive and Remedies with the extensive archive and data that can assist you with current situations. Remedies can be a formulary that can be designed for you and your specific needs. Anyone who has sent direct Doesn’t need to be concerned I will still be able to receive until November 30 2024.

Again thanks for the support I have received but with all this uncertainty in these times I have to adjust as well to go with the flow.

I can be reached t for consultations –tech products –orthonolecular and botanical supplements ( at the moment ltd rebuilding inventory ) books -Yannis Tutorial / Yannis Version of Spike "Consultation link will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial x / Yannis Version of Spike blog by aroy mak "Consultation link will be automatic blog by aroy mak Fiona for Health / Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" -- Zac-- and for consults –nanotech flash drives— - flash drives—

EMR ---Blue tooth ---RF ---what do you think ?---could you being around people emitting Bluetooth impact you and make one think they are having covid symptoms---inquirying minds want to know!!! I get all the time people who want to justify things they say they have---and sometimes theres a legitimacy with some that have what they claim---but then there are some so convinced they have something that appears to be a symptom but the cause is totally misdirected through some paranoia—neurosis ---or obsession that they believe they have something based on erroneous data!!! It’s a hoot sometimes---and sometimes its grief ---you hear and it makes one wonder why don’t they see it or even look?? Is it denial---or attention----or the need to feel recognized??? Who knows for certain but I can say people see things read things online and all of a sudden Identify with a symptom they don’t have !!

SO now let me ask everyone ---how many of you work ina work force where people are jabbed ---emitting a blue tooth freq—in a wi fi setting—li fy setting—high exposure to emf s—and more then likely near a tower??do you think you have covid symptoms because you re around people who have had the jab??? Does anyone realize what emr impact can do and how it can simulate all the effects of multitude of conditions that simulate

All kinds of conditions that are related to weakness –brain fog – weakness—fever—respiratory stress and even chest pains---does anyone consider this?? No usually the xenophobia kicks in and all of a sudden people are reacting irrationally making the selves sick with some kind of psychosi---Now in all fairness to them ---with the constant cult like agenda getting people to surrender there ability to think and even more shutting down there voices and make them obey a narrative ---and even shut down the ability to think and challenge the status --people will acquiesce to the concepts—policies –agendas- directives of what ever is being entertained by the ones who designed this---instead they feel they have covid where there is no covid ---never was—all a warp speed situation where the cover up for the release of 5 g happened instead of a pathology it was a frequency –meaning a operating system being activated by a access code or a program being transmitted—No one had covid ---what we all do have is an access point ---DNA—NANO Assembly-Freq –a thrumming -these activities can also lead to electromagnetic hypersensitivity which has a ton of conditions that also similar to shedding from the injected or symptoms of the gene editing operating systems affecting the dna and genes --- Again people wont look at there surroundings just get caught up with the consensus without even thinking that in today s times violations are being done genetically from the foods you eat to the air you breathe and the water you drink---this is called epigenetics---environmental anomalies that can affect the genetic code ---the function of the dna ---or the weakening of the immune system-----More then likely this is whats going on today due to the over exposure to radiation and theres a host of factors we are all involved with whether we realize it or not!!! --- as in everything we do and see its all a matter of perspective and what you are willing to pay attention to –and what you interpret--- The whole thing is always based on something superficial as well because we are always being maneuvered with what to look at how to look at it and only showing you the face of a card ---when the presentation or the sales people show you a face of a card all you see is the front of the card---because this is how they show the cards so while you re distracted with the face card you don’t pay attention to the edges or the back of the card and as well you don’t see the card

You just see what they want you to see without even realizing they have you in a state of belief an bogus nonsense they would have you accept as the only way to view things--- If you re aware of all the facts then you can make all the right decisions and if you re not aware of all the facts then you will make determinations based on a lack of focus--- Now will get into a little on the facts of the LNP---because I heard some people state they don t believe in the LNP nor do they believe in the dna ---yet our dilemma is with both ---and I even hear that some people state they were doing research on PEG –while some of us was working on solutions to nanopoisoning ---imagine that making a comparisons like these---but I digress heres one research on LNP activation and what it can cause ---when you read this specifically there is PEG in the LNP which cause a super high rate of inflammation when the LNP is charged ---Now based on the fact that nanobiotech can self assemble self replicate and self repair that means if you charge this it s going to do an assortment of things including all the above---so when reading this evidence as well ---take into consideration ---people will put on a show ---to display there theatre --- but here is also data real data indicating that it will react - --so the warnings are still there ---we don’t know enough about the LNP to just leap in blindly to just pop people with triangle or spikes or any other thing---and we don’t know either what the repercussions will be in the long term—and no one can predict this since no one is looking at this – read it for your self ---whats the long term impact going to be when something that was designed for something else is being used recklessly with any real experience with nano and now even more so LNP technology ---slick talk and manipulations in directing people and proclaiming evidence with something that had an effect without long term monitoring is not evidence that’s clearly ego!!! Then the other thing I wonder as well if something happens as a result of using these things on some one and it goes south ---I wonder at this point will they weave and duck ----and make excuses!!! Lets wait and see --But til then lets get educated so we aren’t reckless in are assumptions and we get reality ---something to consider--

Special Note and Warning---if you have taken any Jabs that has MRNA in ( LNP as well) DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT WILL RELEASE AN EMP OR A PEMF OR ANY DEVICE THAT WILL CAUSE ANY PULSATIONS OR CHARGE!!! DO SO AT YOUR OWN PERIL—We have had a report from some one who bought a triangle from some one ---I do not know who they purchased from-- and as a result they had a severe back lash—as I have been warning but no one seemed to listen ---everyone thinking they are smarter then they are ---ego and greed at its best—to justify a sale---as a result of using this device after being warned about the jabs and not to use---he was refused by me and went some where else to buy it---the LNP in the body got activated---and as a result hes now had protrusions and assembly in the colon and stomach region—and it has advance the release of the gain of function of their Bioweapon ----he contacted some one I know on this and said the assessment I made on the use of the devices is correct ---if you have bought any device ---whether a zapper—a spooky—a rife—a tenz—a PEMF –or any type of EMP –OR A Thz --avoid---the research was posted for 2 years not to use if you have been injected with any Mrna Jab---Again DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT CAN Activate ---DO not add any nano metal as well being sold as a supplement or otherwise !!!! Disregard all supplements that have had any kind of proclamation of benefit from Methylene blue - c 60 zeolite- silica- nanosilver or gold or any nanometal or any kind of shungite ( do not wear) yeast products ( has gain of function) any pico products—anything that has nanocontamination in supplements or cosmetics- all of these products can be activated and react to a signal with a directive through photons ( li fi –or feq wi fi or any other means of relaying a programs including sound and emr)

For those who did not take any MRNA bioweaponary—or any form of LNP device--- you can utilize the EMP/PEMF tech ---But do not take any nano metals in the Remember to get the best results to increase recover first deactivate the nanobioengineering ongoing with the body utilizing the tools at hand with the use of the anti nano products that have been introduced ---the upgraded anti nano buckets and triangles and the spike or the surge and purge tech these should be done daily as well to be optimal and then utilized products as free as possible of all excipients or make you re own to further increase success

Garlic Fermented Recipe- Take garlic and place in Jar of Vinegar and date this—shake occasionally—in 6-8 months blend and strain—you have fermented garlic—this will increase the Cysteine Levels and will have a more potent enzyme and Sulfur effect for fighting pathogens and fungi-bacteria or viral and microbial infections

Garlic Oil Recipe— Take a whole bulb of Garlic-Peeled and placed in blender or Manual Extractor ( wheat grass extractor) And add a 1 ¼- oil—use any oil of choice—olive—sunflower—coconut etc and add alcohol ( vodla- gin- white wine 2-3 oz) and then blend this at high speed for 10 minute total---this will heat the oil so be aware you may have to shut down the blender every 3-5 minutes---gauge by touchig the outer blender—if hot then stop blender-allow for cooling or stop process and pour into glass container---ORRR you can take the Garlic extract you made with the alcohol 1-2 oz and add to 3-4 oz of oil and blend for 5 minutes high speed—what you have is a fat regulating antibacterial-anti cancer-antifungal-anti viral anti parasitical regimen—you can as well use this for ear infections by swabbing the ear with this oil mix and then apply a cotton swab

Recipe For making a Green Tea Extract—take green tea leaves ( get the gunpowder if you can from china it is rolled up during harvest making it ka more potent green tea as well ) take3-4 tablespoons of the leaves and add to a blender then add 1 -1/2 cup of alcohol clear or brandy or wine—then put lid on and blend for 10 minutes and stop blender and strain through a handkerchief –this is one method---be aware that the solution maybe hot so even if you wait til it is cool or til you can handle –safely strain out the green tea through the handkerchief---this is an extract---to make it more potent take the extract and pour a portion into a pot and simmer it down to about half to ¼-1/2 of where you started--Then allow to cool and the bottle—this solution should be good at 3-6 drops 2 times a day—now this is an ultra potent extract

Nootropic formulas

B12 2000-5000mcgs + Coffee ( 1 cup or 1 tsp of the solution you just made ) + peppermint essential oil 1 drop in the coffee---extreme alertness and clarity for the brain

Pyritrinol 200 mgs + Sulbatiamine 200 mgs + Piracetam 500mgs ---this increase the antioxidant levels in the brain a well as the bette utilization of glucose for brain energy

Egg Yolk or Sunflower Lecithin 1-2 caps 2 times a day+ Wheat Germ Oil 1 tsp 2 + CQ10 or Idebenone 100mgs 2 times a day regeneration the Myelin sheath around the brain and other cells—increased oxygen and acetylcholine as well antioxidant support for the fats being used

Teas with Rosemary + Sage + Thyme + Bay Leaf—in equal weight in 2 pints ( litres) of distilled or reverse osmosis water will as well preserve the brain cells and as well increase the antioxidant elements throughout the body

Other herbs that are a good choice would be Rhodiola 500mgs ( with the right ratio od saldrosoides and rosavins ) + rosemary 500mgs + b3( niacinamide or NAD or NMN)

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