tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Electric Eye ---the AI in the sky feeds on you re every thought and its power grows?? Hmmmm electric eye 1982-ever read the lyrics

Electric Eye ---the AI in the sky feeds on you re every thought and its power grows?? Hmmmm electric eye 1982-ever read the lyrics

ever wonder why you are in the place you re in?? ever wonder why things in your life just seemed like a play scene where you weren’t in control of the end result?

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

   Electric Eye ---the AI in the sky feeds on you re every thought and its power grows?? Hmmmm electric eye 1982—ever read the lyrics---ever wonder why you are in the place you re in?? ever wonder why things in your life  just seemed like a play scene where you weren’t in control of the end result? Ever think why things didnt work out like you were told? –work hard and be successful but instead you worked hard and you broke down—made your self obsolete and what did you get for the dedication and loyality ---REJECTED!!! 

---Now lets talk all the things we are seeing---those who have yes to see and ears to hear ---what we are witnessing is the zombie apocalypse---its already engaged---right now we are seeing the mutherloond the UK being ripped asunder with the freq shit show and activating a group of specific injected people who in all likelihood have no clue---and when we watch these immans in the pulpit how much of this is fiction and a program activation?? The same thing happens in the west and it can be the same type of trigger but the program is different---right now the American “DREAM” is polarized on the distraction of 2 polarized demonic representatives and both are vying for power and both have decimated the USA and most amerikans cannot see this ---warp speed killed 30% of Americans ---there was no pandemic til the injections were introduced ---the scamdemic was to infect the people of the usa and the world whereby the numbers had reached 40% not the 15% that the globalist estimated ---congratulations planet earth you more or less created the success to be culled till you re down to 500millon as the Georgia guidestones was talking about or perhaps the protocols of “ZION”ding ding ding –warning warning –danger danger Planet earth---alien presence of the greatest destruction is killing the planet---and there Blaming Y-O-U!!!!!!! The Irony is all of this as well they want YOU to pay for here damage—there pollution—their damaging the ozone---there corrupting the food supply so you buy there pharma poison which you then shit or  piss out and it winds up in the water table—they want you to buy there devices and there contrivances that use up more resources and nowww they want you to become one with AI so you can be better controlled ---more entwined with the operating system so you don’t question---so you don’t think--- so you don t rebel--- and will gladly march into the extraction chamber to be harvested like food for the dna required to further keep the neon god that was made to   function!!!

This was a 60s episode---do you ever think that some simulation was going on even then talking about this subject---this is where people became so subservient to a machine and the high priest had an implant to communicate with an AI to keep it functioning and the complex elements they were feeding it was to sustain its hardware maybe though some form of transmutation because the particles already had in it the metals and polymers already  embedded in the dna of the plants?? Now its 2024 and the machine is QAI with its high priest of the WEF/UN/WHO who are sacrificing the planet---the west is losing because of the decadency and the immorality and the loss of God in the life of the countries—we have DICKtators who are obeying a demonic system and the means of HU man Sacrifice is ongoing—trhough hyper inflation practices that only serve the rich with the fake values of currency –even gold—putting people into desperation and destitution where people aer dying and being slaughtered at the expence of the rich and shamless!! The illusion of this system is being totally sustained by deception—there s nothing here in this specific theatre we are existing in that has any kind of realism and what is real is being buried by delusions and illusions to sustain the deceptions to keep one n fear and subjugation--- we have been turned into Mechanical Men an Women serving the cause of the systemic deception---the truth of the matter the wars that are coming is to keep people in this delusion—and to sustain the lie ---it appears every time we get to a certain level of evolution---which = growth and development—we get re set—and we go further backward---we are go BACK to the days of noah ---not forward---so we aren’t even moving toward the future---and in fact the inversion of the word is more likely what it means---can you see that even in the state of religions –the tethers are getting tighter and the evolution is going back to a robotic state where questioning a “HIGH---delusional” priest can be a death sentence---the high priest n politics are ----the Political leaders who if you question will suffer you to be killed---it will start of with you re economics then you re identity--- and then erasure---theres that word again erasure---being erased—this is how the lie is sustained---and now we are in the worst time because the charlatans---the ones the general population believe is going to “SAVE” them---will slaughter them like cattle---And then they are saying its Humane---

What will happen after the USA s selection!!! How many more people of the usa will be lead to a slaughter believing in the disguise that there gov t is going to “SAVE THEM” OR SHOULD  I SAY “SLAUGHTER” look at OoooOOOO canadone---its finished---look at Ireland---they are finished---look at the UK the weak policy makers are  on there knee s draing the swamp of forein nationals while the insurrection is being turned on by the zombie apocalypse ---we are all witnessing---we have been seeing TV shows of zombies and they are mutated and disfigured---but what are getting is a ove hyped version----what we are seeing with this in real time is the activation of people ---who maybe culturally or ethnically being activated and being responsive to this activation and being directed byt the programming being transmitted—no one is seeing this ---everyone is being to busy being polarized by stereo types—while the Machine in charge is activating the program--  Hollywood is already displaying this though the entertainment

  And with this in mind you have already seen Jay tuck AI is killing us—and the inevitable war with the people of the planet with a QAI---has already begun---the distractions are in place the fires and floods ---the mega tsunamis –all controlled by a AI complex software to further destroy any opposition—and a continuance of its existence---its almost appears like a virus ---overwriting the program---that would be YOU—the one that was given incharge of the planet but was surrendered to an operating system that has been assimilating creation---it first started with the reorientation of the food supply then the reorientation of the atmosphere to make it more conducive to energy harvesting and communications---then its been reorientating the whole machinations of the planet---and what we are seeing is the total disappearance of a race---through reorientation---look at the Olympics---seriously women are supposed to comepete ina totally imbalanced and outrageousness –and to recognize the mutations ---orr the reorientation of HU mans to be able to have access---this is just the beginning---the reorientation of the species is at hand ---injected mothers with nanogentic untested synthetic biology orientated to a QAI operating system is in introduced to further  eradicate totally any dna sequence that was initiated and allowed to evolve is now being dissolved---and the propagators of this insanity feel they will be able to control this reorientated creation –an abomination ---will be the ones who will decimate them as well---and there will be no place to hide ---imagine that as the theme initiated about AI in the sky having its eye so it can spy and privacy doesn’t exist---funny thing---everyone is talking privacy---and yet they are accessing the infiltrator of privacy to protect you from exposure---the truth of it all is –you re already exposed--- and the programs are keeping you that way---imagine that!!!

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