tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Distractions---appearances that seem to pacify the lie—and make you further comply---lies lies and more lies painted to appear what is emotionally feeling good!!! Then you have to ask—whats the point

Distractions---appearances that seem to pacify the lie—and make you further comply---lies lies and more lies painted to appear what is emotionally feeling good!!! Then you have to ask—whats the point

whats the point to all of this?? Who s creating this fiction and what don’t they want us to see??? Why this shockwave hit—notice ths storms---do you really think this is global warming?? ...

Support – is always appreciated—and want to continue to remind everyone deal direct and keep the prying eyes away from what we do in our lives—--if supporting this Audio- Post  please send emails to instruct what to do and here s how you go direct

"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

Distractions---appearances that seem to pacify the lie—and make you further comply---lies lies and more lies painted to appear what is emotionally feeling good!!!  Then you have to ask—whats the point to all of this?? Who s creating this fiction and what don’t they want us to see??? Why this shockwave hit—notice ths storms---do you really think this is global warming?? Or is it what they are showing you to hide the fact we are using weather to wag war ---on the country and globally!!! now does this seem a little odd that a weather front from cancun should go directly through georgia and then come through north carolina with the intensity it did ??then theirs the people---are they going to be re allocated and to where? SO is this far fetched?? Do you think its all hooey!! And some fictionaly concept--

  this is a reality and the perpetrators to all of this is Govt---No surprise since it gov t s that are making war on its citizenry and causing all the DISTRACTUONS!!!! We have this delusional idea that theres a election going on and that you have 4 candidates running to see whos going to be king of the hill—this is the perception everuone sees on TV but in erality you have no vote ---since it’s the board of directors  that decide who s the best “devil” to run the corporation—so what you really have is the illusion of a country---so what yo re really seeing and witnessing is the SELECTION!!! Now this is whats happening---the candidates are to busy blowing sunshine up each others backsides---we just witniessed this the other night with the VP have there dialect---not debate--- and while everyone is glued to the brainwashing medium called the Tell a Vision ---they are being totally distracted from seeing whats really going on in there respective domains---can t say country since you re not living in any---they are all corporations---USA was incorporated in 1871 to the commonwealth it s been a fraud for along long long time---the rest of the commonwealth---or should say common poverty sonce the monarchisitc system is a parasite which the usa is feeling more and more of these days because the assimilation is now progressing at an alarmining rate to bleed out every last drop of life out of this place---everyone can feel it  but no one can put there finger on it !!!

In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels. These levels could include unilateral actions, participation in a security framework such as NATO, membership in an international organization such as the UN, or participation in a

coalition. Assuming that in 2025 our national security strategy includes weather-modification, its use in our national military strategy will naturally follow.  –SO  while the show goes on we are seeing this assault going on globally and at present we are seeing it hit the usa---just like we have seen directed energy weapons throughout North America being utilized to wipe out communities but being presented as Some UN natural phenomena!!!

Now here we also have something ot only to initate a synthetic weather format we also  will be assisted with AI to utilize the weather for adversarial usage--- In the military, that could mean calculating the effects of El Niño on a future area of operation, for example. But as the speed of warfare increases, commanders must make decisions faster, which means weather Airmen will have to start coding solutions. -“I tell Airmen this, and they say, ‘Sir, I don’t know how to code,’” Stebbins said. “And I say, ‘You’re not necessarily going to need to know how to code expertly because the generative AI tools that you keep hearing about: OpenAI’s ChatGPT, for example, will produce code.’” Weather Airmen will need to understand coding well enough to employ secure generative AI tools to create solutions for commanders. For example, a tool might automatically alert leaders when the crosswinds are too strong for enemy aircraft to launch from a particular location, offering insight at speeds that would not be possible otherwise. ---SO this synthetic weather is being felt from everyone with out anyones knowledge ---you are out doors the weather forecast tells you its xy z for the conditions and you notice that the temps are higher then usual and you feel this burning but its internal---so when you go indoors you notice as well the external  is cooling off but the internbl is still sustained---what does this ---the sun orrrrrrr a Microwave??? Particle beams are effectively the “heat rays” or even “death rays” of science fiction. Unlike lasers, which burn the surface of a target, particle beams penetrate beyond the surface to affect its interior-----

The test  were intiated  anywhere around 2023 ---so while everyone s being distracted with the greatest show on earth---the choice of which devil you want to be lead by to you re extinction while the actors play there role the one who comes on Top will have the best record of annihilating the infrastructure---Slaverica  has many options canadone as well ---Tittles in canadone with dingaling singh has done more to destroy Canada then any political party s has ever accomplished---we have seen more death and the institution of Murder by govt then anyone globally---the corporation of America has done the same by promoting bioweapons ont eh GP and bioengineered food that has caused untold deaths and done quietly subvertly with the illusion of wholesome an natural and dare I say orgasmically organic!!!--

  so while the agenda s of the respective Networks( can t say countries since they are both aligned with the UN as a network  called global centralized governance ) are distracting everyone with concepts and ideals which are by designed to neutralize any real voice we will continue to see particle beams and weather warfare to reallocate and transfer people or relocated them to hubs an centres---  or just have them removed with some kin or expressed pandemic or some outbreak created by the same force multiplier that can cause the massive devastation---

  this will give you a summary how nanobiotech or nano gene assaults can adversely infect you and cause you almost every ailment known  in the last 60 years ---since everyone has this in them and has been experiences some form of debilitation as a result youre going in and out of medical fasicilities like a revolving door ---be exploited and experimented with every new and breaking developments---that’s you beraking ---financially as well as biologically and physiologically—this has been on going at an express rate of speed from going to 1 /100 people being ill to 99.9/100 being

This is the Military Industrial complex contribution to youre debilitation---the reasan why youre dieing---the reason quality of life doesn’t exist and being in slaverica you re number 1 meaning you re the first to have this shit tried on  and canadone is number 1a  to also be included in double blinds and further develop the efficacy of what is being used and promoted as the disease of the day and then once modified exported throughout the world to further carry out the complexity of control---using any and all means to keep countries subjugated to the plan!!!~

Heres some one whos been a professional patient---a constant sickie going through the ring of medical practices that were and are use less

Fiona For Health’s Substack
The Common Denominator in Today's Health Problems
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those of you have been through the ringer  connect because youre doing the same thing going through a ringer --  This will also show for the longest time Y O U have been the  live experiment  as well as to why you have the conditions you have and why nothing conventional will be effective ---you have to upgrade your thinking—as well as methods of use and methods of materials---

Remedy for an afflicted tooth ache by freq assault---apply on a pad ( paper towel) a zinc and copper chloride solution  on the spike pads and then engage the spike---apply to all sections of the body and apply as well to the tooth area---a lot of the teeth aches are from the gut and potentially gum s from the uptake of the nano particles and then they get activated

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